1) Diff. between nations, people – present x past
2) Social refugee – poor x rich
3) Religion – why do people believe?
4) Why do people need society, freedom, money, economy?
5) Influence of parents, authorities, our idols.
6) Globalism – advertising, commercial society, violence, sex, drugs.
7) How do we live?
Today differences between nations are not as apparent /zjevný/ as in the past. In the past a religion, race /rod/, age, birth or property /majetek/ of land and many other things made big influence. Modern societies are stratificated /rozvrstveny/ into classes. Between classes is high social mobility /pohyblivost/. Present societies tolerate others more or less. There are still a few people or clans which are not tolerating the others. For example other races or religion members but the situation is much better than in the past.
I am not sure if I grasped correctly subtitle social refugee/vyděděnec/– poor or rich. Money does not mean the happiest life all the time. Sometimes poor people can be happier than rich people. But in present world, money plays a big role. We won´t entertain /udržovat/ false hopes but nobody can live without money. We need money for everything. It begins with health care and ends with gifts which we buy for friends. We generally see the poorest people like derelicts /opuštěný/ of society and deviants.
In our country is 30 percents of religionists. Someone believes less, someone more. Religion isn´t only that someone is „up“but it is also world-view, life-view, it is other philosophy. Why do people believe in god? What do they have from it? They have life where is somebody who tells them what is wrong or right, he gives them some reason to live. We can find argument against everything what could have wight influence. But religion from bigger part fell than in the past. Maybe it is due to people who believe to scientific theory more than philosophic.
People need society due to primary necessity of human – to be part of something bigger. Some people don´t want to be part of society. No of us wants to be alone, friends will help you in spots of stress. We need freedom because we aren´t glad to be chained. Everybody wants to do what he wants to do and we don´t want to be strapped in chains. In these days is freedom very rare. We need economy for going of state. We have more kinds of economies. Thanks to economy are impact wages and prices of products.
The biggest influences on us have our parents. They say what we are allowed to do. They form our socialization. Farther have influences teachers, coaches etc. Influence of our idols is subjective. Somebody has idols but somebody does not.
Advertising impacts us on every step. We see it on TV, we read newspapers and listen to radios. Drugs are one of the biggest problems today. Most people experienced some of soft drugs. Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are soft drugs which aren´t banned but they harm human body. Due to drugs is possible creation of big jones. Many people die due to drugs every year. Another problem: a single parent family. There is a big number of divorces.
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