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Health and diseases

1) What is health/diseases, types of diseases
2) How to be fithttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
3) Medical care in our country – compare with other countries
4) Hospitals in the Czech Republic, health insurance
5) Types of medical treatments, children diseases, incurable diseases, international WHO    

Health is one of the most important things in our life. Everyone knows it but if you are healthy, you usually don't appreciate it. You often realize it when your parents or one of your relative is seriously ill.
The human body is permanently being attacked by many different kinds of bacteria, microorganisms, and viruses. Most diseases can be prevented or at least controlled.
The common illnesses are: a cold/nachlazení/, influenza /chipka/, a sore throat /bolest v krku/, tonsillitis /angina/.
How can we get fit? We should have a regular daily routine with enough of sleep and regular food. This food should be healthy. It means that our food must contain a lot of vitamins. But we should drink no or a little alcohol, we shouldn't smoke and take drugs. Physical training is very important for healthy life – do some sports or go for walks. I think it’s much better than sitting for a long time at the computer or watching TV.
Medical care in the Czech Republic with recent reform of public health service is not as free of charge /bezplatný/ as it was. We now have to pay a small charge every time we see a doctor. We also pay for prescriptions, stay in hospitals and medicines although some of them could be entirely paid by insurance company /pojišťovna/.
In Great Britain, there is NHS (National Health Service) which provides cheap or free medical for everybody. People don’t pay for medical treatment /léčba/. State pays medical treatment from taxes. You don’t have to use the NHS, you can use the private doctor or private hospital but you have to pay.
Health care in the USA is the best in the world, but it is also the most expensive. If one is poor, the government will pay the doctor for treatment. Many people are not poor but don't have the money to pay for private health insurance because it is very expensive.
In every bigger city, there is a health centre or a hospital. In the hospital there are many departments – surgery /chirurgie/ with surgeons, dental department with dentists, eye department with oculist, dermatology department with dermatologist, ear and throat department (ORL) with ear and throat specialist, pediatry with pediatrist, and maternity hospital /porodnice/ with gynaecologist.
In some places with fresh air or hot wells can be sanatorium or spa where people can take a bath, have a water treatment, have a massage or remedial exercises.
In our republic everybody has to be insured /pojištěný/. In our Health Insurance System employers pay health insurance for their employees. But private persons have to pay for their insurance themselves. The state pays the insurance for children, students and retired people.
We can suffer from various illnesses beginning with common children diseases such as: measles /spalničky/, chickenpox /neštovice/, mumps /příušnice/ or scarlet fever /spála/. Usually we suffer from common infections such as colds, influenza or sore throat. We usually stay in bed, drink herbal teas, take pills, drops or vitamins and after a week or two we feel well again. However the situation may sometimes be more serious and needs special treatment in the hospital, e. g. heart attack, breaking an arm or leg, or in the case of some real dangerous disease such as tuberculosis, anaemia /chudokrevnot/, pneumonia /zápal plic/, leukaemia, diabetes, etc. The doctors' care must be very attentive because human life is in danger. It is the same situation with all possible operations and surgeon interferences. It is enough to say that there are still diseases which cannot be cured such as cancer or AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). These illnesses have arisen /vznikl/ recently /nedávno/. We can do everything, but we can't change anything. Maybe the doctors invent /vynaleznou/ medicines for these illnesses.
WHO - The World Health Organization, which is a specialized agency of the UN dealing with health and living conditions, and came into existence on 7th April 1948 (the annual World Health Day), has defined health as a state of physical and social prosperity and not only the absence of disease.

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