Pri rozh. o výbere zahraničného trhu /ZT/ ide o to, aby sa pre výrobky podniku vybrali najatraktívnejšie zahraničné trhy.
Z časových a finančných dôvodov sa odporúča uskutočniť analýzu selekcie trhu dvojstupnovým procesom:
1. predselekčný stupen
2. selekčná analýza
V rámci predselekčného stupna sa všetky trhy krajín sveta podrobia szstematickej ananlýze a prognozovaniu prostredia. Z množsva faktorov sa vyberú pre hodnotenie tie, ktoré zodpovedajú potrebám racionálneho výberu trhu.
Pri výbere trhu sa do úvahy berú najme tieto faktory:
-politické /polit. hosp. systém a ich stabilita, obchodná politika/
-zákonné /importné zákazy, kontingenty, clá/
-ekonomické /Hdp, hosp. rast, kupna sila obyv/
-technologické /status výrobkovej a procesnej technologie/
-sociálno-kultúrne /náboženstvo,nár. povedomie, systém hodnot/
-prírodné /demograf. sit., klíma, infraštruktúra/
Zisťovanie potrebných inf. o týchto faktoroch prostredia je spravidla bez problémov. Tieto údaje sledujú a poskytujú rôzne medzinár. institúcie ako napr. OSN, Svetová Banka, MMF ako aj nár. organizácie podporujúce export.
V 2. kroku sa predselektované trhy podrobia tzv. selekčnej analýze, ktorej štruktúra sa riadi podľa špecifických požiadaviek podniku na proces selekcie trhu. Pri selekčnej anal. ide najme o využitie procesu tzv. prehladavania zoznamu, proces bodového hodnotenia a portfólia trhu krajiny.
Pomocou bodového hodnotiaceho systému možno jednotlivé trhy krajín vybrať pomerne jednoznačné podľa ich atraktívnosti a podľa konkurenčnej pozície dosiahnuteľnej v príslušnej krajine. Hodnotenie atraktívnosťi trhu a konkurenčnej pozície možno takisto urobiť pomocou mnohých faktorov, ktorých zistenie by sa malo kvoli času a finanč. nákladom zakladať na sekundárnych štatist. údajoch.
!!!Všetky tieto analýzy je potrebné robiť vo väzbe na konkrétny produkt.
Niektoré kritéria hodnotenia atrakt. trhu:
- rast trhu krajiny
- štruktúra zákazníkov /počet zákazníkov a nimi odober. množstvo/
- rozsah cien
- kúpyschopnosť zákazníkov
- prístup na trh /rôzne obmedzenia/
- množstvo politických rizík
Největší databáze studijních materiálů pro střední a vysoké školy.
Hledejte v chronologicky řazené databázi studijních materiálů (starší / novější příspěvky).
9. Rozhodovanie o vstupe na zahraničný trh.
Rozhodovanie o vstupe na zahraničný trh - snahou by malo byť definovanie marketingových cieľov a politiky firmy; je potrebné rozhodnúť o objeme predaja v zahraničí, do koľkých krajín chce firma vstúpiť a aký typ krajiny to má byť.
K základným predpokladom vstupu a presadenia sa na zahraničnom trhu patrí:
- Existencia možností a zdrojov firmy (predovšetkým finančné zdroje, cenová resp. necenová
konkurencieschopnosť, KNOW-HOW, ľudský potenciál)
- Aktívne vyhľadávanie a využívanie príležitostí presadiť sa na trhu v podmienkach globálne
pôsobiacej konkurencie (využiť svoje silné stránky, jedinečné vlastnosti produktu, jeho
tradície, dobré meno, referencie)
- Adaptácia na podmienky regionálnej integrácie a vplyv štátnych opatrení na medzinárodné
podnikanie (predpokladá znalosť vonkajšieho prostredia)
- Budovanie vzťahov s dodávateľmi, odberateľmi, zákazníkmi a rozvoj marketingovej
Podnety a príčiny vstupu a ďalšieho pôsobenia firmy na zahraničnom trhu sú rôzne.
V súčasnom období vystupujú do popredia 4 hlavné dôvody:
1. Rast predaja
Množstvo potenciálnych zákazníkov vo svete ako celku je zákonite väčšie ako v samostatných krajinách, čo vedie firmu k tomu, aby sa v záujme zvýšenia objemu predaja a zisku orientovala na stále viac národných trhov.
2. Získanie zdrojov
V mnohých prípadoch ide o snahy motivované úsporou nákladov. Konečný úžitok sa prejaví zvýšením zisku výrobcu, resp. predajcu alebo znížením spotrebiteľskej ceny. Niektoré podniky majú za cieľ získať zariadenia a technológie, ktoré nie sú k dispozícii v domácej krajine.
3. Diverzifikácia
Podnik zapojený do medzinárodného obchodu v snahe vyhnúť sa negatívnemu dopadu z ekonomických výkyvov v jednotlivých krajinách pôsobí ako dodávateľ na viacerých trhoch. Rôzne krajiny sa nachádzajú v rôznych štádiách ekonomického cyklu v jednej predaj rastie, v inej v dôsledku recesie predaj klesá. Sledovanie stavu ekonomiky a následná správna reakcia je jednou z výhod zapojenia sa podniku do medzinárodného obchodu. Podobne, i zásobovanie si podnik môže zabezpečiť z niekoľkých zdrojov (krajín), aby sa vyhol prípadnému prudkému kolísaniu cien alebo nedostatku suroviny v jednej krajine.
4. Globalizácia
OECD globalizáciu charakterizuje ako proces, v dôsledku ktorého trhy a výroba v rozličných krajinách sa od seba stávajú čoraz závislejšie – vďaka dynamike obchodu s tovarom, službami a mobilnosti kapitálu a technológií.
Na zahraničných trhoch sa nachádzajú :
A. Neovplyvniteľné faktory
1. úroveň neovplyvniteľných faktorov predstavujú faktory domáceho prostredia
(faktory ekonomického, politického, právneho, demografického a sociálneho prostredia,
faktory odvetvového prostredia, atď.)
2. a ďalšie úrovne neovplyvniteľných faktorov predstavujú faktory jednotlivých
zahraničných trhov resp. svetového trhu, ktoré ovplyvňujú efektívnosť realizácie určitého
produktu.(faktory ekonomického, politického, právneho, demografického a sociálneho prostredia, kultúrneho prostredia, konkurencia, úroveň technológie a infraštruktúry)
B. Ovplyvniteľné faktory:
Nástroje marketing. mixu:
1. Výrobok
2. Cena
3. Distribúcia
4. Podpora predaja
Ďalšie čiastkové faktory, ktoré majú pozitívny alebo negatívny vplyv na rozvoj marketingových aktivít na zahraničných trhoch.
Faktory, ktoré hovoria za vstup na zahraničný trh
1. Nasýtený domáci trh
2. Strata pozície na domácom trhu spôsobená domácou, ale i zahraničnou konkurenciou 3. Domáci trh považuje výrobky za zastaralé
4. Na zahraničnom trhu vznikne dopyt po výrobku
5. Snaha predĺžiť životný cyklus výrobku
6. Vláda alebo domáce prostredie sa stáva protipodnikateľsky naladené
7. Príležitosť vyrábať v zahraničí
8. Rozloženie rizika
9. Úspory z rozsahu (nákupu, výroby, výskumu a vývoja, reklamy)
10. Vytváranie hospodárskych spoločenstiev
Faktory, ktoré hovoria proti vstupu na zahraničný trh
1. Clá, dovozné kvóty
2. Iné reštrikčné opatrenia vládneho charakteru
3. Rozkolísaná politická situácia alebo iné neistoty
4. Hyperinflácia
5 možností:
1. nepriamy vývoz
2. priamy vývoz
3. poskytovanie licencií
4. spoločné podnikanie
5. priame investície všetko je popísané v Kotlerovi, aj v Dudinskej žltej od str. 50
K základným predpokladom vstupu a presadenia sa na zahraničnom trhu patrí:
- Existencia možností a zdrojov firmy (predovšetkým finančné zdroje, cenová resp. necenová
konkurencieschopnosť, KNOW-HOW, ľudský potenciál)
- Aktívne vyhľadávanie a využívanie príležitostí presadiť sa na trhu v podmienkach globálne
pôsobiacej konkurencie (využiť svoje silné stránky, jedinečné vlastnosti produktu, jeho
tradície, dobré meno, referencie)
- Adaptácia na podmienky regionálnej integrácie a vplyv štátnych opatrení na medzinárodné
podnikanie (predpokladá znalosť vonkajšieho prostredia)
- Budovanie vzťahov s dodávateľmi, odberateľmi, zákazníkmi a rozvoj marketingovej
Podnety a príčiny vstupu a ďalšieho pôsobenia firmy na zahraničnom trhu sú rôzne.
V súčasnom období vystupujú do popredia 4 hlavné dôvody:
1. Rast predaja
Množstvo potenciálnych zákazníkov vo svete ako celku je zákonite väčšie ako v samostatných krajinách, čo vedie firmu k tomu, aby sa v záujme zvýšenia objemu predaja a zisku orientovala na stále viac národných trhov.
2. Získanie zdrojov
V mnohých prípadoch ide o snahy motivované úsporou nákladov. Konečný úžitok sa prejaví zvýšením zisku výrobcu, resp. predajcu alebo znížením spotrebiteľskej ceny. Niektoré podniky majú za cieľ získať zariadenia a technológie, ktoré nie sú k dispozícii v domácej krajine.
3. Diverzifikácia
Podnik zapojený do medzinárodného obchodu v snahe vyhnúť sa negatívnemu dopadu z ekonomických výkyvov v jednotlivých krajinách pôsobí ako dodávateľ na viacerých trhoch. Rôzne krajiny sa nachádzajú v rôznych štádiách ekonomického cyklu v jednej predaj rastie, v inej v dôsledku recesie predaj klesá. Sledovanie stavu ekonomiky a následná správna reakcia je jednou z výhod zapojenia sa podniku do medzinárodného obchodu. Podobne, i zásobovanie si podnik môže zabezpečiť z niekoľkých zdrojov (krajín), aby sa vyhol prípadnému prudkému kolísaniu cien alebo nedostatku suroviny v jednej krajine.
4. Globalizácia
OECD globalizáciu charakterizuje ako proces, v dôsledku ktorého trhy a výroba v rozličných krajinách sa od seba stávajú čoraz závislejšie – vďaka dynamike obchodu s tovarom, službami a mobilnosti kapitálu a technológií.
Na zahraničných trhoch sa nachádzajú :
A. Neovplyvniteľné faktory
1. úroveň neovplyvniteľných faktorov predstavujú faktory domáceho prostredia
(faktory ekonomického, politického, právneho, demografického a sociálneho prostredia,
faktory odvetvového prostredia, atď.)
2. a ďalšie úrovne neovplyvniteľných faktorov predstavujú faktory jednotlivých
zahraničných trhov resp. svetového trhu, ktoré ovplyvňujú efektívnosť realizácie určitého
produktu.(faktory ekonomického, politického, právneho, demografického a sociálneho prostredia, kultúrneho prostredia, konkurencia, úroveň technológie a infraštruktúry)
B. Ovplyvniteľné faktory:
Nástroje marketing. mixu:
1. Výrobok
2. Cena
3. Distribúcia
4. Podpora predaja
Ďalšie čiastkové faktory, ktoré majú pozitívny alebo negatívny vplyv na rozvoj marketingových aktivít na zahraničných trhoch.
Faktory, ktoré hovoria za vstup na zahraničný trh
1. Nasýtený domáci trh
2. Strata pozície na domácom trhu spôsobená domácou, ale i zahraničnou konkurenciou 3. Domáci trh považuje výrobky za zastaralé
4. Na zahraničnom trhu vznikne dopyt po výrobku
5. Snaha predĺžiť životný cyklus výrobku
6. Vláda alebo domáce prostredie sa stáva protipodnikateľsky naladené
7. Príležitosť vyrábať v zahraničí
8. Rozloženie rizika
9. Úspory z rozsahu (nákupu, výroby, výskumu a vývoja, reklamy)
10. Vytváranie hospodárskych spoločenstiev
Faktory, ktoré hovoria proti vstupu na zahraničný trh
1. Clá, dovozné kvóty
2. Iné reštrikčné opatrenia vládneho charakteru
3. Rozkolísaná politická situácia alebo iné neistoty
4. Hyperinflácia
5 možností:
1. nepriamy vývoz
2. priamy vývoz
3. poskytovanie licencií
4. spoločné podnikanie
5. priame investície všetko je popísané v Kotlerovi, aj v Dudinskej žltej od str. 50
8. Aké faktory treba zvažovať pri výbere medzinárodnej distribučnej politiky.
Medzinárodná distribučná politika je komplex operácií potrebných k tomu, aby sa výrobok dostal distribučnými cestami od výrobcu k zahraničnému spotrebiteľovi.
Cieľom medz. distribučnej politiky je premiestňovanie tovaru od tuzemského výrobcu ku konečnému zahraničnému spotrebiteľovi. Rozhodnutie o voľbe medz. distribučnej cesty je strategickým rozhodnutím. Distribučná politika je najmenej pružná politika v rámci medz. marketingových politík, pretože podnik priamo nemôže ovplyvniť tvorbu distribučných kanálov.
Ciele distribučnej politiky:
- zníženie N na odbyt na jednotku
- zvýšenie úrovne distribúcie
- zvýšenie imidžu distribučných kanálov
- zvýšenie pripravenosti na kooperáciu
- zvýšenie flexibility
Faktory ovplyvňujúce marketingovú distribúciu:
- nákupné a spotrebiteľské správanie – na rôznych trhoch odlišné
- charakter produktu
- zahraničná a tuzemská konkurencia
- historicky vzniknutá distr. architektúra krajiny
- charakter zahraničného trhu
- faktory marketingového prostredia (eko. vyspelosť, kvalita infraštruktúry)
- veľkosť podniku, jeho finančná sila
Pri distribúcii produktov konečným spotrebiteľom musí firma brať do úvahy:
- distribučný systém krajiny a jeho organizáciu
- vnútroštátne kanály distribúcie sa líšia v jednotlivých krajinách
- rozdiel je vo veľkosti a charaktere maloobchodných jednotiek
- vo vyspelých štátoch dominujú veľkokapacitné maloobchodné reťazce
- inde – funkciu maloobchodu vykonávajú malé predajne tržnice
Tendencia distribúcie ako hodnoty vnímanej zákazníkom = geografická vzdialenosť – ide o sprístupnenie produktu zákazníkom
Cieľom medz. distribučnej politiky je premiestňovanie tovaru od tuzemského výrobcu ku konečnému zahraničnému spotrebiteľovi. Rozhodnutie o voľbe medz. distribučnej cesty je strategickým rozhodnutím. Distribučná politika je najmenej pružná politika v rámci medz. marketingových politík, pretože podnik priamo nemôže ovplyvniť tvorbu distribučných kanálov.
Ciele distribučnej politiky:
- zníženie N na odbyt na jednotku
- zvýšenie úrovne distribúcie
- zvýšenie imidžu distribučných kanálov
- zvýšenie pripravenosti na kooperáciu
- zvýšenie flexibility
Faktory ovplyvňujúce marketingovú distribúciu:
- nákupné a spotrebiteľské správanie – na rôznych trhoch odlišné
- charakter produktu
- zahraničná a tuzemská konkurencia
- historicky vzniknutá distr. architektúra krajiny
- charakter zahraničného trhu
- faktory marketingového prostredia (eko. vyspelosť, kvalita infraštruktúry)
- veľkosť podniku, jeho finančná sila
Pri distribúcii produktov konečným spotrebiteľom musí firma brať do úvahy:
- distribučný systém krajiny a jeho organizáciu
- vnútroštátne kanály distribúcie sa líšia v jednotlivých krajinách
- rozdiel je vo veľkosti a charaktere maloobchodných jednotiek
- vo vyspelých štátoch dominujú veľkokapacitné maloobchodné reťazce
- inde – funkciu maloobchodu vykonávajú malé predajne tržnice
Tendencia distribúcie ako hodnoty vnímanej zákazníkom = geografická vzdialenosť – ide o sprístupnenie produktu zákazníkom
7. Ako kultúrne prostredie ovplyvňuje správanie sa spotrebiteľa.
Kultúra je prítomná v rozličných aspektoch správania spotrebiteľa i v samotných predmetoch spotreby.
Vplyv kultúrneho prostredia je zreteľný najmä v troch oblastiach:
- v sociálno-kultúrnych štruktúrach (hodnoty, inštitúcie a sociálne konvencie),
- v systéme komunikácie, jazyka a vzťahov medzi jedincom a kultúrou, v ktorej žije. Predovšetkým v spôsobe, akým ovplyvňuje jeho chápanie, spôsob myslenia a identitu.
- v medziľudských vzťahoch mechanizmus rozdelenia úloh, sociálnej integrácie a soc. zmien.
Každá kultúra je založená na určitých dominantných hodnotách, ktoré môžu byť značne odlišné, ktoré ovplyvňujú spôsob komunikácie, priebeh a spôsob rokovaní, nákupné správanie ale aj spôsob spotreby. Tieto hodnoty ovplyvňujú niektoré inštitúcie (škola, rodina) a tak ovplyvňujú osud niektorých produktov.
Kultúra - rozumieme ňou celé dedičstvo spoločnosti zachované slovom, literatúrou alebo inou formou. Zahrňuje všetky tradície, zvyky, jazyk, náboženstvo, právo a umenie. Deti, ktoré sa narodia kdekoľvek na svete, majú v detstve rovnaké potreby na obliekanie, jedlo, bývanie. Časom keď dorastajú, sa ich potreby menia v závislosti od pomerov v spoločnosti, v ktorej žijú. Kultúra odráža ľudský aspekt okolie človeka. Pozostáva z morálky, presvedčenia a zvykov, ktoré sa človek učí od iných ľudí.
Úlohou marketingu je zabezpečiť zisk z uspokojovania ľudských potrieb. Aby pracovník marketingu pochopil a mohol ovplyvniť potreby spotrebiteľa, musí poznať a pochopiť jeho kultúru.
Spotrebiteľské správanie je diferencované v dôsledku kultúrnych preferencii. Kultúrne faktory determinujú ako štruktúru spotreby tak aj mieru spotreby jednotlivých druhov produktov. Poznanie kultúrneho prostredia pomôže lepšie pochopiť správanie spotrebiteľa a jeho požiadavky na výrobky a služby.
