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Future plans and career choices 2.

What about the risk of uneployment?

It is often very hard for young people who just finish their studies to find a job. Many people who find themselves unemployed try to improve their chances of getting some job by attending various vocational training courses (tím, že navštěvují kurzy odborné přípravy).

At present, the rate of unemployment is steadily increasing. In some cases, you may find that neither the employment agencies (úřady práce), nor the unemployment benefit (podpora v neza- městnanosti) are able to help you. In this situation you must help yourself.

With the development of industry and technology many new professions have appeared (se ob- jevilo), such as mechanic, driver, electrician, tinsmith (klempíř), design engineer (konstruktér), welder (svářeč), plumber (instalatér), locksmith (zámečník), programmer (programátor), and more are being added every year.

Some of the more popular careers are economist, lawyer (právník), manager, airhostess, singer, actor, customs officer, financial consultant, businessman, journalist, sales representative (obchodní zástupce) etc.

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