east coast: New York, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boston, Orlando, ...
west coast: San Francisco, Los Angeles, San José, Santa Cruz, ...
area: 9 809 155 km2
population: 263 437 000 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 263 437 000 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (1995); in 1980-1990 highly mobile redistribution from Nothern Central and North-East States on the South and West. Population grew by 9,8% in decade from 80.-90.
ethnic groups: 80%white; 15% black; 3% Asian and Pacific Islanders; more than 1/5 blacks lives in the Southern States (Missourri, Alabama, South Carolina, ... )
religions: 56% Protestantism; 25% Roman Catholicism; 2% Judaism; 17% Other (Islam, Hinduism, ... )
language: no official language; english is predominant; nearly 32 milion US residents aged 5 or older speak a language other than English at home. 54% can speak Spanish; other languages spoken in USA are: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, German, Polish, Greek and native American languages.
form of goverment: democratic federal republic; 48 contiguous states + noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii and outlaying areas including Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guana, Virgin Isles
head of state: president; four-year term
currency: american dollar; coins and paper money; penny= 1¢, nickel= 5¢, dime=10¢, quarter=25¢, half-dollar=50¢; dollar=100¢
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