Zložky kultúry kultúrne hodnoty Rozhodovací proces spotrebiteľa
Vplyv kultúrneho prostredia je zreteľný najmä v troch oblastiach:
- v sociálno-kultúrnych štruktúrach (hodnoty, inštitúcie a sociálne konvencie),
- v systéme komunikácie, jazyka a vzťahov medzi jedincom a kultúrou, v ktorej žije. Predovšetkým v spôsobe, akým ovplyvňuje jeho chápanie, spôsob myslenia a identitu.
- v medziľudských vzťahoch mechanizmus rozdelenia úloh, sociálnej integrácie a soc. zmien.
Každá kultúra je založená na určitých dominantných hodnotách, ktoré môžu byť značne odlišné, ktoré ovplyvňujú spôsob komunikácie, priebeh a spôsob rokovaní, nákupné správanie ale aj spôsob spotreby. Tieto hodnoty ovplyvňujú niektoré inštitúcie (škola, rodina) a tak ovplyvňujú osud niektorých produktov.
Kultúra - rozumieme ňou celé dedičstvo spoločnosti zachované slovom, literatúrou alebo inou formou. Zahrňuje všetky tradície, zvyky, jazyk, náboženstvo, právo a umenie. Deti, ktoré sa narodia kdekoľvek na svete, majú v detstve rovnaké potreby na obliekanie, jedlo, bývanie. Časom keď dorastajú, sa ich potreby menia v závislosti od pomerov v spoločnosti, v ktorej žijú. Kultúra odráža ľudský aspekt okolie človeka. Pozostáva z morálky, presvedčenia a zvykov, ktoré sa človek učí od iných ľudí.
Úlohou marketingu je zabezpečiť zisk z uspokojovania ľudských potrieb. Aby pracovník marketingu pochopil a mohol ovplyvniť potreby spotrebiteľa, musí poznať a pochopiť jeho kultúru.
Spotrebiteľské správanie je diferencované v dôsledku kultúrnych preferencii. Kultúrne faktory determinujú ako štruktúru spotreby tak aj mieru spotreby jednotlivých druhov produktov. Poznanie kultúrneho prostredia pomôže lepšie pochopiť správanie spotrebiteľa a jeho požiadavky na výrobky a služby.
Zložky kultúry kultúrne hodnoty Rozhodovací proces spotrebiteľa
6. Ktoré faktory ovplyvňujú rozhodovanie o priamej zahraničnej investícii
Formy vstupu na zahraničný trh:
a) Podľa miesta výkonu
Výroba v tuzemsku Výroba v zahraničí
Bez priamych inv. S priamymi inv.
- predaj licencií - spoločný podnik
- kontraktačná výroba - podnik v úplnom
- zmluvy o manažm. zahr. vlastníctve
- zmluvy o školení a
Nepriamy Priamy*
Exp. podnik Exp. spoločenstvo Bez priamych inv. S priamymi inv.
Piggibacking ** Zahr. odberatelia: Reprezent. kanc.
- veľkoobchod (súčasť maters. P.)
- maloobchod Pobočky
- koneč. spotreb. Dcérske spol.
Generál. zástupca v zahr. (samost. PO)
(výhradný importér)
Bez skladu So skladom So skladom
a servis. odd.
* Výrobca vyradí domáci subjekt z exportného reťazca, ale vytvára exportné oddelenie
a nadviaže priamy kontakt so zahraničným odberateľom.
**PICK-A-BACK = niesť na chrbáte, jeden disponuje marketingovými kapacitami na zahr.
trhoch a poskytuje ich druhému na základe dohody na realizáciu jeho produkcie.
Najjednoduchšia forma – export
Najzložitejšia – aliancie (stratégia spojenia dvoch veľkých firiem)
1. patentové licencie (vynález chránený patentom)
- lic. Know-how (právne nechránené znalosti)
- franšízové lic. – predmetom je odbytové know-how a právo na používanie obchodnej
2. Ak firma nechce / nemôže zriadiť vlastnú výrobu v zahraničí
3. Sú bežné tam, kde sa dodávajú zložité zariadenia
4.,5. Predstavujú vyšší stupeň internacionalizácie mrkt. aktivít podniku
Vstup na zahraničný trh formou výroby v tuzemsku a v zahraničí predstavuje základné, rozhodujúce kritérium formy vstupu na zahraničný trh.
Licenčné zmluvy umožňujú zahraničnému príjemcovi využívať: výrobný postup, značku,
Vynález, obchodné tajomstvo, znalosti, skúsenosti, ...
b) Klasifikácia podľa miery rizika a nutnosti kontroly
Minimálne Riziko Maximálne
K Export
O Know-how
N Franchising
T Licencie
R Výhradný zástupca
O Joint venture
L Vl. podnil v zahr. s vlastným manažmentom
A Vl. podnik v zahr. s domácim manažm.
c) Klasifikácia foriem vstupu z hľadiska procesu internacionalizácie marketingovej
činnosti podniku
Forma vstupu na zahr trh, prame vlastníctvo montážnych alebo výrobných zariadení v zahraničí. Zahr spol môže kúpiť celú miestnu firmu, alebo vybudovať vlastné zariadení.
Výhody – nižšie pracovné a materiálové náklady
- dobrý image v zahr. – vytvára pracovné príležitosti
- vzťahy s vládou, spotrebiteľmi, miestnymi dod, distribútormi ...
- firma plne kontroluje svoje investície
Nevýhody – riziko zablokovania alebo devalvácie meny
- zhoršenie podmienok na trhu, vyvlastnenie
Faktory :
marketingové faktory
- veľkosť trhu
- rast trhu
- predstava získať podiel na trhu
- predstava zväčšiť export materskej spoločnosti
- získať si zákazníkov, kontakty
- nespokojnosť so súčasným postavením a rozpoložením trhu
- exportná základňa
obchodné obmedzenia
- bariéry
- preferencie lokálnych spotrebiteľov
nákladové faktory
- predstava byť blízko zdroja dodávky
- dostupnosť práce, surovín, kapitálu, technológie
- nižšie náklady na výr. fa, a distribúciu
- finančné výhody poskytované vládou
investičné faktory, štruktúry
- všeobecný postoj k PZI
- politická stabilita
- limitácie vlastníctva
- regulácie vo výmene meny, kurz
- štruktúra dane
- známosť, príbuznosť krajiny
všeobecné faktory
- očakávaný zisk
a) Podľa miesta výkonu
Výroba v tuzemsku Výroba v zahraničí
Bez priamych inv. S priamymi inv.
- predaj licencií - spoločný podnik
- kontraktačná výroba - podnik v úplnom
- zmluvy o manažm. zahr. vlastníctve
- zmluvy o školení a
Nepriamy Priamy*
Exp. podnik Exp. spoločenstvo Bez priamych inv. S priamymi inv.
Piggibacking ** Zahr. odberatelia: Reprezent. kanc.
- veľkoobchod (súčasť maters. P.)
- maloobchod Pobočky
- koneč. spotreb. Dcérske spol.
Generál. zástupca v zahr. (samost. PO)
(výhradný importér)
Bez skladu So skladom So skladom
a servis. odd.
* Výrobca vyradí domáci subjekt z exportného reťazca, ale vytvára exportné oddelenie
a nadviaže priamy kontakt so zahraničným odberateľom.
**PICK-A-BACK = niesť na chrbáte, jeden disponuje marketingovými kapacitami na zahr.
trhoch a poskytuje ich druhému na základe dohody na realizáciu jeho produkcie.
Najjednoduchšia forma – export
Najzložitejšia – aliancie (stratégia spojenia dvoch veľkých firiem)
1. patentové licencie (vynález chránený patentom)
- lic. Know-how (právne nechránené znalosti)
- franšízové lic. – predmetom je odbytové know-how a právo na používanie obchodnej
2. Ak firma nechce / nemôže zriadiť vlastnú výrobu v zahraničí
3. Sú bežné tam, kde sa dodávajú zložité zariadenia
4.,5. Predstavujú vyšší stupeň internacionalizácie mrkt. aktivít podniku
Vstup na zahraničný trh formou výroby v tuzemsku a v zahraničí predstavuje základné, rozhodujúce kritérium formy vstupu na zahraničný trh.
Licenčné zmluvy umožňujú zahraničnému príjemcovi využívať: výrobný postup, značku,
Vynález, obchodné tajomstvo, znalosti, skúsenosti, ...
b) Klasifikácia podľa miery rizika a nutnosti kontroly
Minimálne Riziko Maximálne
K Export
O Know-how
N Franchising
T Licencie
R Výhradný zástupca
O Joint venture
L Vl. podnil v zahr. s vlastným manažmentom
A Vl. podnik v zahr. s domácim manažm.
c) Klasifikácia foriem vstupu z hľadiska procesu internacionalizácie marketingovej
činnosti podniku
Forma vstupu na zahr trh, prame vlastníctvo montážnych alebo výrobných zariadení v zahraničí. Zahr spol môže kúpiť celú miestnu firmu, alebo vybudovať vlastné zariadení.
Výhody – nižšie pracovné a materiálové náklady
- dobrý image v zahr. – vytvára pracovné príležitosti
- vzťahy s vládou, spotrebiteľmi, miestnymi dod, distribútormi ...
- firma plne kontroluje svoje investície
Nevýhody – riziko zablokovania alebo devalvácie meny
- zhoršenie podmienok na trhu, vyvlastnenie
Faktory :
marketingové faktory
- veľkosť trhu
- rast trhu
- predstava získať podiel na trhu
- predstava zväčšiť export materskej spoločnosti
- získať si zákazníkov, kontakty
- nespokojnosť so súčasným postavením a rozpoložením trhu
- exportná základňa
obchodné obmedzenia
- bariéry
- preferencie lokálnych spotrebiteľov
nákladové faktory
- predstava byť blízko zdroja dodávky
- dostupnosť práce, surovín, kapitálu, technológie
- nižšie náklady na výr. fa, a distribúciu
- finančné výhody poskytované vládou
investičné faktory, štruktúry
- všeobecný postoj k PZI
- politická stabilita
- limitácie vlastníctva
- regulácie vo výmene meny, kurz
- štruktúra dane
- známosť, príbuznosť krajiny
všeobecné faktory
- očakávaný zisk
5. Aké problémy môže mať joint venture, v ktorom ako partneri figurujú silná nadnárodná spoločnosť a na lokálny trh orientovaná menšia firma.
Spoločný podnik (Joint-venture): Dve alebo viacero spoločností sa spoja, aby takto vytvorili novú spoločnosť, kde môžu spoločne spolupracovať na istej aktivite alebo projekte. Tento typ spolupráce benefituje z presne definovanej právnej štruktúry , predstavuje dobrý spôsob organizácie projektov, ktoré sú čo do zamerania mimo záberu jedného z partnerov a okrem toho pomáha rozložiť riziko na viacero účastníkov. Vo väčšine to však znamená aj značné investície pre všetkých zúčastnených partnerov.
Môže ísť o :
- predaj licencie (menšia kontrola nad výrobou, vstup na trh pri malom riziku)
- zmluvnú výrobu (malé riziko, znižuje sa miera kontroly nad výrobným procesom),
- zmluvný manažment (domáca firma zabezpečuje know-how pre zahraničnú firmu poskytujúcu kapitál),
- spoločné vlastníctvo (spoločná majetková účasť a kontrola)
Predsudkom vyjadreným zo strany MSP voči cezhraničnej spolupráci je ten - že vraj len väčšie podniky môžu z takejto spolupráce benefitovať. Pre malé spoločnosti je to príliš obtiažne, riskantné, nákladné a časovo náročné. Chýbajú im potrebné znalosti a skúsenosti.
Aj keď je to pravda, že cezhraničná spolupráca požaduje od MSP dodatočné úsilie a investície - dobrá príprava a podpora zo strany skúseného partnera (napr. organizácia MSP) riziká zminimalizuje.
Keďže jedna spoločnosť je nadnárodná a druhá orientovaná len na lokálny trh problémy sa môžu týkať napr. disponovaním s informáciami. Nadnárodná spoločnosť disponuje relevantnými informáciami pre spoločné podnikanie, malej firme môžu tieto informácie chýbať. Rozdiely budú i v zmapovaní konkurencie, trhu a zákazníkov. Rozdiely sú i v obratoch týchto firiem a s tým spojených nárokoch na dosiahnutý zisk. V spoločných podnikoch ani jeden partner nemá dominantné postavenie. Práve v takomto prípade by si nadnárodná spoločnosť mohla robiť väčšie nároky na aké má právo.
Riziká :
a) obaja partneri sledujú rozdielne ciele
b) snaha získať kontrolu nad JV
c) chyba pri výbere partnera
d) strata dôvery partnera voči partnerovi
e) finančné riziko, že sme nesprávne odhadli zábehový čas
f) politické riziko – nesprávne odhadnutá krajina
- neschopnosť formulovať spoločnú stratégiu a realizovať spoločnú taktiku
- partneri môžu mať rôzne názory na investície, marketing a pod.
- jeden z partnerov môže chcieť reinvestovať zisky, druhý ich bude chcieť odčerpať
- spoločné vlastníctvo môže nadnárodným spoločnostiam brániť v realizácii konkrétnej výrobnej a mrkt politiky nielen na lokálnom trhu, ale aj na celosvetovej úrovni
- vláda krajiny menšej firmy môže robiť problémy formou bariér vstupu zahr. firiem z eko, cenových a iných dôvovov, ak je orientovaná protekcionisticky, tak bude chrániť domácu produkciu pred zahraničnou, alebo chce zabrániť cenovému dumpingu
- zmenia sa podmienky na lokálnom trhu, zhorší sa situácia na trhu, finančné ťažkosti, poklesne dopyt, alebo sa zvýšia výrobné a iné náklady, čím sa zníži zisk
- závisí od preferencie spotrebiteľov na lokálnom trhu, nemusia akceptovať danú zahraničnú firmu, aj keď je to svetový gigant
Nevýhody J-V:
- implementácia a realizácia spoločného podnikania
- prísne vládne regulácie a podmienky, lebo vlády považujú J-V za neskúsené FDI, legislatíva ich konroluje
- 7 z 10 J-V veľmi skoro padli, pretože mali vysoké očakávania
- problémy záujmu, informančné nedostatky, slabá komunikácia pred a počas vytvárania a realizácie J-V
- manažéri sa zaujímajú viac len o vytvorenie J-V, menej o jej fungovanie
- konflikty loajálnosti
- nedostatok opatrnosti, nevedia ako riadiť novovytvorenú formáciu
- celá škála „decision-making“ problémov – stratégia, manažérsky štýl, účto a kontrola, mrkt politiky, výrobné procesy, výskum a vývoj, personalistika
- plány jednej a druhej firmy môžu byť navzájom konkurenčné
- problémy rozdelenia zisku
Výhody J-V:
- 1.vládne :
- vlastníctvo, akcionári – forma kontroly, hlavne ak vlastníctvo je príliš rozptýlené
- technologický rozvoj v krajine
- medzinárodná konkurencieschopnosť krajiny rastie
- 2.komerčné:
- J-V je hnacím motorom pre medzinárodnú expanziu produkcie
- Deliť sa s výsledkami
- Lepšie výsledky, ako keď partneri dosahujú individuálne
- Komparatívny efekt – jeden partner má technológiu, druhý financie a pod.
- Min. riziko pri DD kapitálových investíciách
- Max leverage effekt investovaného kapitálu
Môže ísť o :
- predaj licencie (menšia kontrola nad výrobou, vstup na trh pri malom riziku)
- zmluvnú výrobu (malé riziko, znižuje sa miera kontroly nad výrobným procesom),
- zmluvný manažment (domáca firma zabezpečuje know-how pre zahraničnú firmu poskytujúcu kapitál),
- spoločné vlastníctvo (spoločná majetková účasť a kontrola)
Predsudkom vyjadreným zo strany MSP voči cezhraničnej spolupráci je ten - že vraj len väčšie podniky môžu z takejto spolupráce benefitovať. Pre malé spoločnosti je to príliš obtiažne, riskantné, nákladné a časovo náročné. Chýbajú im potrebné znalosti a skúsenosti.
Aj keď je to pravda, že cezhraničná spolupráca požaduje od MSP dodatočné úsilie a investície - dobrá príprava a podpora zo strany skúseného partnera (napr. organizácia MSP) riziká zminimalizuje.
Keďže jedna spoločnosť je nadnárodná a druhá orientovaná len na lokálny trh problémy sa môžu týkať napr. disponovaním s informáciami. Nadnárodná spoločnosť disponuje relevantnými informáciami pre spoločné podnikanie, malej firme môžu tieto informácie chýbať. Rozdiely budú i v zmapovaní konkurencie, trhu a zákazníkov. Rozdiely sú i v obratoch týchto firiem a s tým spojených nárokoch na dosiahnutý zisk. V spoločných podnikoch ani jeden partner nemá dominantné postavenie. Práve v takomto prípade by si nadnárodná spoločnosť mohla robiť väčšie nároky na aké má právo.
Riziká :
a) obaja partneri sledujú rozdielne ciele
b) snaha získať kontrolu nad JV
c) chyba pri výbere partnera
d) strata dôvery partnera voči partnerovi
e) finančné riziko, že sme nesprávne odhadli zábehový čas
f) politické riziko – nesprávne odhadnutá krajina
- neschopnosť formulovať spoločnú stratégiu a realizovať spoločnú taktiku
- partneri môžu mať rôzne názory na investície, marketing a pod.
