1) Kinds of housing – advantages x disadvantages
2) Special housing
3) Life in the city x village
4) Housing in the past x present and future
5) Living with family, boyfriend, friend – generation gap
6) Living abroad – pros and cons
7) Natural living
8) Me and my home, my dream house
When you look around, you can see lots of different buildings in many different places. In the CR there are many kinds of houses, like, for example panel blocks with flats, which are very widespread /rozšířený/ there, villas, single family detached /oddělěný/ houses, semi-detached /dvojdomek/ houses or terraced houses /řadový/. Every type of building has some advantages and disadvantages. If somebody lives in a panel block, it is mostly in the centre of bigger towns, so in my point of view he has an opportunity /možnost/ to find some new friends there, because when you go out you’ll definitely meet someone you know or you don’t know or you might get to know. But I think that there are more disadvantages of living there. You usually don’t have your own garden, you can’t make noise because of your neighbours and these flats aren’t generally as big and comfortable as houses. I know that houses can be also in the city centre, but for example I live in the house in the suburbs /okraj města/ and I really like it.
Well, you can see many different styles of housing in many different places across the whole world. In the USA or in GB there are apartment buildings (it’s something like panel blocks), boarding houses, houses in ranch style – farms, and shared-houses, that we have here as well. Across the world we can see many other ways of living for example skyscrapers /mrakodrap/ in the metropolitan cities.
There exist also special houses like lodging for homeless, mobile houses (caravans), houseboat and cottages or you can live on or in the tree.
The people before in prehistoric time lived in caves /jeskyně/ and in the sequel /v důsledku/ they became better and better in handwork so they began to build their own buildings from different materials like wood or stones. Regarding /ohledně/ housing in the past, perhaps 100 and more years ago, people lived in palaces and castles. 60 years ago people lived in cottages and log cabins /srub/, because they weren’t as rich as we are now. And what about living in the future? Maybe people will be living in some modern glass houses, in bigger and bigger skyscrapers or even on the other planets of solar system, because our planet will be, I think so, overcrowded /přeplněný/.
When I am thinking about living in a big city or in a village, maybe I’d rather live in the town. Of course there are things like polluted air, much smog and noise. Everybody is in a hurry, especially before Christmas time when everyone buys some presents for his friends and family. But on the other hand there can be more opportunities for finding a well-paid and interesting job. In the big cities we can find also more cultural inventions /vynálezy/. There are more cinemas, more theatres, more discotheques and lots of other events. We can also meet, from time to time, some famous person. And for me the most important reason is that there are also many department stores including many special shops and I can always find what I want. I also see the big advantage in the transport (more connections). But on the other hand, living in the village has also its own pluses. There air is cleaner and sometimes it is good that everybody knows each other, because everybody will be propably trying to help you, if you have some problems.
Now I live with my family-exactly with my mother and with my friend. And every weekend is there with us my grandmother and grandfather. We spend the time together, we cook together and work in the garden I think it is nice. I am very satisfied, we haven’t got any serious problems. We live in the house with a big garden in the suburbs of Dolní Poustevna. Some of my friends are already living with their partners, but I think they are only cutting their youth.
My dream is a beautiful life in bigger city- maybe in Kladno because my friend came from this town, he has there his mother and sister and I like this town. It is near to Prague, there is everything what you normal need. (Theatre, shopping centres, cinema, fitness, etc). I want to live in a family house in the suburbs of Kladno with a garden with a swimming pool. I don’t want to live the all life in a flat, there isn’t enough place for our things. Maybe, I will miss my family, but I hope, I will go the at least /alespoň/ once a month.
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