1) Past x present
2) Global problems – globalization, environment, weather
3) Money – importance of money now x past
4) Drugs, gambling, alcohol – new generation
5) Racism, street violence, religion, wars, nature disasters, famine, diseases, terrorism
6) What can people do against it?
7) Problems of big cities
People solved different problems in the past, but we have other problems at present. I mean things like TERRORISM, IRAQ WAR, FINANCIAL CRISES, ENVIRONMENT, DISEASES, DRUGS, SMOKING, INCREASING POPULATION… So now, I’m going to tell you something closer about these problems.
It´s a big world problem and I think, that it´s a big danger for the future. Terrorists are usually fanatic people. They want to kill as many people as possible. Everyone remembers 11th September 2001. Two jet /proudové/ airliners were hijacked /unesený/ and they crashed into the twin towers of World Trade Center in New York. The third airplane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Many innocent /nevinný/ people were killed. The terrorists were Muslims. In WTC there weren´t only Americans, but also many people of various nationalities and faiths /víra/. There were Christians, Jews, Atheists, Buddhists... so it wasn´t the attack only against the USA, but against the whole western world.
Iraq war is a consequence /následek/ of 11th September. USA fights /bojuje/ against Saddam Hussein and his regime. In this war other western world countries take part /účastní se/– Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Poland and the Czech Republic too.
Banks over the world – mostly American – were lending /půjčovali/ more money than they could have afforded /mohli dovolit/. They made debts and they went bankrupt. The result is the world economic crises. To hold the economy the governments have to support economy. Lot of money is used in car industry. People are saving money, they are losing their jobs.
People are destroying their environment/živ.prostř./ by their behavior and consequences are global warming, ozone hole and acid rains. Maybe the biggest problem is the destruction of forests throughout /skrz/ the world. Recent /nedávný/ studies about forests show that temperate /mírné/ forests are even more endangered /ohrožený/ than tropical forests. Forests are home to the majority of the earth’s wildlife and forests perform /vykonávají/ many necessary tasks like regulating the earth’s climate and cleaning water sources.
Recent world problem was a pig flu, but it isn’t the most dangerous disease in the world. There are many diseases that give us trouble all over the world. Diseases are big problems mainly in developing /rozvojové/ countries because there are not as good and available health services as in developed countries and it means disease like influenza /chřipka/, which is not difficult for us and we can cure /vyléčit/ it, is often terminal /smrtelný/. But there are many really dangerous diseases (e.g.: AIDS, Leprosy, TBC, Malaria, Cancer, Cholera and so on).
Drugs can be divided into three categories: hard, soft and legal. All three types can cause addiction, illness, or even /dokonce/ death. Only Cigarette smoking kills 2.5 million people every year. Hard drugs include heroin, cocaine and “Pervitin”. Marijuana, hashish, and solvents /ředidla/ are considered /považované/ to be soft drugs. Legal drugs include cigarettes and alcohol and sometime chocolate
The world’s population is over 6 billion people today. Every year another 90 million people are added to this total. This is the same as the combined /spojená/ population of The United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands together. More than 80 states began to advertise /inzerovat/and support provisions /opatření/ to control birth-rates (for example Japan and China) because of the problem of population explosion. Experts estimate /odhadovat/ that by 2025 the world’s population will come to 8.5 billion people.
These problems are I think the most important, but there are more problems which are moving and changing the world. And everybody has its problem, and he think, that exactly his problem is the biggest all over the world
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