- jeden z partnerov môže chcieť reinvestovať zisky, druhý ich bude chcieť odčerpať
- spoločné vlastníctvo môže nadnárodným spoločnostiam brániť v realizácii konkrétnej výrobnej a mrkt politiky nielen na lokálnom trhu, ale aj na celosvetovej úrovni
- vláda krajiny menšej firmy môže robiť problémy formou bariér vstupu zahr. firiem z eko, cenových a iných dôvovov, ak je orientovaná protekcionisticky, tak bude chrániť domácu produkciu pred zahraničnou, alebo chce zabrániť cenovému dumpingu
- zmenia sa podmienky na lokálnom trhu, zhorší sa situácia na trhu, finančné ťažkosti, poklesne dopyt, alebo sa zvýšia výrobné a iné náklady, čím sa zníži zisk
- závisí od preferencie spotrebiteľov na lokálnom trhu, nemusia akceptovať danú zahraničnú firmu, aj keď je to svetový gigant
Nevýhody J-V:
- implementácia a realizácia spoločného podnikania
- prísne vládne regulácie a podmienky, lebo vlády považujú J-V za neskúsené FDI, legislatíva ich konroluje
- 7 z 10 J-V veľmi skoro padli, pretože mali vysoké očakávania
- problémy záujmu, informančné nedostatky, slabá komunikácia pred a počas vytvárania a realizácie J-V
- manažéri sa zaujímajú viac len o vytvorenie J-V, menej o jej fungovanie
- konflikty loajálnosti
- nedostatok opatrnosti, nevedia ako riadiť novovytvorenú formáciu
- celá škála „decision-making“ problémov – stratégia, manažérsky štýl, účto a kontrola, mrkt politiky, výrobné procesy, výskum a vývoj, personalistika
- plány jednej a druhej firmy môžu byť navzájom konkurenčné
- problémy rozdelenia zisku
Výhody J-V:
- 1.vládne :
- vlastníctvo, akcionári – forma kontroly, hlavne ak vlastníctvo je príliš rozptýlené
- technologický rozvoj v krajine
- medzinárodná konkurencieschopnosť krajiny rastie
- 2.komerčné:
- J-V je hnacím motorom pre medzinárodnú expanziu produkcie
- Deliť sa s výsledkami
- Lepšie výsledky, ako keď partneri dosahujú individuálne
- Komparatívny efekt – jeden partner má technológiu, druhý financie a pod.
- Min. riziko pri DD kapitálových investíciách
- Max leverage effekt investovaného kapitálu
4. Vysvetlite súčasný záujem veľkých spoločností o získavanie zahraničných firiem, ktoré vyrábajú značkový spotrebný tovar.
Môj názor:
- vidia v nich rastový potenciál
- keďže značkový spotrebný tovar je zárukou kvality, spotrebitelia uprednostňujú kvalitné výrobky
- ak veľká spoločnosť má dostatok financií, má možnosť posilniť takú firmu, ktorá tento tovar vyrába, získa tak v nej majetkový podiel a podiela sa na jej výsledkoch
- akcie firiem vzrastú a veľká spoločnosť na tom profituje
- zlepší sa meno firmy, teda aj meno jej značky
- firma bude mať viac finančných prostr na rozvoj, výskum a vývoj a má tak možnosť vyvinúť nové produkty svojej značky
- vidia v nich rastový potenciál
- keďže značkový spotrebný tovar je zárukou kvality, spotrebitelia uprednostňujú kvalitné výrobky
- ak veľká spoločnosť má dostatok financií, má možnosť posilniť takú firmu, ktorá tento tovar vyrába, získa tak v nej majetkový podiel a podiela sa na jej výsledkoch
- akcie firiem vzrastú a veľká spoločnosť na tom profituje
- zlepší sa meno firmy, teda aj meno jej značky
- firma bude mať viac finančných prostr na rozvoj, výskum a vývoj a má tak možnosť vyvinúť nové produkty svojej značky
3. Ako prebieha proces získavania nového zahraničného trhu.
- selekcia trhu je segmentačným procesom
- selekcia=výber trhu
- segmentácia = triedenie
Poznáme 2 základné typy trhov:
1. priemyselný (podniky a organizácie)
2. spotrebiteľský (T a Sl spotr. charakteru)
Segmentácia trhu
” Kto chce uspokojiť všetkých, neuspokojí nikoho”
trhová medzera – menší segment, ktorého potreby neboli dosiaľ uspokojené a lebo uspokojené nedostatočne
segmentovať = hľadať príležitosti na trhu - v svetových dimenziách pre našu ponuku
- F musí nájsť sv miesto v nejakej medzere ne trhu a potom sa pokúsiť získať aspoň 1 tohto trhu. Ak sa v medzere nachádza konkurent ovládajúci 50% zákazníkov, nemusí tam byť už miesto pre nás
- trh sa skladá z konkurujúcich, ktorí sa odlišujú tým, že majú:
- rôzne želania a nákupné zvyklosti
- bývajú na rôznych miestach
- rôzne pohlavie, vzdelanie
segmentácia = je proces, kt je založený na rozčlenení trhu
- m. mix sa musí dekomponovať (obsah, rozsah, intenzita), musia byť definované ciele a stratégie, ktoré musia vychádzať z analýzy trhu
Rozhodovanie o výbere trhov
- F vyhodnocuje a triedi možné trhy na zákl urč kritérií. Cieˇˇlom je zistiť potenciál každého trhu a prognózu návratnosti investícií
- selekcia=výber trhu
- segmentácia = triedenie
Poznáme 2 základné typy trhov:
1. priemyselný (podniky a organizácie)
2. spotrebiteľský (T a Sl spotr. charakteru)
Segmentácia trhu
” Kto chce uspokojiť všetkých, neuspokojí nikoho”
trhová medzera – menší segment, ktorého potreby neboli dosiaľ uspokojené a lebo uspokojené nedostatočne
segmentovať = hľadať príležitosti na trhu - v svetových dimenziách pre našu ponuku
- F musí nájsť sv miesto v nejakej medzere ne trhu a potom sa pokúsiť získať aspoň 1 tohto trhu. Ak sa v medzere nachádza konkurent ovládajúci 50% zákazníkov, nemusí tam byť už miesto pre nás
- trh sa skladá z konkurujúcich, ktorí sa odlišujú tým, že majú:
- rôzne želania a nákupné zvyklosti
- bývajú na rôznych miestach
- rôzne pohlavie, vzdelanie
segmentácia = je proces, kt je založený na rozčlenení trhu
- m. mix sa musí dekomponovať (obsah, rozsah, intenzita), musia byť definované ciele a stratégie, ktoré musia vychádzať z analýzy trhu
Rozhodovanie o výbere trhov
- F vyhodnocuje a triedi možné trhy na zákl urč kritérií. Cieˇˇlom je zistiť potenciál každého trhu a prognózu návratnosti investícií
2. Kultúra je veľmi široký pojem. Zamyslite sa nad jej vplyvom na marketing v medzinárodnom marketingu.
Marketing je vo svojej podstate univerzálny. Je však prirodzené, že v niektorých aspektoch s bude v rôznych krajinách líšiť a to z toho dôvodu, že aj krajiny a národy sa od seba odlišujú.
Kultúra je považovaná z internacionálneho hľadiska za najdôležitejšiu zložku medzinárodného prostredia. Marketingoví pracovníci by z toho dôvodu mali venovať zvýšenú pozornosť tejto zložke makroprostredia.
Kultúra je prítomná v rozličných aspektoch správania spotrebiteľa i v samotných predmetoch spotreby.
Vplyv kultúrneho prostredia je zreteľný najmä v troch oblastiach:
- v sociálno-kultúrnych štruktúrach (hodnoty, inštitúcie a sociálne konvencie),
- v systéme komunikácie, jazyka a vzťahov medzi jedincom a kultúrou, v ktorej žije. Predovšetkým v spôsobe, akým ovplyvňuje jeho chápanie, spôsob myslenia a identitu.
- v medziľudských vzťahoch mechanizmus rozdelenia úloh, sociálnej integrácie a soc. zmien.
Každá kultúra je založená na určitých dominantných hodnotách, ktoré môžu byť značne odlišné, ktoré ovplyvňujú spôsob komunikácie, priebeh a spôsob rokovaní, nákupné správanie ale aj spôsob spotreby. Tieto hodnoty ovplyvňujú niektoré inštitúcie (škola, rodina) a tak ovplyvňujú osud niektorých produktov.
Kultúra - rozumieme ňou celé dedičstvo spoločnosti zachované slovom, literatúrou alebo inou formou. Zahrňuje všetky tradície, zvyky, jazyk, náboženstvo, právo a umenie. Deti, ktoré sa narodia kdekoľvek na svete, majú v detstve rovnaké potreby na obliekanie, jedlo, bývanie. Časom keď dorastajú, sa ich potreby menia v závislosti od pomerov v spoločnosti, v ktorej žijú. Kultúra odráža ľudský aspekt okolie človeka. Pozostáva z morálky, presvedčenia a zvykov, ktoré sa človek učí od iných ľudí.
Úlohou marketingu je zabezpečiť zisk z uspokojovania ľudských potrieb. Aby pracovník marketingu pochopil a mohol ovplyvniť potreby spotrebiteľa, musí poznať a pochopiť jeho kultúru.
Kultúra je považovaná z internacionálneho hľadiska za najdôležitejšiu zložku medzinárodného prostredia. Marketingoví pracovníci by z toho dôvodu mali venovať zvýšenú pozornosť tejto zložke makroprostredia.
Kultúra je prítomná v rozličných aspektoch správania spotrebiteľa i v samotných predmetoch spotreby.
Vplyv kultúrneho prostredia je zreteľný najmä v troch oblastiach:
- v sociálno-kultúrnych štruktúrach (hodnoty, inštitúcie a sociálne konvencie),
- v systéme komunikácie, jazyka a vzťahov medzi jedincom a kultúrou, v ktorej žije. Predovšetkým v spôsobe, akým ovplyvňuje jeho chápanie, spôsob myslenia a identitu.
- v medziľudských vzťahoch mechanizmus rozdelenia úloh, sociálnej integrácie a soc. zmien.
Každá kultúra je založená na určitých dominantných hodnotách, ktoré môžu byť značne odlišné, ktoré ovplyvňujú spôsob komunikácie, priebeh a spôsob rokovaní, nákupné správanie ale aj spôsob spotreby. Tieto hodnoty ovplyvňujú niektoré inštitúcie (škola, rodina) a tak ovplyvňujú osud niektorých produktov.
Kultúra - rozumieme ňou celé dedičstvo spoločnosti zachované slovom, literatúrou alebo inou formou. Zahrňuje všetky tradície, zvyky, jazyk, náboženstvo, právo a umenie. Deti, ktoré sa narodia kdekoľvek na svete, majú v detstve rovnaké potreby na obliekanie, jedlo, bývanie. Časom keď dorastajú, sa ich potreby menia v závislosti od pomerov v spoločnosti, v ktorej žijú. Kultúra odráža ľudský aspekt okolie človeka. Pozostáva z morálky, presvedčenia a zvykov, ktoré sa človek učí od iných ľudí.
Úlohou marketingu je zabezpečiť zisk z uspokojovania ľudských potrieb. Aby pracovník marketingu pochopil a mohol ovplyvniť potreby spotrebiteľa, musí poznať a pochopiť jeho kultúru.
1. Ako možno chápať proces internacionalizácie a globalizácie a aké sú jeho dopady (pozitívne a negatívne), vrátane dopadov na marketing?
Marketingové aktivity sa za posledné polstoročie výrazne zmenili. Vývoj prechádza od exportného myslenia, cez internacionálny, multinacionálny, transnacionálny prístup ž ku globálnemu mysleniu.
Proces internacionalizácie môžeme chápať tak, že agresívny podnik uvádza výrobok predávaný doteraz na národnom trhu na zahraničný trh, kde si vzájomne medzi sebou dosiaľ konkurujú len lokálni výrobcovia. Lokálni výrobcovia aby odvrátili hrozbu zaútočia na nového konkurenta tam kde je najslabší a teda na zahraničnom trhu a nie na svojom lokálnom trhu. Opakovaním tohoto procesu sa konkurencia prenáša na celý komplex trhov.
Internacionálny životný cyklus výrobku:
- výrobok je úspešne uvedený na domácom trhu, exportovaný aj do zahraničia, pričom je na svetovom trhu dominantný pôvodný výrobca.
- životný cyklus tomuto exportu na vlastných trhoch stále viac konkurujú výrobcovia ďalších krajín.
- v tretej fáze sa konkurenti na svetovom trhu stávajú až doteraz dominantné krajiny.
- vo štvrtej fáze začínajú konkurovať produkcii krajine, ktorá daný výrobok uviedla na trh , na jej vlastnom trhu.
- predstavuje jeden z hlavných pohonov ek. zmien, kt. majú vplyv na všetky oblasti bežného života. Pri globalizácii vzniká anonymita, strácajú sa hranice (v dobrom i v zlom), stierajú sa hranice medzi inštitúciami na trhu, v produktoch
- termín „globalizácia“ bol 1. krát použitý v 80. rokoch 20. stor.
- povojnové obdobie – po r. 1945 – možno označiť za začiatok profilovania globalizácie, ako ju chápeme dnes. Západná Európa položila základy budúcej EÚ, vznikli mnohé multinárodné korporácie, rozšírila a zdokonalila sa letecká doprava i komunikačné technológie. Zlatým klincom historickej kroniky globalizácie bol vznik internetu.
- EMÚ má veľa pozitívnych dôsledkov
- rozšírenie trhu, väčšia transparentnosť cien a stabilnejšia hospodárska politika, kt. vedie k zníženiu kapitálových Nov
Základné delenie globalizácie
a) hmotná časť globalizácie – vyjadruje sa tokmi zahr. investícií. Obchodné údaje potvrdzujú, že globálna ekonomika sa objavuje prostred. regionalizácie v 3 hlavných obchod. blokoch: EÚ, ASEAN a NAFTA. Napr. v Európe v poslednom desaťročí 60 – 70% obchod. tokov prebehlo v EÚ. Zahraničné priame investície tiež vyjadrujú konsolidáciu týchto globálnych regiónov.
b) nehmotná časť globalizácie – predstavuje si pod ňou internacionalizáciu toku infcií a poznatkov.
Rozoznávame tieto toky:
• finančné toky, toky sprostredkovateľských služieb medzi firmami posilnené dereguláciou trhu
• formálna medzinárodná spolupráca v podobe spoločných podnikov, strategic. aliancií a spoločného výskumu
• toky globálnych poznatkov vo vedeckých komunitách a toky prostredníctvom médií
• transfer poznatkov prostred. väčšej mobility osôb a výmenných stáží v priemysle, politike, vede a kultúre
Globálne zmeny hmotných a nehmotných tokov uľahčuje digitalizácia. Siete infcií a komunikačných technológií umožňujú jednoduchší prístup k infciám. Globalizácia a digitalizácia majú závažný vplyv na geografiu a inovácie, a tiež na výber lokality. V praxi to môže znamenať radikálne zmeny v rozdelení trhu, modeloch rastu, zamestnanosti a príjmoch.
Nadnárodné spoločnosti dnes ovládajú obchodovanie vo svete (podľa Svetovej banky je 70% medzinárod. obchodovania v ich rukách). Už v r. 1990 ovládalo 500 nadnárod. spoločností 2/3 obchodovania vo svete a viac ako 40% tohto obchodovania sa uskutočnilo medzi týmito spoločnosťami.
Názory za a proti globalizácii
Zástancovia globalizácie:
- trh bez hraníc vytvoril viac pracov. príležitostí, vyššiu spotrebu – vyššia výroba a tento nekonečný kruh spôsobil – a v budúcnosti môže ešte viac – zlepšenie životných pomerov pre ľudí na celom svete
- výmena infcií, čo znamená aj lepšie pochopenie iných kultúr a povedie k definitívnemu víťazstvu demokracie nad autokratickými formami vlády
- zo spomínaných pozitív profituje iba úzka skupina vysoko postavených štátov, dokonca na úkor tých, kt. chce svojimi výrobkami alebo ideami pozdvihnúť z biedy
- efekt je pomerne opačný, v poslednom desaťročí sa znížil podiel najchudobnejších krajín na globálnom príjme z 2,3% na 1,4%
- najväčšou hrozbou je podľa anti-globalistov obrovská moc, kt. sa kumuluje v rukách nadnárodných koncernov
- tu už vystupujú princípy kapitalizmu proti ideám demokracie – namiesto volebných zástupcov ľudu rozhodujú o mnohých veciach, čo sa ich týkajú generálni riaditelia mamutích spoločností
Dopad na marketing – Aj napriek mnohým tendenciám ku globalizácii súčasný internacionálny marketing sa nevyznačuje negovaním rozdielov medzi trhmi, a tým i popieraním rozdielov v daných prostrediach. Nový pohľad na internacionálny marketing je poznačený globálnym myslením a súčasne veľmi silným lokálnym konaním.
Neznamená to vytvorenie jednotnej globálnej kultúry ale skôr mobilitu ľudí, technologie kapitálu alebo konkurencie.
Proces internacionalizácie môžeme chápať tak, že agresívny podnik uvádza výrobok predávaný doteraz na národnom trhu na zahraničný trh, kde si vzájomne medzi sebou dosiaľ konkurujú len lokálni výrobcovia. Lokálni výrobcovia aby odvrátili hrozbu zaútočia na nového konkurenta tam kde je najslabší a teda na zahraničnom trhu a nie na svojom lokálnom trhu. Opakovaním tohoto procesu sa konkurencia prenáša na celý komplex trhov.
Internacionálny životný cyklus výrobku:
- výrobok je úspešne uvedený na domácom trhu, exportovaný aj do zahraničia, pričom je na svetovom trhu dominantný pôvodný výrobca.
- životný cyklus tomuto exportu na vlastných trhoch stále viac konkurujú výrobcovia ďalších krajín.
- v tretej fáze sa konkurenti na svetovom trhu stávajú až doteraz dominantné krajiny.
- vo štvrtej fáze začínajú konkurovať produkcii krajine, ktorá daný výrobok uviedla na trh , na jej vlastnom trhu.
- predstavuje jeden z hlavných pohonov ek. zmien, kt. majú vplyv na všetky oblasti bežného života. Pri globalizácii vzniká anonymita, strácajú sa hranice (v dobrom i v zlom), stierajú sa hranice medzi inštitúciami na trhu, v produktoch
- termín „globalizácia“ bol 1. krát použitý v 80. rokoch 20. stor.
- povojnové obdobie – po r. 1945 – možno označiť za začiatok profilovania globalizácie, ako ju chápeme dnes. Západná Európa položila základy budúcej EÚ, vznikli mnohé multinárodné korporácie, rozšírila a zdokonalila sa letecká doprava i komunikačné technológie. Zlatým klincom historickej kroniky globalizácie bol vznik internetu.
- EMÚ má veľa pozitívnych dôsledkov
- rozšírenie trhu, väčšia transparentnosť cien a stabilnejšia hospodárska politika, kt. vedie k zníženiu kapitálových Nov
Základné delenie globalizácie
a) hmotná časť globalizácie – vyjadruje sa tokmi zahr. investícií. Obchodné údaje potvrdzujú, že globálna ekonomika sa objavuje prostred. regionalizácie v 3 hlavných obchod. blokoch: EÚ, ASEAN a NAFTA. Napr. v Európe v poslednom desaťročí 60 – 70% obchod. tokov prebehlo v EÚ. Zahraničné priame investície tiež vyjadrujú konsolidáciu týchto globálnych regiónov.
b) nehmotná časť globalizácie – predstavuje si pod ňou internacionalizáciu toku infcií a poznatkov.
Rozoznávame tieto toky:
• finančné toky, toky sprostredkovateľských služieb medzi firmami posilnené dereguláciou trhu
• formálna medzinárodná spolupráca v podobe spoločných podnikov, strategic. aliancií a spoločného výskumu
• toky globálnych poznatkov vo vedeckých komunitách a toky prostredníctvom médií
• transfer poznatkov prostred. väčšej mobility osôb a výmenných stáží v priemysle, politike, vede a kultúre
Globálne zmeny hmotných a nehmotných tokov uľahčuje digitalizácia. Siete infcií a komunikačných technológií umožňujú jednoduchší prístup k infciám. Globalizácia a digitalizácia majú závažný vplyv na geografiu a inovácie, a tiež na výber lokality. V praxi to môže znamenať radikálne zmeny v rozdelení trhu, modeloch rastu, zamestnanosti a príjmoch.
Nadnárodné spoločnosti dnes ovládajú obchodovanie vo svete (podľa Svetovej banky je 70% medzinárod. obchodovania v ich rukách). Už v r. 1990 ovládalo 500 nadnárod. spoločností 2/3 obchodovania vo svete a viac ako 40% tohto obchodovania sa uskutočnilo medzi týmito spoločnosťami.
Názory za a proti globalizácii
Zástancovia globalizácie:
- trh bez hraníc vytvoril viac pracov. príležitostí, vyššiu spotrebu – vyššia výroba a tento nekonečný kruh spôsobil – a v budúcnosti môže ešte viac – zlepšenie životných pomerov pre ľudí na celom svete
- výmena infcií, čo znamená aj lepšie pochopenie iných kultúr a povedie k definitívnemu víťazstvu demokracie nad autokratickými formami vlády
- zo spomínaných pozitív profituje iba úzka skupina vysoko postavených štátov, dokonca na úkor tých, kt. chce svojimi výrobkami alebo ideami pozdvihnúť z biedy
- efekt je pomerne opačný, v poslednom desaťročí sa znížil podiel najchudobnejších krajín na globálnom príjme z 2,3% na 1,4%
- najväčšou hrozbou je podľa anti-globalistov obrovská moc, kt. sa kumuluje v rukách nadnárodných koncernov
- tu už vystupujú princípy kapitalizmu proti ideám demokracie – namiesto volebných zástupcov ľudu rozhodujú o mnohých veciach, čo sa ich týkajú generálni riaditelia mamutích spoločností
Dopad na marketing – Aj napriek mnohým tendenciám ku globalizácii súčasný internacionálny marketing sa nevyznačuje negovaním rozdielov medzi trhmi, a tým i popieraním rozdielov v daných prostrediach. Nový pohľad na internacionálny marketing je poznačený globálnym myslením a súčasne veľmi silným lokálnym konaním.
Neznamená to vytvorenie jednotnej globálnej kultúry ale skôr mobilitu ľudí, technologie kapitálu alebo konkurencie.
25. Australia and New Zealand
25. Australia and New Zealand
Nouns and plural
location of Australia and the capital city
location of New Zealand
geographic facts about New Zealand
capital of New Zealand
Look at the picture bellow. You can see some marine mammals that live in the sea around New Zealand. Can you named them?
What is the nature like in New Zealand?
Nouns and plural
regular plurals - e.g. cat, table
irregular plurals - e.g. glass, dish, peach, box
nouns in -y / e.g. country, fly
nouns in -f / e.g. knife, wife
write the plural form of these words: a man, a child, a mouse
Read and translate the article, please.
On any New Zealand menu you will find locally harvested seafood, dairy products, lamb, beef, grain, fruit and vegetables of the highest standard. Many food producers are also certified organic growers – a result of New Zealand’s clean green image.
New Zealand wine is also unrivalled internationally. Varying soil and climatic conditions ensure a full range of varieties flourish in New Zealand – from Rieslings and Sauvignon Blancs to Merlots and Cabernets.
In recent years New Zealand has emerged as a truly cosmopolitan nation. Our cafes, bars and restaurants provide dining experiences to rival the best in the world!
Not only will your visit be punctuated by superb dining experiences but there are many opportunities to visit specialist producers of wine, olive oils, market gardens and farms.
The joy of many of these experiences is not only the produce itself but the people who deliver the goods. Often you meet the producer/winemaker or their close relatives and you take away a true understanding of their passion for their industry and what they do.
Nouns and plural
location of Australia and the capital city
location of New Zealand
geographic facts about New Zealand
capital of New Zealand
Look at the picture bellow. You can see some marine mammals that live in the sea around New Zealand. Can you named them?
What is the nature like in New Zealand?
Nouns and plural
regular plurals - e.g. cat, table
irregular plurals - e.g. glass, dish, peach, box
nouns in -y / e.g. country, fly
nouns in -f / e.g. knife, wife
write the plural form of these words: a man, a child, a mouse
Read and translate the article, please.
On any New Zealand menu you will find locally harvested seafood, dairy products, lamb, beef, grain, fruit and vegetables of the highest standard. Many food producers are also certified organic growers – a result of New Zealand’s clean green image.
New Zealand wine is also unrivalled internationally. Varying soil and climatic conditions ensure a full range of varieties flourish in New Zealand – from Rieslings and Sauvignon Blancs to Merlots and Cabernets.
In recent years New Zealand has emerged as a truly cosmopolitan nation. Our cafes, bars and restaurants provide dining experiences to rival the best in the world!
Not only will your visit be punctuated by superb dining experiences but there are many opportunities to visit specialist producers of wine, olive oils, market gardens and farms.
The joy of many of these experiences is not only the produce itself but the people who deliver the goods. Often you meet the producer/winemaker or their close relatives and you take away a true understanding of their passion for their industry and what they do.
25. Australia and New Zealand
25. Australia and New Zealand
Nouns and plural
location of Australia and the capital city
location of New Zealand
geographic facts about New Zealand
capital of New Zealand
Look at the picture bellow. You can see some marine mammals that live in the sea around New Zealand. Can you named them?
What is the nature like in New Zealand?
Nouns and plural
regular plurals - e.g. cat, table
irregular plurals - e.g. glass, dish, peach, box
nouns in -y / e.g. country, fly
nouns in -f / e.g. knife, wife
write the plural form of these words: a man, a child, a mouse
Read and translate the article, please.
On any New Zealand menu you will find locally harvested seafood, dairy products, lamb, beef, grain, fruit and vegetables of the highest standard. Many food producers are also certified organic growers – a result of New Zealand’s clean green image.
New Zealand wine is also unrivalled internationally. Varying soil and climatic conditions ensure a full range of varieties flourish in New Zealand – from Rieslings and Sauvignon Blancs to Merlots and Cabernets.
In recent years New Zealand has emerged as a truly cosmopolitan nation. Our cafes, bars and restaurants provide dining experiences to rival the best in the world!
Not only will your visit be punctuated by superb dining experiences but there are many opportunities to visit specialist producers of wine, olive oils, market gardens and farms.
The joy of many of these experiences is not only the produce itself but the people who deliver the goods. Often you meet the producer/winemaker or their close relatives and you take away a true understanding of their passion for their industry and what they do.
Nouns and plural
location of Australia and the capital city
location of New Zealand
geographic facts about New Zealand
capital of New Zealand
Look at the picture bellow. You can see some marine mammals that live in the sea around New Zealand. Can you named them?
What is the nature like in New Zealand?
Nouns and plural
regular plurals - e.g. cat, table
irregular plurals - e.g. glass, dish, peach, box
nouns in -y / e.g. country, fly
nouns in -f / e.g. knife, wife
write the plural form of these words: a man, a child, a mouse
Read and translate the article, please.
On any New Zealand menu you will find locally harvested seafood, dairy products, lamb, beef, grain, fruit and vegetables of the highest standard. Many food producers are also certified organic growers – a result of New Zealand’s clean green image.
New Zealand wine is also unrivalled internationally. Varying soil and climatic conditions ensure a full range of varieties flourish in New Zealand – from Rieslings and Sauvignon Blancs to Merlots and Cabernets.
In recent years New Zealand has emerged as a truly cosmopolitan nation. Our cafes, bars and restaurants provide dining experiences to rival the best in the world!
Not only will your visit be punctuated by superb dining experiences but there are many opportunities to visit specialist producers of wine, olive oils, market gardens and farms.
The joy of many of these experiences is not only the produce itself but the people who deliver the goods. Often you meet the producer/winemaker or their close relatives and you take away a true understanding of their passion for their industry and what they do.
24. Canada
24. Canada
Countable and uncountable nouns, expressions of quantity
Where is Canada situated?
What is the climate in Canada like?
What is the ethnic structure of the Canadian population?
Who is the formal head oh Canada?
Read and translate the text bellow.
When To Go to Canada
Spring, summer and autumn are all ideal for touring, though if you want to ski you'll naturally have to come in winter or early spring. For campers and those who want to visit the far north, the summer months of July and August are best. Summer is also when many of the country's festivals take place. Note that the peak tourist season is between Victoria Day (late May) and Labour Day (early September). Although spring and autumn have fewer crowds, lower prices and a more relaxed pace than the summer months, some visitor-oriented facilities and attractions may be closed during these shoulder seasons.
Countable and uncountable nouns, expressions of quantity
Can you explain what does it mean "countable and uncountable nouns"?
Can you give us some examples, please?
a few or a little?
Does your tooth hurt?
Were there many people at the party?
Is there any food left?
Do you have any books on French literature?
make questions with how much or how many
We've got some eggs.
We need some flour.
She has a lot of children
Can you buy some butter?
Some people are coming for a meal on Sunday.
Countable and uncountable nouns, expressions of quantity
Where is Canada situated?
What is the climate in Canada like?
What is the ethnic structure of the Canadian population?
Who is the formal head oh Canada?
Read and translate the text bellow.
When To Go to Canada
Spring, summer and autumn are all ideal for touring, though if you want to ski you'll naturally have to come in winter or early spring. For campers and those who want to visit the far north, the summer months of July and August are best. Summer is also when many of the country's festivals take place. Note that the peak tourist season is between Victoria Day (late May) and Labour Day (early September). Although spring and autumn have fewer crowds, lower prices and a more relaxed pace than the summer months, some visitor-oriented facilities and attractions may be closed during these shoulder seasons.
Countable and uncountable nouns, expressions of quantity
Can you explain what does it mean "countable and uncountable nouns"?
Can you give us some examples, please?
a few or a little?
Does your tooth hurt?
Were there many people at the party?
Is there any food left?
Do you have any books on French literature?
make questions with how much or how many
We've got some eggs.
We need some flour.
She has a lot of children
Can you buy some butter?
Some people are coming for a meal on Sunday.
24. Canada
24. Canada
Countable and uncountable nouns, expressions of quantity
Where is Canada situated?
What is the climate in Canada like?
What is the ethnic structure of the Canadian population?
Who is the formal head oh Canada?
Read and translate the text bellow.
When To Go to Canada
Spring, summer and autumn are all ideal for touring, though if you want to ski you'll naturally have to come in winter or early spring. For campers and those who want to visit the far north, the summer months of July and August are best. Summer is also when many of the country's festivals take place. Note that the peak tourist season is between Victoria Day (late May) and Labour Day (early September). Although spring and autumn have fewer crowds, lower prices and a more relaxed pace than the summer months, some visitor-oriented facilities and attractions may be closed during these shoulder seasons.
Countable and uncountable nouns, expressions of quantity
Can you explain what does it mean "countable and uncountable nouns"?
Can you give us some examples, please?
a few or a little?
Does your tooth hurt?
Were there many people at the party?
Is there any food left?
Do you have any books on French literature?
make questions with how much or how many
We've got some eggs.
We need some flour.
She has a lot of children
Can you buy some butter?
Some people are coming for a meal on Sunday.
Countable and uncountable nouns, expressions of quantity
Where is Canada situated?
What is the climate in Canada like?
What is the ethnic structure of the Canadian population?
Who is the formal head oh Canada?
Read and translate the text bellow.
When To Go to Canada
Spring, summer and autumn are all ideal for touring, though if you want to ski you'll naturally have to come in winter or early spring. For campers and those who want to visit the far north, the summer months of July and August are best. Summer is also when many of the country's festivals take place. Note that the peak tourist season is between Victoria Day (late May) and Labour Day (early September). Although spring and autumn have fewer crowds, lower prices and a more relaxed pace than the summer months, some visitor-oriented facilities and attractions may be closed during these shoulder seasons.
Countable and uncountable nouns, expressions of quantity
Can you explain what does it mean "countable and uncountable nouns"?
Can you give us some examples, please?
a few or a little?
Does your tooth hurt?
Were there many people at the party?
Is there any food left?
Do you have any books on French literature?
make questions with how much or how many
We've got some eggs.
We need some flour.
She has a lot of children
Can you buy some butter?
Some people are coming for a meal on Sunday.
22. Great Britain
22. Great Britain
What is the official name of Great Britain?
Specify the location of Great Britain. Which parts does it consist of?
What large British rivers and lakes do you know?
Can you tell us anything about the pictures bellow?
Complete the sentences with the right prepositions
1. 1.What's .... TV tonight.
2. The movie starts ....... 5 o'clock.
3. Do you come to school ..... bus?
4. I live ...... the second floor.
5. Why does Jane look so happy? Because she is ..... love.
Complete the prepositions of the place:
What is the official name of Great Britain?
Specify the location of Great Britain. Which parts does it consist of?
What large British rivers and lakes do you know?
Can you tell us anything about the pictures bellow?
Complete the sentences with the right prepositions
1. 1.What's .... TV tonight.
2. The movie starts ....... 5 o'clock.
3. Do you come to school ..... bus?
4. I live ...... the second floor.
5. Why does Jane look so happy? Because she is ..... love.
Complete the prepositions of the place:
23. The United States of America
23. The United States of America
Imperative and infinitive
How many states does the USA consist of?
What is the geographic location of the USA?
What you can say about history?
Which important cities in the USA do you know?
Do you know any of the national park?
Infinitive and imperative
the infinitive form of the verbs
How we can make imperative in English?
Posaďte se.
Pojďme plavat.
Buďte zticha, prosím.
Read the text and try to find the imperative forms of the verbs:
Discover Dubrovnik
The historic city of Dubrovnik is on Croatia's magnificent Adriatic coast. Go sightseeing around the old city walls and look at the five castles. Walk through the wonderful streets and squares of the Old Town and visit the museums. Enjoy a delicious fish meal or just sit and relax in street café.
Imperative and infinitive
How many states does the USA consist of?
What is the geographic location of the USA?
What you can say about history?
Which important cities in the USA do you know?
Do you know any of the national park?
Infinitive and imperative
the infinitive form of the verbs
How we can make imperative in English?
Posaďte se.
Pojďme plavat.
Buďte zticha, prosím.
Read the text and try to find the imperative forms of the verbs:
Discover Dubrovnik
The historic city of Dubrovnik is on Croatia's magnificent Adriatic coast. Go sightseeing around the old city walls and look at the five castles. Walk through the wonderful streets and squares of the Old Town and visit the museums. Enjoy a delicious fish meal or just sit and relax in street café.
22. Great Britain
22. Great Britain
What is the official name of Great Britain?
Specify the location of Great Britain. Which parts does it consist of?
What large British rivers and lakes do you know?
Can you tell us anything about the pictures bellow?
Complete the sentences with the right prepositions
1. 1.What's .... TV tonight.
2. The movie starts ....... 5 o'clock.
3. Do you come to school ..... bus?
4. I live ...... the second floor.
5. Why does Jane look so happy? Because she is ..... love.
Complete the prepositions of the place:
What is the official name of Great Britain?
Specify the location of Great Britain. Which parts does it consist of?
What large British rivers and lakes do you know?
Can you tell us anything about the pictures bellow?
Complete the sentences with the right prepositions
1. 1.What's .... TV tonight.
2. The movie starts ....... 5 o'clock.
3. Do you come to school ..... bus?
4. I live ...... the second floor.
5. Why does Jane look so happy? Because she is ..... love.
Complete the prepositions of the place:
23. The United States of America
23. The United States of America
Imperative and infinitive
How many states does the USA consist of?
What is the geographic location of the USA?
What you can say about history?
Which important cities in the USA do you know?
Do you know any of the national park?
Infinitive and imperative
the infinitive form of the verbs
How we can make imperative in English?
Posaďte se.
Pojďme plavat.
Buďte zticha, prosím.
Read the text and try to find the imperative forms of the verbs:
Discover Dubrovnik
The historic city of Dubrovnik is on Croatia's magnificent Adriatic coast. Go sightseeing around the old city walls and look at the five castles. Walk through the wonderful streets and squares of the Old Town and visit the museums. Enjoy a delicious fish meal or just sit and relax in street café.
Imperative and infinitive
How many states does the USA consist of?
What is the geographic location of the USA?
What you can say about history?
Which important cities in the USA do you know?
Do you know any of the national park?
Infinitive and imperative
the infinitive form of the verbs
How we can make imperative in English?
Posaďte se.
Pojďme plavat.
Buďte zticha, prosím.
Read the text and try to find the imperative forms of the verbs:
Discover Dubrovnik
The historic city of Dubrovnik is on Croatia's magnificent Adriatic coast. Go sightseeing around the old city walls and look at the five castles. Walk through the wonderful streets and squares of the Old Town and visit the museums. Enjoy a delicious fish meal or just sit and relax in street café.
21. Southern Moravia
21. Southern Moravia
Have to
Where is Southern Moravia situated?
Which bigger cities can we find there?
Which agriculture plant is grown in Southern Moravia?
Look at the pictures. You can see there a very famous castle, the whole area is even written in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Do you know what is it?
Have to
Complete the sentences with have to, has to, or had to and a suitable verb.
1. I ....... glasses because my eyes aren't very good.
2. Remember! When you drive in England you .... on the left!
3. I don=t like my job. Sometimes I .... till midnight.
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. job/ wear/ have/ in/ uniform/ you/ your/ to/ do/ a ?
2. States/ visa/ get/ to/ to/ go/ you/ do/ have/ a/ the/ to?
3. John/ does/ pills/ take/ often/ his/ how/ have/ to?
Have to
Where is Southern Moravia situated?
Which bigger cities can we find there?
Which agriculture plant is grown in Southern Moravia?
Look at the pictures. You can see there a very famous castle, the whole area is even written in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Do you know what is it?
Have to
Complete the sentences with have to, has to, or had to and a suitable verb.
1. I ....... glasses because my eyes aren't very good.
2. Remember! When you drive in England you .... on the left!
3. I don=t like my job. Sometimes I .... till midnight.
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. job/ wear/ have/ in/ uniform/ you/ your/ to/ do/ a ?
2. States/ visa/ get/ to/ to/ go/ you/ do/ have/ a/ the/ to?
3. John/ does/ pills/ take/ often/ his/ how/ have/ to?
21. Southern Moravia
21. Southern Moravia
Have to
Where is Southern Moravia situated?
Which bigger cities can we find there?
Which agriculture plant is grown in Southern Moravia?
Look at the pictures. You can see there a very famous castle, the whole area is even written in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Do you know what is it?
Have to
Complete the sentences with have to, has to, or had to and a suitable verb.
1. I ....... glasses because my eyes aren't very good.
2. Remember! When you drive in England you .... on the left!
3. I don=t like my job. Sometimes I .... till midnight.
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. job/ wear/ have/ in/ uniform/ you/ your/ to/ do/ a ?
2. States/ visa/ get/ to/ to/ go/ you/ do/ have/ a/ the/ to?
3. John/ does/ pills/ take/ often/ his/ how/ have/ to?
Have to
Where is Southern Moravia situated?
Which bigger cities can we find there?
Which agriculture plant is grown in Southern Moravia?
Look at the pictures. You can see there a very famous castle, the whole area is even written in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Do you know what is it?
Have to
Complete the sentences with have to, has to, or had to and a suitable verb.
1. I ....... glasses because my eyes aren't very good.
2. Remember! When you drive in England you .... on the left!
3. I don=t like my job. Sometimes I .... till midnight.
Put the words in the correct order to make questions.
1. job/ wear/ have/ in/ uniform/ you/ your/ to/ do/ a ?
2. States/ visa/ get/ to/ to/ go/ you/ do/ have/ a/ the/ to?
3. John/ does/ pills/ take/ often/ his/ how/ have/ to?
20. Prague
20. Prague
Infinitive of purpose (účelový infinitiv)
Where is Prague situated?
Can you named any important monuments ?
Which places would you recommend to visit to your friends from foreign country?
Infinitive of purpose
Change these sentences using the infinitive of purpose
I want to go to Holland because I want to see tulips.
They went to the park because they wanted relax.
She went to the kitchen because she wanted to prepare some sandwiches.
Infinitive of purpose (účelový infinitiv)
Where is Prague situated?
Can you named any important monuments ?
Which places would you recommend to visit to your friends from foreign country?
Infinitive of purpose
Change these sentences using the infinitive of purpose
I want to go to Holland because I want to see tulips.
They went to the park because they wanted relax.
She went to the kitchen because she wanted to prepare some sandwiches.
20. Prague
20. Prague
Infinitive of purpose (účelový infinitiv)
Where is Prague situated?
Can you named any important monuments ?
Which places would you recommend to visit to your friends from foreign country?
Infinitive of purpose
Change these sentences using the infinitive of purpose
I want to go to Holland because I want to see tulips.
They went to the park because they wanted relax.
She went to the kitchen because she wanted to prepare some sandwiches.
Infinitive of purpose (účelový infinitiv)
Where is Prague situated?
Can you named any important monuments ?
Which places would you recommend to visit to your friends from foreign country?
Infinitive of purpose
Change these sentences using the infinitive of purpose
I want to go to Holland because I want to see tulips.
They went to the park because they wanted relax.
She went to the kitchen because she wanted to prepare some sandwiches.
19. The Czech Republic
19. The Czech Republic
Present continuous (přítomný čas průběhový)
Where is our country situated?
Which large cities in the Czech Republic do you know?
Where and which agricultural plants are mostly grown by us?
Which places would you recommend to visit to a foreign tourist?
Read and translate the article about Brün written by a tourist from England:
Brno / Brünn is the birthplace of my father and I have been there already in Communist times and then again recently. Some people expect a simple industrial town, BUT Brno has also a great castle - Spielberk and a lot of places of interest in the old town: The old town hall is a must for every tourist and it is easy to get there, as you may see the high tower from almost any place in Brno. You may climb up the tower and have a perfect panorama-view and also the interior of the old town hall is worth a visit! A big crocodile is hanging down from the ceiling of the arcade of the old town hall of Brno / Brünn. It was a donation by emperor Mathias Corvinus to the city of Brünn in 1608. The Mahen theatre was built 1881-1882 and was the first theatre to get electric light. The cathedral of St.Peter and Paul my be seen already from a big distance, as it was built on top of Petrov hill. The church dates back to the 12th century and was renovated several times. Today it looks gothic outside and has mainly a baroque interior. My favorite place in Brno was the catacombes of the capucines / Kapuzinergruft The catacombes of the capucines are devided into several rooms of different sizes, and most of them are closed by a glass-wall or an iron-fence, so you may see everything without beeing able to touch anything or take a really close look. Only the coffin of Freiherr von der Trenck is an exception - you may get close to it and look into his mumified face.
Present continuous
Complete the sentences with a suitable verb using either the simple present or the present continuous tense. More than one answer may be correct.
listen, watch, see, look, believe, think, hear
1. ........ you ....... in ghosts?
2. What ...... you ..... about at the moment?
3. Why ...... Tom ...... so sad?
4. Why ..... you ..... at me like that?
5. What ...... the police ..... for in that old building?
6. What ..... are the children ........ on TV at the moment?
7. What ....... Paul ......... to on the radio?
Present continuous (přítomný čas průběhový)
Where is our country situated?
Which large cities in the Czech Republic do you know?
Where and which agricultural plants are mostly grown by us?
Which places would you recommend to visit to a foreign tourist?
Read and translate the article about Brün written by a tourist from England:
Brno / Brünn is the birthplace of my father and I have been there already in Communist times and then again recently. Some people expect a simple industrial town, BUT Brno has also a great castle - Spielberk and a lot of places of interest in the old town: The old town hall is a must for every tourist and it is easy to get there, as you may see the high tower from almost any place in Brno. You may climb up the tower and have a perfect panorama-view and also the interior of the old town hall is worth a visit! A big crocodile is hanging down from the ceiling of the arcade of the old town hall of Brno / Brünn. It was a donation by emperor Mathias Corvinus to the city of Brünn in 1608. The Mahen theatre was built 1881-1882 and was the first theatre to get electric light. The cathedral of St.Peter and Paul my be seen already from a big distance, as it was built on top of Petrov hill. The church dates back to the 12th century and was renovated several times. Today it looks gothic outside and has mainly a baroque interior. My favorite place in Brno was the catacombes of the capucines / Kapuzinergruft The catacombes of the capucines are devided into several rooms of different sizes, and most of them are closed by a glass-wall or an iron-fence, so you may see everything without beeing able to touch anything or take a really close look. Only the coffin of Freiherr von der Trenck is an exception - you may get close to it and look into his mumified face.
Present continuous
Complete the sentences with a suitable verb using either the simple present or the present continuous tense. More than one answer may be correct.
listen, watch, see, look, believe, think, hear
1. ........ you ....... in ghosts?
2. What ...... you ..... about at the moment?
3. Why ...... Tom ...... so sad?
4. Why ..... you ..... at me like that?
5. What ...... the police ..... for in that old building?
6. What ..... are the children ........ on TV at the moment?
7. What ....... Paul ......... to on the radio?
19. The Czech Republic
19. The Czech Republic
Present continuous (přítomný čas průběhový)
Where is our country situated?
Which large cities in the Czech Republic do you know?
Where and which agricultural plants are mostly grown by us?
Which places would you recommend to visit to a foreign tourist?
Read and translate the article about Brün written by a tourist from England:
Brno / Brünn is the birthplace of my father and I have been there already in Communist times and then again recently. Some people expect a simple industrial town, BUT Brno has also a great castle - Spielberk and a lot of places of interest in the old town: The old town hall is a must for every tourist and it is easy to get there, as you may see the high tower from almost any place in Brno. You may climb up the tower and have a perfect panorama-view and also the interior of the old town hall is worth a visit! A big crocodile is hanging down from the ceiling of the arcade of the old town hall of Brno / Brünn. It was a donation by emperor Mathias Corvinus to the city of Brünn in 1608. The Mahen theatre was built 1881-1882 and was the first theatre to get electric light. The cathedral of St.Peter and Paul my be seen already from a big distance, as it was built on top of Petrov hill. The church dates back to the 12th century and was renovated several times. Today it looks gothic outside and has mainly a baroque interior. My favorite place in Brno was the catacombes of the capucines / Kapuzinergruft The catacombes of the capucines are devided into several rooms of different sizes, and most of them are closed by a glass-wall or an iron-fence, so you may see everything without beeing able to touch anything or take a really close look. Only the coffin of Freiherr von der Trenck is an exception - you may get close to it and look into his mumified face.
Present continuous
Complete the sentences with a suitable verb using either the simple present or the present continuous tense. More than one answer may be correct.
listen, watch, see, look, believe, think, hear
1. ........ you ....... in ghosts?
2. What ...... you ..... about at the moment?
3. Why ...... Tom ...... so sad?
4. Why ..... you ..... at me like that?
5. What ...... the police ..... for in that old building?
6. What ..... are the children ........ on TV at the moment?
7. What ....... Paul ......... to on the radio?
Present continuous (přítomný čas průběhový)
Where is our country situated?
Which large cities in the Czech Republic do you know?
Where and which agricultural plants are mostly grown by us?
Which places would you recommend to visit to a foreign tourist?
Read and translate the article about Brün written by a tourist from England:
Brno / Brünn is the birthplace of my father and I have been there already in Communist times and then again recently. Some people expect a simple industrial town, BUT Brno has also a great castle - Spielberk and a lot of places of interest in the old town: The old town hall is a must for every tourist and it is easy to get there, as you may see the high tower from almost any place in Brno. You may climb up the tower and have a perfect panorama-view and also the interior of the old town hall is worth a visit! A big crocodile is hanging down from the ceiling of the arcade of the old town hall of Brno / Brünn. It was a donation by emperor Mathias Corvinus to the city of Brünn in 1608. The Mahen theatre was built 1881-1882 and was the first theatre to get electric light. The cathedral of St.Peter and Paul my be seen already from a big distance, as it was built on top of Petrov hill. The church dates back to the 12th century and was renovated several times. Today it looks gothic outside and has mainly a baroque interior. My favorite place in Brno was the catacombes of the capucines / Kapuzinergruft The catacombes of the capucines are devided into several rooms of different sizes, and most of them are closed by a glass-wall or an iron-fence, so you may see everything without beeing able to touch anything or take a really close look. Only the coffin of Freiherr von der Trenck is an exception - you may get close to it and look into his mumified face.
Present continuous
Complete the sentences with a suitable verb using either the simple present or the present continuous tense. More than one answer may be correct.
listen, watch, see, look, believe, think, hear
1. ........ you ....... in ghosts?
2. What ...... you ..... about at the moment?
3. Why ...... Tom ...... so sad?
4. Why ..... you ..... at me like that?
5. What ...... the police ..... for in that old building?
6. What ..... are the children ........ on TV at the moment?
7. What ....... Paul ......... to on the radio?
18. The American literature and E. Hemingway
18. The American literature and E. Hemingway
Numerals (číslovky základní a řadové, vyjadřování času, datum, telefon)
Beginning of the American literature
Lost generation - E. Hemingway
Beat generation - J. Kerouack, A. Ginsberg
Contemporary writers
Read and translate the text one of the most famous recent American authors:
John Irving
John Irving was born in New Hampshire. He studied at universities in America and Europe and published his first novel SETTING FREE THE BEARS, at the age of twenty-six. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP, published in 1978 to phenomenal acclaim, firmly established him as one of the most inventive and talented novelists in America.
During the 1980s John Irving wrote a series of absorbing and celebrated books: THE HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE, THE CIDER HOUSE RULES and A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY. In these novels his originality and striking vision came brilliantly to the fore, along with his trademark subjects --- as wide-ranging as feminism, religion, wrestling, sex and New England life.
More recent novels include the complex bestseller A SON OF THE CIRCUS, the dark and funny novel A WIDOW FOR ONE YEAR and THE FOURTH HAND, a black comedy that was another popular success.
Several of John Irving's novels have been made into films, and in 2000 he was awarded an Oscar for the screenplay for THE CIDER HOUSE RULES. He described the difficult, decade-long journey from page to screen in MY MOVIE BUSINESS. He is also the author of TRYING TO SAVE PIGGY SNEED and THE IMAGINARY GIRLFRIEND, memoirs of writing and wrestling.
In 1992, John Irving was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater, Oklahoma. In 2001, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He lives in Vermont and Toronto. UNTIL I FIND YOU is John Irving's eleventh novel.
Can you tell us:
when were you born?
your phone number?
what's the date today?
what's the time now?
Read the dates:
1/4/02, 15/6/77, 25/2/02
Numerals (číslovky základní a řadové, vyjadřování času, datum, telefon)
Beginning of the American literature
Lost generation - E. Hemingway
Beat generation - J. Kerouack, A. Ginsberg
Contemporary writers
Read and translate the text one of the most famous recent American authors:
John Irving
John Irving was born in New Hampshire. He studied at universities in America and Europe and published his first novel SETTING FREE THE BEARS, at the age of twenty-six. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP, published in 1978 to phenomenal acclaim, firmly established him as one of the most inventive and talented novelists in America.
During the 1980s John Irving wrote a series of absorbing and celebrated books: THE HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE, THE CIDER HOUSE RULES and A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY. In these novels his originality and striking vision came brilliantly to the fore, along with his trademark subjects --- as wide-ranging as feminism, religion, wrestling, sex and New England life.
More recent novels include the complex bestseller A SON OF THE CIRCUS, the dark and funny novel A WIDOW FOR ONE YEAR and THE FOURTH HAND, a black comedy that was another popular success.
Several of John Irving's novels have been made into films, and in 2000 he was awarded an Oscar for the screenplay for THE CIDER HOUSE RULES. He described the difficult, decade-long journey from page to screen in MY MOVIE BUSINESS. He is also the author of TRYING TO SAVE PIGGY SNEED and THE IMAGINARY GIRLFRIEND, memoirs of writing and wrestling.
In 1992, John Irving was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater, Oklahoma. In 2001, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He lives in Vermont and Toronto. UNTIL I FIND YOU is John Irving's eleventh novel.
Can you tell us:
when were you born?
your phone number?
what's the date today?
what's the time now?
Read the dates:
1/4/02, 15/6/77, 25/2/02
18. The American literature and E. Hemingway
18. The American literature and E. Hemingway
Numerals (číslovky základní a řadové, vyjadřování času, datum, telefon)
Beginning of the American literature
Lost generation - E. Hemingway
Beat generation - J. Kerouack, A. Ginsberg
Contemporary writers
Read and translate the text one of the most famous recent American authors:
John Irving
John Irving was born in New Hampshire. He studied at universities in America and Europe and published his first novel SETTING FREE THE BEARS, at the age of twenty-six. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP, published in 1978 to phenomenal acclaim, firmly established him as one of the most inventive and talented novelists in America.
During the 1980s John Irving wrote a series of absorbing and celebrated books: THE HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE, THE CIDER HOUSE RULES and A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY. In these novels his originality and striking vision came brilliantly to the fore, along with his trademark subjects --- as wide-ranging as feminism, religion, wrestling, sex and New England life.
More recent novels include the complex bestseller A SON OF THE CIRCUS, the dark and funny novel A WIDOW FOR ONE YEAR and THE FOURTH HAND, a black comedy that was another popular success.
Several of John Irving's novels have been made into films, and in 2000 he was awarded an Oscar for the screenplay for THE CIDER HOUSE RULES. He described the difficult, decade-long journey from page to screen in MY MOVIE BUSINESS. He is also the author of TRYING TO SAVE PIGGY SNEED and THE IMAGINARY GIRLFRIEND, memoirs of writing and wrestling.
In 1992, John Irving was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater, Oklahoma. In 2001, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He lives in Vermont and Toronto. UNTIL I FIND YOU is John Irving's eleventh novel.
Can you tell us:
when were you born?
your phone number?
what's the date today?
what's the time now?
Read the dates:
1/4/02, 15/6/77, 25/2/02
Numerals (číslovky základní a řadové, vyjadřování času, datum, telefon)
Beginning of the American literature
Lost generation - E. Hemingway
Beat generation - J. Kerouack, A. Ginsberg
Contemporary writers
Read and translate the text one of the most famous recent American authors:
John Irving
John Irving was born in New Hampshire. He studied at universities in America and Europe and published his first novel SETTING FREE THE BEARS, at the age of twenty-six. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP, published in 1978 to phenomenal acclaim, firmly established him as one of the most inventive and talented novelists in America.
During the 1980s John Irving wrote a series of absorbing and celebrated books: THE HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE, THE CIDER HOUSE RULES and A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY. In these novels his originality and striking vision came brilliantly to the fore, along with his trademark subjects --- as wide-ranging as feminism, religion, wrestling, sex and New England life.
More recent novels include the complex bestseller A SON OF THE CIRCUS, the dark and funny novel A WIDOW FOR ONE YEAR and THE FOURTH HAND, a black comedy that was another popular success.
Several of John Irving's novels have been made into films, and in 2000 he was awarded an Oscar for the screenplay for THE CIDER HOUSE RULES. He described the difficult, decade-long journey from page to screen in MY MOVIE BUSINESS. He is also the author of TRYING TO SAVE PIGGY SNEED and THE IMAGINARY GIRLFRIEND, memoirs of writing and wrestling.
In 1992, John Irving was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater, Oklahoma. In 2001, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He lives in Vermont and Toronto. UNTIL I FIND YOU is John Irving's eleventh novel.
Can you tell us:
when were you born?
your phone number?
what's the date today?
what's the time now?
Read the dates:
1/4/02, 15/6/77, 25/2/02
17. The British literature and W. Shakespeare
17. The British literature and W. Shakespeare
What is the oldest written work in English literature?
William Shakespeare
Do you know any contemporary English writers?
Have you seen any movies based on books written by English authors?
Read and translate the text bellow:
The Globe Theatre
Going to the theatre has been a popular pastime for centuries. One of the most famous theatres in history was the Globe Theatre in London, opened during the reign of Elizabeth I.
Wealthy people sat in the "two -penny" galleries. These were not really the best place to be because in those days people wore hats, often with huge feathers, which blocked the view of those sitting behind them.
Members of the royal court sat in the best 12 pence seats showing off their expensive clothes and smoking tobacco.
Before entering the theatre, people used to pay to get in by putting money into a box, which was held by one of the theatre staff.
As the actors were coming onto the stage, a trumpet sounded. A flag was raised in the tower to show that the performance was starting and it remained in position until the performance ended.
Find all pronouns in the text:
My boyfriend Steve and I never go out on our own .He always brings his best friend with him, when we have a date. He says that he feels guilty if he doesn't invite his friend. But what about me?
Which other pronouns do you know?
What is the oldest written work in English literature?
William Shakespeare
Do you know any contemporary English writers?
Have you seen any movies based on books written by English authors?
Read and translate the text bellow:
The Globe Theatre
Going to the theatre has been a popular pastime for centuries. One of the most famous theatres in history was the Globe Theatre in London, opened during the reign of Elizabeth I.
Wealthy people sat in the "two -penny" galleries. These were not really the best place to be because in those days people wore hats, often with huge feathers, which blocked the view of those sitting behind them.
Members of the royal court sat in the best 12 pence seats showing off their expensive clothes and smoking tobacco.
Before entering the theatre, people used to pay to get in by putting money into a box, which was held by one of the theatre staff.
As the actors were coming onto the stage, a trumpet sounded. A flag was raised in the tower to show that the performance was starting and it remained in position until the performance ended.
Find all pronouns in the text:
My boyfriend Steve and I never go out on our own .He always brings his best friend with him, when we have a date. He says that he feels guilty if he doesn't invite his friend. But what about me?
Which other pronouns do you know?
17. The British literature and W. Shakespeare
17. The British literature and W. Shakespeare
What is the oldest written work in English literature?
William Shakespeare
Do you know any contemporary English writers?
Have you seen any movies based on books written by English authors?
Read and translate the text bellow:
The Globe Theatre
Going to the theatre has been a popular pastime for centuries. One of the most famous theatres in history was the Globe Theatre in London, opened during the reign of Elizabeth I.
Wealthy people sat in the "two -penny" galleries. These were not really the best place to be because in those days people wore hats, often with huge feathers, which blocked the view of those sitting behind them.
Members of the royal court sat in the best 12 pence seats showing off their expensive clothes and smoking tobacco.
Before entering the theatre, people used to pay to get in by putting money into a box, which was held by one of the theatre staff.
As the actors were coming onto the stage, a trumpet sounded. A flag was raised in the tower to show that the performance was starting and it remained in position until the performance ended.
Find all pronouns in the text:
My boyfriend Steve and I never go out on our own .He always brings his best friend with him, when we have a date. He says that he feels guilty if he doesn't invite his friend. But what about me?
Which other pronouns do you know?
What is the oldest written work in English literature?
William Shakespeare
Do you know any contemporary English writers?
Have you seen any movies based on books written by English authors?
Read and translate the text bellow:
The Globe Theatre
Going to the theatre has been a popular pastime for centuries. One of the most famous theatres in history was the Globe Theatre in London, opened during the reign of Elizabeth I.
Wealthy people sat in the "two -penny" galleries. These were not really the best place to be because in those days people wore hats, often with huge feathers, which blocked the view of those sitting behind them.
Members of the royal court sat in the best 12 pence seats showing off their expensive clothes and smoking tobacco.
Before entering the theatre, people used to pay to get in by putting money into a box, which was held by one of the theatre staff.
As the actors were coming onto the stage, a trumpet sounded. A flag was raised in the tower to show that the performance was starting and it remained in position until the performance ended.
Find all pronouns in the text:
My boyfriend Steve and I never go out on our own .He always brings his best friend with him, when we have a date. He says that he feels guilty if he doesn't invite his friend. But what about me?
Which other pronouns do you know?
16. My native town
16. My native town
The Articles
What is your native city / village like?
Do you know anything about Moravian Karst?
Are you going to remain in your native town / village or do you intend to remove sometime in the future and if so, why?
Read the text:
The name of the abyss has its origin from a legend:
In the village of Vilemovice once lived a widower with his son. He married a second time and his little son got a stepmother.
In time, the woman gave birth to her own child and wanted to get rid of the stepson. She asked him to join her in collecting the fruits of the forest. As they came close to the very edge of the abyss, the woman threw her stepson down into the depth.
However, the boy was spared from death by being caught on extending tree branches. Woodcutters, working nearby, heard the desperate cries, and saved the boy. Upon hearing the tales of the woodcutters, the village people of Vilemovice threw the stepmother over the abyss.
Since that day the abyss has been called Macocha, the Czech word for stepmother.
Local 17th century legend.
rules and examples
Read the text and find examples of the definite article and the indefinite article:
My uncle is a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by the river Thames near Oxford. The shop sells a lot of things - bread, milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapers - almost everything! It is also the village post office. The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice cream on their way home from school.
My uncle doesn't often leave the village. He hasn't got a car, so once a month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at the Grand Hotel with some friends. He is one of the happiest men I know.
The Articles
What is your native city / village like?
Do you know anything about Moravian Karst?
Are you going to remain in your native town / village or do you intend to remove sometime in the future and if so, why?
Read the text:
The name of the abyss has its origin from a legend:
In the village of Vilemovice once lived a widower with his son. He married a second time and his little son got a stepmother.
In time, the woman gave birth to her own child and wanted to get rid of the stepson. She asked him to join her in collecting the fruits of the forest. As they came close to the very edge of the abyss, the woman threw her stepson down into the depth.
However, the boy was spared from death by being caught on extending tree branches. Woodcutters, working nearby, heard the desperate cries, and saved the boy. Upon hearing the tales of the woodcutters, the village people of Vilemovice threw the stepmother over the abyss.
Since that day the abyss has been called Macocha, the Czech word for stepmother.
Local 17th century legend.
rules and examples
Read the text and find examples of the definite article and the indefinite article:
My uncle is a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by the river Thames near Oxford. The shop sells a lot of things - bread, milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapers - almost everything! It is also the village post office. The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice cream on their way home from school.
My uncle doesn't often leave the village. He hasn't got a car, so once a month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at the Grand Hotel with some friends. He is one of the happiest men I know.
16. My native town
16. My native town
The Articles
What is your native city / village like?
Do you know anything about Moravian Karst?
Are you going to remain in your native town / village or do you intend to remove sometime in the future and if so, why?
Read the text:
The name of the abyss has its origin from a legend:
In the village of Vilemovice once lived a widower with his son. He married a second time and his little son got a stepmother.
In time, the woman gave birth to her own child and wanted to get rid of the stepson. She asked him to join her in collecting the fruits of the forest. As they came close to the very edge of the abyss, the woman threw her stepson down into the depth.
However, the boy was spared from death by being caught on extending tree branches. Woodcutters, working nearby, heard the desperate cries, and saved the boy. Upon hearing the tales of the woodcutters, the village people of Vilemovice threw the stepmother over the abyss.
Since that day the abyss has been called Macocha, the Czech word for stepmother.
Local 17th century legend.
rules and examples
Read the text and find examples of the definite article and the indefinite article:
My uncle is a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by the river Thames near Oxford. The shop sells a lot of things - bread, milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapers - almost everything! It is also the village post office. The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice cream on their way home from school.
My uncle doesn't often leave the village. He hasn't got a car, so once a month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at the Grand Hotel with some friends. He is one of the happiest men I know.
The Articles
What is your native city / village like?
Do you know anything about Moravian Karst?
Are you going to remain in your native town / village or do you intend to remove sometime in the future and if so, why?
Read the text:
The name of the abyss has its origin from a legend:
In the village of Vilemovice once lived a widower with his son. He married a second time and his little son got a stepmother.
In time, the woman gave birth to her own child and wanted to get rid of the stepson. She asked him to join her in collecting the fruits of the forest. As they came close to the very edge of the abyss, the woman threw her stepson down into the depth.
However, the boy was spared from death by being caught on extending tree branches. Woodcutters, working nearby, heard the desperate cries, and saved the boy. Upon hearing the tales of the woodcutters, the village people of Vilemovice threw the stepmother over the abyss.
Since that day the abyss has been called Macocha, the Czech word for stepmother.
Local 17th century legend.
rules and examples
Read the text and find examples of the definite article and the indefinite article:
My uncle is a shopkeeper. He has a shop in an old village by the river Thames near Oxford. The shop sells a lot of things - bread, milk, fruit, vegetables, newspapers - almost everything! It is also the village post office. The children in the village always stop to spend a few pence on sweets or ice cream on their way home from school.
My uncle doesn't often leave the village. He hasn't got a car, so once a month he goes by bus to Oxford and has lunch at the Grand Hotel with some friends. He is one of the happiest men I know.
15. The Media
15. The Media
Some, any, no, every and indefinite pronouns
What kind of media do you know?
Which one do you use most often?
What is your favourite TV program?
Can you use the Internet?
Do you know any addresses if you want to look for jobs?
Do you know any addresses for learning English?
Some, any, no, every
When is some and when is any used?
Complete the sentences with some or any:
Have you got ...... brothers or sisters?
We don't need ....... olive oil.
Here are ...... letters for you.
Is there ...... petrol in the car?
Complete the sentences with the correct vord.
any + thing
every one / body
no where
1. Did you meet...... nice at the party? Yes, I met.... who knows you!
2. Ouch! There is .... in my eye! Let me look. No, I can't see .......
3. Let's go ..... hot for our holidays. But we can't go ...... that's too expensive.
4. I'm so unhappy. ...... loves me. I know ..... who loves you. Me.
5. I lost my glasses. I looked ....., but I couldn't find them.
6. Did you buy .... at the shops? No, ..... I didn't have any money.
7. I'm bored. I want .... interesting to read, or .... .. interesting to talk.
8. It was a great party. .... loved it.
Some, any, no, every and indefinite pronouns
What kind of media do you know?
Which one do you use most often?
What is your favourite TV program?
Can you use the Internet?
Do you know any addresses if you want to look for jobs?
Do you know any addresses for learning English?
Some, any, no, every
When is some and when is any used?
Complete the sentences with some or any:
Have you got ...... brothers or sisters?
We don't need ....... olive oil.
Here are ...... letters for you.
Is there ...... petrol in the car?
Complete the sentences with the correct vord.
any + thing
every one / body
no where
1. Did you meet...... nice at the party? Yes, I met.... who knows you!
2. Ouch! There is .... in my eye! Let me look. No, I can't see .......
3. Let's go ..... hot for our holidays. But we can't go ...... that's too expensive.
4. I'm so unhappy. ...... loves me. I know ..... who loves you. Me.
5. I lost my glasses. I looked ....., but I couldn't find them.
6. Did you buy .... at the shops? No, ..... I didn't have any money.
7. I'm bored. I want .... interesting to read, or .... .. interesting to talk.
8. It was a great party. .... loved it.
15. The Media
15. The Media
Some, any, no, every and indefinite pronouns
What kind of media do you know?
Which one do you use most often?
What is your favourite TV program?
Can you use the Internet?
Do you know any addresses if you want to look for jobs?
Do you know any addresses for learning English?
Some, any, no, every
When is some and when is any used?
Complete the sentences with some or any:
Have you got ...... brothers or sisters?
We don't need ....... olive oil.
Here are ...... letters for you.
Is there ...... petrol in the car?
Complete the sentences with the correct vord.
any + thing
every one / body
no where
1. Did you meet...... nice at the party? Yes, I met.... who knows you!
2. Ouch! There is .... in my eye! Let me look. No, I can't see .......
3. Let's go ..... hot for our holidays. But we can't go ...... that's too expensive.
4. I'm so unhappy. ...... loves me. I know ..... who loves you. Me.
5. I lost my glasses. I looked ....., but I couldn't find them.
6. Did you buy .... at the shops? No, ..... I didn't have any money.
7. I'm bored. I want .... interesting to read, or .... .. interesting to talk.
8. It was a great party. .... loved it.
Some, any, no, every and indefinite pronouns
What kind of media do you know?
Which one do you use most often?
What is your favourite TV program?
Can you use the Internet?
Do you know any addresses if you want to look for jobs?
Do you know any addresses for learning English?
Some, any, no, every
When is some and when is any used?
Complete the sentences with some or any:
Have you got ...... brothers or sisters?
We don't need ....... olive oil.
Here are ...... letters for you.
Is there ...... petrol in the car?
Complete the sentences with the correct vord.
any + thing
every one / body
no where
1. Did you meet...... nice at the party? Yes, I met.... who knows you!
2. Ouch! There is .... in my eye! Let me look. No, I can't see .......
3. Let's go ..... hot for our holidays. But we can't go ...... that's too expensive.
4. I'm so unhappy. ...... loves me. I know ..... who loves you. Me.
5. I lost my glasses. I looked ....., but I couldn't find them.
6. Did you buy .... at the shops? No, ..... I didn't have any money.
7. I'm bored. I want .... interesting to read, or .... .. interesting to talk.
8. It was a great party. .... loved it.
14. The computers
14. The computers
Word order and structure there is / there are
the main parts of computer
computers in everyday live
using a word processor
computer games
Read and translate the article:
Can you hear or feel pictures? Can you move something without touching it? Dan Jellinek went to Los Angeles and found out that you can do all these things …..and more.
Computers have started to change the lives of some disabled people. They can help them to communicate and to live more independently. The 14th international conference on computers and disabled people showed some exciting examples.
vOICe is a program that changes pictures into sounds. different colours and shapes have different sounds. With practice blind people can listen to the sounds and "see" them by using their ears.
The program MouseCat changes pictures anto vibrations on the screen. Blind people can touch the screen and feel the images. they can also use this program to spaek / theywrite words and the computers says them.
Word order
specify word order of English sentences
when a how is used the structure there is / there are
Find this structure in the text:
Things to do in Edinburgh
What old buildings are there?
Edinburgh castle and Holyroodhouse Palace are very famous. The palace is closed when the queen comes to Edinburgh.
Is there a good gallery in Edinburgh?
Yes, there is. The National Gallery of Scotland has got paintings by El Greco, Botticelli, Cezanne. There is also the National Gallery of Modern Art.
Is there a science museum?
No, there isn't. But there is an interesting "Science zone" in the Royal Museum.
How many football teams are there?
There are two football teams, Heart and Hibs, but there aren't any world-famous teams. The two famous teams, Celtic and Rangers, are from Glasgow.
What is the nightlife like?
Fantastic! Visit Rocking Horse or Liquid Room for brilliant music and dancing. And there is the famous "Edinburgh Festival", the cultural event of the year. In August, Edinburgh is one big party with great music, theatre and films!
Word order and structure there is / there are
the main parts of computer
computers in everyday live
using a word processor
computer games
Read and translate the article:
Can you hear or feel pictures? Can you move something without touching it? Dan Jellinek went to Los Angeles and found out that you can do all these things …..and more.
Computers have started to change the lives of some disabled people. They can help them to communicate and to live more independently. The 14th international conference on computers and disabled people showed some exciting examples.
vOICe is a program that changes pictures into sounds. different colours and shapes have different sounds. With practice blind people can listen to the sounds and "see" them by using their ears.
The program MouseCat changes pictures anto vibrations on the screen. Blind people can touch the screen and feel the images. they can also use this program to spaek / theywrite words and the computers says them.
Word order
specify word order of English sentences
when a how is used the structure there is / there are
Find this structure in the text:
Things to do in Edinburgh
What old buildings are there?
Edinburgh castle and Holyroodhouse Palace are very famous. The palace is closed when the queen comes to Edinburgh.
Is there a good gallery in Edinburgh?
Yes, there is. The National Gallery of Scotland has got paintings by El Greco, Botticelli, Cezanne. There is also the National Gallery of Modern Art.
Is there a science museum?
No, there isn't. But there is an interesting "Science zone" in the Royal Museum.
How many football teams are there?
There are two football teams, Heart and Hibs, but there aren't any world-famous teams. The two famous teams, Celtic and Rangers, are from Glasgow.
What is the nightlife like?
Fantastic! Visit Rocking Horse or Liquid Room for brilliant music and dancing. And there is the famous "Edinburgh Festival", the cultural event of the year. In August, Edinburgh is one big party with great music, theatre and films!
14. The computers
14. The computers
Word order and structure there is / there are
the main parts of computer
computers in everyday live
using a word processor
computer games
Read and translate the article:
Can you hear or feel pictures? Can you move something without touching it? Dan Jellinek went to Los Angeles and found out that you can do all these things …..and more.
Computers have started to change the lives of some disabled people. They can help them to communicate and to live more independently. The 14th international conference on computers and disabled people showed some exciting examples.
vOICe is a program that changes pictures into sounds. different colours and shapes have different sounds. With practice blind people can listen to the sounds and "see" them by using their ears.
The program MouseCat changes pictures anto vibrations on the screen. Blind people can touch the screen and feel the images. they can also use this program to spaek / theywrite words and the computers says them.
Word order
specify word order of English sentences
when a how is used the structure there is / there are
Find this structure in the text:
Things to do in Edinburgh
What old buildings are there?
Edinburgh castle and Holyroodhouse Palace are very famous. The palace is closed when the queen comes to Edinburgh.
Is there a good gallery in Edinburgh?
Yes, there is. The National Gallery of Scotland has got paintings by El Greco, Botticelli, Cezanne. There is also the National Gallery of Modern Art.
Is there a science museum?
No, there isn't. But there is an interesting "Science zone" in the Royal Museum.
How many football teams are there?
There are two football teams, Heart and Hibs, but there aren't any world-famous teams. The two famous teams, Celtic and Rangers, are from Glasgow.
What is the nightlife like?
Fantastic! Visit Rocking Horse or Liquid Room for brilliant music and dancing. And there is the famous "Edinburgh Festival", the cultural event of the year. In August, Edinburgh is one big party with great music, theatre and films!
Word order and structure there is / there are
the main parts of computer
computers in everyday live
using a word processor
computer games
Read and translate the article:
Can you hear or feel pictures? Can you move something without touching it? Dan Jellinek went to Los Angeles and found out that you can do all these things …..and more.
Computers have started to change the lives of some disabled people. They can help them to communicate and to live more independently. The 14th international conference on computers and disabled people showed some exciting examples.
vOICe is a program that changes pictures into sounds. different colours and shapes have different sounds. With practice blind people can listen to the sounds and "see" them by using their ears.
The program MouseCat changes pictures anto vibrations on the screen. Blind people can touch the screen and feel the images. they can also use this program to spaek / theywrite words and the computers says them.
Word order
specify word order of English sentences
when a how is used the structure there is / there are
Find this structure in the text:
Things to do in Edinburgh
What old buildings are there?
Edinburgh castle and Holyroodhouse Palace are very famous. The palace is closed when the queen comes to Edinburgh.
Is there a good gallery in Edinburgh?
Yes, there is. The National Gallery of Scotland has got paintings by El Greco, Botticelli, Cezanne. There is also the National Gallery of Modern Art.
Is there a science museum?
No, there isn't. But there is an interesting "Science zone" in the Royal Museum.
How many football teams are there?
There are two football teams, Heart and Hibs, but there aren't any world-famous teams. The two famous teams, Celtic and Rangers, are from Glasgow.
What is the nightlife like?
Fantastic! Visit Rocking Horse or Liquid Room for brilliant music and dancing. And there is the famous "Edinburgh Festival", the cultural event of the year. In August, Edinburgh is one big party with great music, theatre and films!
13. Studying foreign languages
13. Studying foreign languages
Questions and question words
Which language is the most spoken in the world?
Do you know any English spoken countries?
What are the main reasons for studying foreign languages?
Do you think you will need English for your job?
Read the article
My best teacher was my French teacher Derek Swift. What stuck out (zaujmout) instantly was that he was unconventional - the type of teacher you didn't expected to see in a school like ours in the south. He was a Northerner with a strong northern accent. One of his responsibilities was looking after the school library. I read such things as Pushkin's love poems and it was inspiring stuff. He taught us Russian in his spare time. He was a genius at languages / he spoke about 10 or 12. Mr Swift was also different from every others teacher. There was always a twinkle (veselý, šelmovský záblesk) in his eye and he had a sense of humour. He used to put his feet on the desk and covered the blackboard with words during his lessons. You can tell how good he was because there were 24 in our class and in the French exam 21 got top grades.
Are you going to learn any others languages?
Question, question words
Complete the questions with some of these words:
where, which, why, how, who, what, when
1. ------ often do you go to the cinema. About once a week.
2. ------- time does the programme start? At nine o'clock.
3. ------- did you close the window? Because I'm cold.
4. ------- colour is Angela's new car? Red.
5. ------- did you go to town with? Jim and Lucy.
6. ------- newspaper do you want - the Italian one or the English one?
7. ------ is Edinburg? It's in Csotland.
8. ------ are you going to clean you room? When this film has finished.
9. ------ is your favourite season< I like summer best.
10. ------ tall is your sister?
Make questions about the missing information:
1. He speaks ....... languages. {two? three?}
2. We are coming to see you ..... {today? tomorrow? next week?}
3. I'm reading .......... at this moment. {book? newspaper?}
4. I've know him for ......... { one yar? two weeks?}
5. We spent our holiday ...... last year. {in Spain? in France? }
Questions and question words
Which language is the most spoken in the world?
Do you know any English spoken countries?
What are the main reasons for studying foreign languages?
Do you think you will need English for your job?
Read the article
My best teacher was my French teacher Derek Swift. What stuck out (zaujmout) instantly was that he was unconventional - the type of teacher you didn't expected to see in a school like ours in the south. He was a Northerner with a strong northern accent. One of his responsibilities was looking after the school library. I read such things as Pushkin's love poems and it was inspiring stuff. He taught us Russian in his spare time. He was a genius at languages / he spoke about 10 or 12. Mr Swift was also different from every others teacher. There was always a twinkle (veselý, šelmovský záblesk) in his eye and he had a sense of humour. He used to put his feet on the desk and covered the blackboard with words during his lessons. You can tell how good he was because there were 24 in our class and in the French exam 21 got top grades.
Are you going to learn any others languages?
Question, question words
Complete the questions with some of these words:
where, which, why, how, who, what, when
1. ------ often do you go to the cinema. About once a week.
2. ------- time does the programme start? At nine o'clock.
3. ------- did you close the window? Because I'm cold.
4. ------- colour is Angela's new car? Red.
5. ------- did you go to town with? Jim and Lucy.
6. ------- newspaper do you want - the Italian one or the English one?
7. ------ is Edinburg? It's in Csotland.
8. ------ are you going to clean you room? When this film has finished.
9. ------ is your favourite season< I like summer best.
10. ------ tall is your sister?
Make questions about the missing information:
1. He speaks ....... languages. {two? three?}
2. We are coming to see you ..... {today? tomorrow? next week?}
3. I'm reading .......... at this moment. {book? newspaper?}
4. I've know him for ......... { one yar? two weeks?}
5. We spent our holiday ...... last year. {in Spain? in France? }
13. Studying foreign languages
13. Studying foreign languages
Questions and question words
Which language is the most spoken in the world?
Do you know any English spoken countries?
What are the main reasons for studying foreign languages?
Do you think you will need English for your job?
Read the article
My best teacher was my French teacher Derek Swift. What stuck out (zaujmout) instantly was that he was unconventional - the type of teacher you didn't expected to see in a school like ours in the south. He was a Northerner with a strong northern accent. One of his responsibilities was looking after the school library. I read such things as Pushkin's love poems and it was inspiring stuff. He taught us Russian in his spare time. He was a genius at languages / he spoke about 10 or 12. Mr Swift was also different from every others teacher. There was always a twinkle (veselý, šelmovský záblesk) in his eye and he had a sense of humour. He used to put his feet on the desk and covered the blackboard with words during his lessons. You can tell how good he was because there were 24 in our class and in the French exam 21 got top grades.
Are you going to learn any others languages?
Question, question words
Complete the questions with some of these words:
where, which, why, how, who, what, when
1. ------ often do you go to the cinema. About once a week.
2. ------- time does the programme start? At nine o'clock.
3. ------- did you close the window? Because I'm cold.
4. ------- colour is Angela's new car? Red.
5. ------- did you go to town with? Jim and Lucy.
6. ------- newspaper do you want - the Italian one or the English one?
7. ------ is Edinburg? It's in Csotland.
8. ------ are you going to clean you room? When this film has finished.
9. ------ is your favourite season< I like summer best.
10. ------ tall is your sister?
Make questions about the missing information:
1. He speaks ....... languages. {two? three?}
2. We are coming to see you ..... {today? tomorrow? next week?}
3. I'm reading .......... at this moment. {book? newspaper?}
4. I've know him for ......... { one yar? two weeks?}
5. We spent our holiday ...... last year. {in Spain? in France? }
Questions and question words
Which language is the most spoken in the world?
Do you know any English spoken countries?
What are the main reasons for studying foreign languages?
Do you think you will need English for your job?
Read the article
My best teacher was my French teacher Derek Swift. What stuck out (zaujmout) instantly was that he was unconventional - the type of teacher you didn't expected to see in a school like ours in the south. He was a Northerner with a strong northern accent. One of his responsibilities was looking after the school library. I read such things as Pushkin's love poems and it was inspiring stuff. He taught us Russian in his spare time. He was a genius at languages / he spoke about 10 or 12. Mr Swift was also different from every others teacher. There was always a twinkle (veselý, šelmovský záblesk) in his eye and he had a sense of humour. He used to put his feet on the desk and covered the blackboard with words during his lessons. You can tell how good he was because there were 24 in our class and in the French exam 21 got top grades.
Are you going to learn any others languages?
Question, question words
Complete the questions with some of these words:
where, which, why, how, who, what, when
1. ------ often do you go to the cinema. About once a week.
2. ------- time does the programme start? At nine o'clock.
3. ------- did you close the window? Because I'm cold.
4. ------- colour is Angela's new car? Red.
5. ------- did you go to town with? Jim and Lucy.
6. ------- newspaper do you want - the Italian one or the English one?
7. ------ is Edinburg? It's in Csotland.
8. ------ are you going to clean you room? When this film has finished.
9. ------ is your favourite season< I like summer best.
10. ------ tall is your sister?
Make questions about the missing information:
1. He speaks ....... languages. {two? three?}
2. We are coming to see you ..... {today? tomorrow? next week?}
3. I'm reading .......... at this moment. {book? newspaper?}
4. I've know him for ......... { one yar? two weeks?}
5. We spent our holiday ...... last year. {in Spain? in France? }
12. Shopping and clothes
12. Shopping and clothes
Past continuous (minulý čas průběhový)
Do you like shopping?
Which shops do you visit most often?
Describe the various departments of a supermarket.
Do you prefer shopping in brand-name supermarkets or at stands?
Are you interested in fashion?
Read the text and try to translate it to Czech:
Secrets of style
When people meet for the first time, they search for all sorts of clue to make judgments about you, but the most important of these are given by your clothes. So if you want to appear more exciting and to create a good impression, it helps to know about the secrets of style.
Avoid wearing clothes with two different designs - for example, striped trousers and a check shirt.
Choose clothes in a colour that suits your hair and skin type. As general rule, people with blonde hair and fair skin look best in pale colours such as light blue, pale green or pink. If you have light brown hair, light eyes and fair skin, you should choose medium shades such as mid-grey, blue, green or raspberry red. People with dark hair and olive or dark skin can wear the brightest colours such as orange, yellow or lime green.
Accessories such as watches, necklaces and earrings can help to give a finish touch.
Past continuous
When we use the simple past and when the past continuous?
Read the text and find examples of verbs in past simple and past continuous forms:
The other day I was standing in a queue to buy some theatre ticket when a small group of musicians suddenly appeared on the pavement. They were wearing brightly coloured clothes and were playing jazz. After a while, one member of the group begun to walk up and down the queue. I noticed that he was collecting money in a hat. It was a cold, windy day and, just as he reached my part of the queue, a sudden gust of wind blew the hat out of the musician's hand. The money fell out all over the pavement. Can you guess what happened next?
Past continuous (minulý čas průběhový)
Do you like shopping?
Which shops do you visit most often?
Describe the various departments of a supermarket.
Do you prefer shopping in brand-name supermarkets or at stands?
Are you interested in fashion?
Read the text and try to translate it to Czech:
Secrets of style
When people meet for the first time, they search for all sorts of clue to make judgments about you, but the most important of these are given by your clothes. So if you want to appear more exciting and to create a good impression, it helps to know about the secrets of style.
Avoid wearing clothes with two different designs - for example, striped trousers and a check shirt.
Choose clothes in a colour that suits your hair and skin type. As general rule, people with blonde hair and fair skin look best in pale colours such as light blue, pale green or pink. If you have light brown hair, light eyes and fair skin, you should choose medium shades such as mid-grey, blue, green or raspberry red. People with dark hair and olive or dark skin can wear the brightest colours such as orange, yellow or lime green.
Accessories such as watches, necklaces and earrings can help to give a finish touch.
Past continuous
When we use the simple past and when the past continuous?
Read the text and find examples of verbs in past simple and past continuous forms:
The other day I was standing in a queue to buy some theatre ticket when a small group of musicians suddenly appeared on the pavement. They were wearing brightly coloured clothes and were playing jazz. After a while, one member of the group begun to walk up and down the queue. I noticed that he was collecting money in a hat. It was a cold, windy day and, just as he reached my part of the queue, a sudden gust of wind blew the hat out of the musician's hand. The money fell out all over the pavement. Can you guess what happened next?
12. Shopping and clothes
12. Shopping and clothes
Past continuous (minulý čas průběhový)
Do you like shopping?
Which shops do you visit most often?
Describe the various departments of a supermarket.
Do you prefer shopping in brand-name supermarkets or at stands?
Are you interested in fashion?
Read the text and try to translate it to Czech:
Secrets of style
When people meet for the first time, they search for all sorts of clue to make judgments about you, but the most important of these are given by your clothes. So if you want to appear more exciting and to create a good impression, it helps to know about the secrets of style.
Avoid wearing clothes with two different designs - for example, striped trousers and a check shirt.
Choose clothes in a colour that suits your hair and skin type. As general rule, people with blonde hair and fair skin look best in pale colours such as light blue, pale green or pink. If you have light brown hair, light eyes and fair skin, you should choose medium shades such as mid-grey, blue, green or raspberry red. People with dark hair and olive or dark skin can wear the brightest colours such as orange, yellow or lime green.
Accessories such as watches, necklaces and earrings can help to give a finish touch.
Past continuous
When we use the simple past and when the past continuous?
Read the text and find examples of verbs in past simple and past continuous forms:
The other day I was standing in a queue to buy some theatre ticket when a small group of musicians suddenly appeared on the pavement. They were wearing brightly coloured clothes and were playing jazz. After a while, one member of the group begun to walk up and down the queue. I noticed that he was collecting money in a hat. It was a cold, windy day and, just as he reached my part of the queue, a sudden gust of wind blew the hat out of the musician's hand. The money fell out all over the pavement. Can you guess what happened next?
Past continuous (minulý čas průběhový)
Do you like shopping?
Which shops do you visit most often?
Describe the various departments of a supermarket.
Do you prefer shopping in brand-name supermarkets or at stands?
Are you interested in fashion?
Read the text and try to translate it to Czech:
Secrets of style
When people meet for the first time, they search for all sorts of clue to make judgments about you, but the most important of these are given by your clothes. So if you want to appear more exciting and to create a good impression, it helps to know about the secrets of style.
Avoid wearing clothes with two different designs - for example, striped trousers and a check shirt.
Choose clothes in a colour that suits your hair and skin type. As general rule, people with blonde hair and fair skin look best in pale colours such as light blue, pale green or pink. If you have light brown hair, light eyes and fair skin, you should choose medium shades such as mid-grey, blue, green or raspberry red. People with dark hair and olive or dark skin can wear the brightest colours such as orange, yellow or lime green.
Accessories such as watches, necklaces and earrings can help to give a finish touch.
Past continuous
When we use the simple past and when the past continuous?
Read the text and find examples of verbs in past simple and past continuous forms:
The other day I was standing in a queue to buy some theatre ticket when a small group of musicians suddenly appeared on the pavement. They were wearing brightly coloured clothes and were playing jazz. After a while, one member of the group begun to walk up and down the queue. I noticed that he was collecting money in a hat. It was a cold, windy day and, just as he reached my part of the queue, a sudden gust of wind blew the hat out of the musician's hand. The money fell out all over the pavement. Can you guess what happened next?
11. The course of the year (nature, weather etc.)
11. The course of the year (nature, weather etc.)
Expressing the future (vyjadřování budoucnosti)
What can you say about each season?
What kind of weather and which season do you like the best?
What's the weather like today?
Expressing future
Read the text bellow:
Steve Barnes wants to be a chef. His favourite room in the house is the kitchen, here he spends most of the day." I love cooking, especially for lots of people. I have over a hundred cook books." He's going to work in restaurant in Paris, where he hopes to learn how to prepare sauces. One day I'd like to have my own restaurant.
find the verb forms in the text that express plans and ambitions
what's the difference between going to and will to express a future intention?
Decide which is the correct verb form:
My suitcase is so heavy!
Give it to me. I'll / I'm going to carry it for you.
I bought some warm boots because I'll go / I'm going to skiing.
Tony is back from holiday.
Is he? I'll give / I'm going to give him a ring.
Where will you go /are you going on holiday this year<
Turkey. What about you<
We don't know yet. Maybe we will go / we are going to Spain.
You can tell me your secret. I won't tell / I'm not going to tell anyone else.
Expressing the future (vyjadřování budoucnosti)
What can you say about each season?
What kind of weather and which season do you like the best?
What's the weather like today?
Expressing future
Read the text bellow:
Steve Barnes wants to be a chef. His favourite room in the house is the kitchen, here he spends most of the day." I love cooking, especially for lots of people. I have over a hundred cook books." He's going to work in restaurant in Paris, where he hopes to learn how to prepare sauces. One day I'd like to have my own restaurant.
find the verb forms in the text that express plans and ambitions
what's the difference between going to and will to express a future intention?
Decide which is the correct verb form:
My suitcase is so heavy!
Give it to me. I'll / I'm going to carry it for you.
I bought some warm boots because I'll go / I'm going to skiing.
Tony is back from holiday.
Is he? I'll give / I'm going to give him a ring.
Where will you go /are you going on holiday this year<
Turkey. What about you<
We don't know yet. Maybe we will go / we are going to Spain.
You can tell me your secret. I won't tell / I'm not going to tell anyone else.
11. The course of the year (nature, weather etc.)
11. The course of the year (nature, weather etc.)
Expressing the future (vyjadřování budoucnosti)
What can you say about each season?
What kind of weather and which season do you like the best?
What's the weather like today?
Expressing future
Read the text bellow:
Steve Barnes wants to be a chef. His favourite room in the house is the kitchen, here he spends most of the day." I love cooking, especially for lots of people. I have over a hundred cook books." He's going to work in restaurant in Paris, where he hopes to learn how to prepare sauces. One day I'd like to have my own restaurant.
find the verb forms in the text that express plans and ambitions
what's the difference between going to and will to express a future intention?
Decide which is the correct verb form:
My suitcase is so heavy!
Give it to me. I'll / I'm going to carry it for you.
I bought some warm boots because I'll go / I'm going to skiing.
Tony is back from holiday.
Is he? I'll give / I'm going to give him a ring.
Where will you go /are you going on holiday this year<
Turkey. What about you<
We don't know yet. Maybe we will go / we are going to Spain.
You can tell me your secret. I won't tell / I'm not going to tell anyone else.
Expressing the future (vyjadřování budoucnosti)
What can you say about each season?
What kind of weather and which season do you like the best?
What's the weather like today?
Expressing future
Read the text bellow:
Steve Barnes wants to be a chef. His favourite room in the house is the kitchen, here he spends most of the day." I love cooking, especially for lots of people. I have over a hundred cook books." He's going to work in restaurant in Paris, where he hopes to learn how to prepare sauces. One day I'd like to have my own restaurant.
find the verb forms in the text that express plans and ambitions
what's the difference between going to and will to express a future intention?
Decide which is the correct verb form:
My suitcase is so heavy!
Give it to me. I'll / I'm going to carry it for you.
I bought some warm boots because I'll go / I'm going to skiing.
Tony is back from holiday.
Is he? I'll give / I'm going to give him a ring.
Where will you go /are you going on holiday this year<
Turkey. What about you<
We don't know yet. Maybe we will go / we are going to Spain.
You can tell me your secret. I won't tell / I'm not going to tell anyone else.
10. Health and the human body
10. Health and the human body
Adjectives, comparison
Which parts does the human body consist of? List the important human organs.
What are the most frequent today´ s human illnesses? Do you know some of them, which are incurable? incurable=nevyléčitelný
Adjectives, comparison
Read the text and try to find adjectives:
Looking good
You want to look good, so here are our fashion tips:
Don't be in a hurry. Have a good look in the shops before you buy clothes. Compare prices / some shops are cheaper than others but they often have more fashionable clothes than expensive shops. Talk to your friends and ask their opinions. Then go shopping.
Think about your body and your personality. For example, for mini/skirt you need really good legs. And don't wear long jackets if you aren't very tall! Outgoing people don't usually wear dark clothes; they prefer brighter colours. Shy people often like darker colours.
This year red, black and green are in. And generally clothes are more casual and less formal than last year.
For boys, shirts and ties are out. Jeans, trainers and leather jackets are in. Jeans are wider than last year's jeans and black denim is definitely in. Earrings are bad, and tattoos are even worse!
Tell the rules about comparison of adjectives and give some examples.
Do you know any irregular adjectives?
Adjectives, comparison
Which parts does the human body consist of? List the important human organs.
What are the most frequent today´ s human illnesses? Do you know some of them, which are incurable? incurable=nevyléčitelný
Adjectives, comparison
Read the text and try to find adjectives:
Looking good
You want to look good, so here are our fashion tips:
Don't be in a hurry. Have a good look in the shops before you buy clothes. Compare prices / some shops are cheaper than others but they often have more fashionable clothes than expensive shops. Talk to your friends and ask their opinions. Then go shopping.
Think about your body and your personality. For example, for mini/skirt you need really good legs. And don't wear long jackets if you aren't very tall! Outgoing people don't usually wear dark clothes; they prefer brighter colours. Shy people often like darker colours.
This year red, black and green are in. And generally clothes are more casual and less formal than last year.
For boys, shirts and ties are out. Jeans, trainers and leather jackets are in. Jeans are wider than last year's jeans and black denim is definitely in. Earrings are bad, and tattoos are even worse!
Tell the rules about comparison of adjectives and give some examples.
Do you know any irregular adjectives?
10. Health and the human body
10. Health and the human body
Adjectives, comparison
Which parts does the human body consist of? List the important human organs.
What are the most frequent today´ s human illnesses? Do you know some of them, which are incurable? incurable=nevyléčitelný
Adjectives, comparison
Read the text and try to find adjectives:
Looking good
You want to look good, so here are our fashion tips:
Don't be in a hurry. Have a good look in the shops before you buy clothes. Compare prices / some shops are cheaper than others but they often have more fashionable clothes than expensive shops. Talk to your friends and ask their opinions. Then go shopping.
Think about your body and your personality. For example, for mini/skirt you need really good legs. And don't wear long jackets if you aren't very tall! Outgoing people don't usually wear dark clothes; they prefer brighter colours. Shy people often like darker colours.
This year red, black and green are in. And generally clothes are more casual and less formal than last year.
For boys, shirts and ties are out. Jeans, trainers and leather jackets are in. Jeans are wider than last year's jeans and black denim is definitely in. Earrings are bad, and tattoos are even worse!
Tell the rules about comparison of adjectives and give some examples.
Do you know any irregular adjectives?
Adjectives, comparison
Which parts does the human body consist of? List the important human organs.
What are the most frequent today´ s human illnesses? Do you know some of them, which are incurable? incurable=nevyléčitelný
Adjectives, comparison
Read the text and try to find adjectives:
Looking good
You want to look good, so here are our fashion tips:
Don't be in a hurry. Have a good look in the shops before you buy clothes. Compare prices / some shops are cheaper than others but they often have more fashionable clothes than expensive shops. Talk to your friends and ask their opinions. Then go shopping.
Think about your body and your personality. For example, for mini/skirt you need really good legs. And don't wear long jackets if you aren't very tall! Outgoing people don't usually wear dark clothes; they prefer brighter colours. Shy people often like darker colours.
This year red, black and green are in. And generally clothes are more casual and less formal than last year.
For boys, shirts and ties are out. Jeans, trainers and leather jackets are in. Jeans are wider than last year's jeans and black denim is definitely in. Earrings are bad, and tattoos are even worse!
Tell the rules about comparison of adjectives and give some examples.
Do you know any irregular adjectives?
8. Festival and traditions /UK, CZ, USA/
8. Festival and traditions /UK, CZ, USA/
Do you know any English, American and Czech festivals?
When and how do people celebrate Christmas in Great Britain, the USA and the Czech Republic?
What is Christmas like at your home?
What do you think about the picture bellow?
Read the text and change verbs to negatives:
Who are the British?
British people live in the UK. They are people who live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. British people can also either be English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.
The British are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humour. British people have a strong sense of humour that sometimes can be hard for foreigners to understand.
Britain is a country of mixed cultures. London has the largest non-white population of any European city and over 250 languages are spoken there. Therefore not all British people are White or Christians.
Do you know any English, American and Czech festivals?
When and how do people celebrate Christmas in Great Britain, the USA and the Czech Republic?
What is Christmas like at your home?
What do you think about the picture bellow?
Read the text and change verbs to negatives:
Who are the British?
British people live in the UK. They are people who live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. British people can also either be English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.
The British are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humour. British people have a strong sense of humour that sometimes can be hard for foreigners to understand.
Britain is a country of mixed cultures. London has the largest non-white population of any European city and over 250 languages are spoken there. Therefore not all British people are White or Christians.
9. Food, cooking, recipes
9. Food, cooking, recipes
Present simple (Přítomný čas prostý)
What importance do you pay to healthy eating? Do you think that you eat in a healthy way?
Do you know any typical Czech and English meals?
What is your favourite food?
Describe and compare the pictures bellow.
Present simple
Read the text and try to translate it, please:
Margaretha / Norway
In Britain, Margaretha Simons can be a full time housewife, at home with her four children. This, she says, is unusual in her native Norway because almost all Norwegian women go out to work, partly because there are more crèches. It is also unusual in Norway to have more than two children.
Margaretha, who is 43, met her British husband, Noel, a university professor, while she was learning English in Cambridge.
"I find British people friendly," she says." New neighbours invite you for coffee, introduce their children, and take you to the shops. The men are more romantic than Norwegian men."
Are there used any others verb tenses in the article?
Present simple (Přítomný čas prostý)
What importance do you pay to healthy eating? Do you think that you eat in a healthy way?
Do you know any typical Czech and English meals?
What is your favourite food?
Describe and compare the pictures bellow.
Present simple
Read the text and try to translate it, please:
Margaretha / Norway
In Britain, Margaretha Simons can be a full time housewife, at home with her four children. This, she says, is unusual in her native Norway because almost all Norwegian women go out to work, partly because there are more crèches. It is also unusual in Norway to have more than two children.
Margaretha, who is 43, met her British husband, Noel, a university professor, while she was learning English in Cambridge.
"I find British people friendly," she says." New neighbours invite you for coffee, introduce their children, and take you to the shops. The men are more romantic than Norwegian men."
Are there used any others verb tenses in the article?
8. Festival and traditions /UK, CZ, USA/
8. Festival and traditions /UK, CZ, USA/
Do you know any English, American and Czech festivals?
When and how do people celebrate Christmas in Great Britain, the USA and the Czech Republic?
What is Christmas like at your home?
What do you think about the picture bellow?
Read the text and change verbs to negatives:
Who are the British?
British people live in the UK. They are people who live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. British people can also either be English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.
The British are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humour. British people have a strong sense of humour that sometimes can be hard for foreigners to understand.
Britain is a country of mixed cultures. London has the largest non-white population of any European city and over 250 languages are spoken there. Therefore not all British people are White or Christians.
Do you know any English, American and Czech festivals?
When and how do people celebrate Christmas in Great Britain, the USA and the Czech Republic?
What is Christmas like at your home?
What do you think about the picture bellow?
Read the text and change verbs to negatives:
Who are the British?
British people live in the UK. They are people who live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. British people can also either be English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish.
The British are said to be reserved in manners, dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their sense of humour. British people have a strong sense of humour that sometimes can be hard for foreigners to understand.
Britain is a country of mixed cultures. London has the largest non-white population of any European city and over 250 languages are spoken there. Therefore not all British people are White or Christians.
9. Food, cooking, recipes
9. Food, cooking, recipes
Present simple (Přítomný čas prostý)
What importance do you pay to healthy eating? Do you think that you eat in a healthy way?
Do you know any typical Czech and English meals?
What is your favourite food?
Describe and compare the pictures bellow.
Present simple
Read the text and try to translate it, please:
Margaretha / Norway
In Britain, Margaretha Simons can be a full time housewife, at home with her four children. This, she says, is unusual in her native Norway because almost all Norwegian women go out to work, partly because there are more crèches. It is also unusual in Norway to have more than two children.
Margaretha, who is 43, met her British husband, Noel, a university professor, while she was learning English in Cambridge.
"I find British people friendly," she says." New neighbours invite you for coffee, introduce their children, and take you to the shops. The men are more romantic than Norwegian men."
Are there used any others verb tenses in the article?
Present simple (Přítomný čas prostý)
What importance do you pay to healthy eating? Do you think that you eat in a healthy way?
Do you know any typical Czech and English meals?
What is your favourite food?
Describe and compare the pictures bellow.
Present simple
Read the text and try to translate it, please:
Margaretha / Norway
In Britain, Margaretha Simons can be a full time housewife, at home with her four children. This, she says, is unusual in her native Norway because almost all Norwegian women go out to work, partly because there are more crèches. It is also unusual in Norway to have more than two children.
Margaretha, who is 43, met her British husband, Noel, a university professor, while she was learning English in Cambridge.
"I find British people friendly," she says." New neighbours invite you for coffee, introduce their children, and take you to the shops. The men are more romantic than Norwegian men."
Are there used any others verb tenses in the article?
7. Travelling, means of transport
7. Travelling, means of transport
Past simple (minulý čas prostý)
Do you like travelling? Do you prefer to go abroad or do you prefer our country?
Specify individual kinds of transport means and choose the one you like to travel with. Do you prefer travel agencies to travelling "on your own"?
What must you never forget when you go abroad?
What countries have you already visited?
Which country would you like to visit?
Can you describe pictures bellow, please?
Past simple
When we use the simple past and when the past continuous?
Read the text and find examples of verbs in past simple and past continuous forms:
Post office robbery
Yesterday afternoon thieves stole 500 pounds from a post office in Preston, Lancashire. Police do not have a good description of the men, because they were wearing masks. But they know that they escaped in a red Ford Cortina. This information came from an 11-year-old boy, Charlie Carrack who was coming home from school at the time.
Past simple (minulý čas prostý)
Do you like travelling? Do you prefer to go abroad or do you prefer our country?
Specify individual kinds of transport means and choose the one you like to travel with. Do you prefer travel agencies to travelling "on your own"?
What must you never forget when you go abroad?
What countries have you already visited?
Which country would you like to visit?
Can you describe pictures bellow, please?
Past simple
When we use the simple past and when the past continuous?
Read the text and find examples of verbs in past simple and past continuous forms:
Post office robbery
Yesterday afternoon thieves stole 500 pounds from a post office in Preston, Lancashire. Police do not have a good description of the men, because they were wearing masks. But they know that they escaped in a red Ford Cortina. This information came from an 11-year-old boy, Charlie Carrack who was coming home from school at the time.
7. Travelling, means of transport
7. Travelling, means of transport
Past simple (minulý čas prostý)
Do you like travelling? Do you prefer to go abroad or do you prefer our country?
Specify individual kinds of transport means and choose the one you like to travel with. Do you prefer travel agencies to travelling "on your own"?
What must you never forget when you go abroad?
What countries have you already visited?
Which country would you like to visit?
Can you describe pictures bellow, please?
Past simple
When we use the simple past and when the past continuous?
Read the text and find examples of verbs in past simple and past continuous forms:
Post office robbery
Yesterday afternoon thieves stole 500 pounds from a post office in Preston, Lancashire. Police do not have a good description of the men, because they were wearing masks. But they know that they escaped in a red Ford Cortina. This information came from an 11-year-old boy, Charlie Carrack who was coming home from school at the time.
Past simple (minulý čas prostý)
Do you like travelling? Do you prefer to go abroad or do you prefer our country?
Specify individual kinds of transport means and choose the one you like to travel with. Do you prefer travel agencies to travelling "on your own"?
What must you never forget when you go abroad?
What countries have you already visited?
Which country would you like to visit?
Can you describe pictures bellow, please?
Past simple
When we use the simple past and when the past continuous?
Read the text and find examples of verbs in past simple and past continuous forms:
Post office robbery
Yesterday afternoon thieves stole 500 pounds from a post office in Preston, Lancashire. Police do not have a good description of the men, because they were wearing masks. But they know that they escaped in a red Ford Cortina. This information came from an 11-year-old boy, Charlie Carrack who was coming home from school at the time.
6. Sports
6. Sports
First conditional (první kondicionál)
Do you like sports, why is sport so important for human being?
Do you practice individual sports or do you prefer collective sports?
What kind of sport do you like the best and why?
What are the most popular sports in your country?
Look at the picture and read the text:
Have you ever tried any high-adrenalin sports?
What do you think about them?
First conditional
Second conditional
Put the verbs in the correct form:
If I [be] rich, I [travel] round the world. First I [go] to Canada, then I [go] to New York.
If he [work] harder, he [have] more money.
I [go] to work, if I [feel] better, but I feel terrible.
If I [ca] speak perfect English, I [not be] in this classroom.
What ...... you ........ [if] a stranger [give] you 1 million pounds?
First conditional (první kondicionál)
Do you like sports, why is sport so important for human being?
Do you practice individual sports or do you prefer collective sports?
What kind of sport do you like the best and why?
What are the most popular sports in your country?
Look at the picture and read the text:
Have you ever tried any high-adrenalin sports?
What do you think about them?
First conditional
Second conditional
Put the verbs in the correct form:
If I [be] rich, I [travel] round the world. First I [go] to Canada, then I [go] to New York.
If he [work] harder, he [have] more money.
I [go] to work, if I [feel] better, but I feel terrible.
If I [ca] speak perfect English, I [not be] in this classroom.
What ...... you ........ [if] a stranger [give] you 1 million pounds?
6. Sports
6. Sports
First conditional (první kondicionál)
Do you like sports, why is sport so important for human being?
Do you practice individual sports or do you prefer collective sports?
What kind of sport do you like the best and why?
What are the most popular sports in your country?
Look at the picture and read the text:
Have you ever tried any high-adrenalin sports?
What do you think about them?
First conditional
Second conditional
Put the verbs in the correct form:
If I [be] rich, I [travel] round the world. First I [go] to Canada, then I [go] to New York.
If he [work] harder, he [have] more money.
I [go] to work, if I [feel] better, but I feel terrible.
If I [ca] speak perfect English, I [not be] in this classroom.
What ...... you ........ [if] a stranger [give] you 1 million pounds?
First conditional (první kondicionál)
Do you like sports, why is sport so important for human being?
Do you practice individual sports or do you prefer collective sports?
What kind of sport do you like the best and why?
What are the most popular sports in your country?
Look at the picture and read the text:
Have you ever tried any high-adrenalin sports?
What do you think about them?
First conditional
Second conditional
Put the verbs in the correct form:
If I [be] rich, I [travel] round the world. First I [go] to Canada, then I [go] to New York.
If he [work] harder, he [have] more money.
I [go] to work, if I [feel] better, but I feel terrible.
If I [ca] speak perfect English, I [not be] in this classroom.
What ...... you ........ [if] a stranger [give] you 1 million pounds?
5. Leisure time activities
5. Leisure time activities
Verb patterns (slovesné vzory)
Have you got a lot of free time?
Which hobbies are useful for your future job?
Which are the most common hobbies?
Verb patterns
Are these verbs followed by the infinitive or -ing form?
enjoy, like, try, want, decide, start, begin, manage
Read the text and try to find some verbs following by infinitives or -ing forms:
Don't look down
I have always enjoyed walking. When I was a boy, I used to go walking at weekends with my father. We went camping and climbing together. I try to visit a new place every year. Last year I decided to walk a path in Spain called El Camino del Rey, which means the King's Way. It is one of the most highest and most dangerous footpaths in Europe. It used to be very safe, but now it is falling down.
I took a train to the village of El Chorro and started to walk towards the mountains. I was very excited. Then the adventure began.
The path was about three feet wide and there were holes in it. It used to have a handrail, but not any more. I didn't know what to do / should I go on my hands and knees, or stand up? I decided to stand up and walk slowly.
Verb patterns (slovesné vzory)
Have you got a lot of free time?
Which hobbies are useful for your future job?
Which are the most common hobbies?
Verb patterns
Are these verbs followed by the infinitive or -ing form?
enjoy, like, try, want, decide, start, begin, manage
Read the text and try to find some verbs following by infinitives or -ing forms:
Don't look down
I have always enjoyed walking. When I was a boy, I used to go walking at weekends with my father. We went camping and climbing together. I try to visit a new place every year. Last year I decided to walk a path in Spain called El Camino del Rey, which means the King's Way. It is one of the most highest and most dangerous footpaths in Europe. It used to be very safe, but now it is falling down.
I took a train to the village of El Chorro and started to walk towards the mountains. I was very excited. Then the adventure began.
The path was about three feet wide and there were holes in it. It used to have a handrail, but not any more. I didn't know what to do / should I go on my hands and knees, or stand up? I decided to stand up and walk slowly.
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