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Where would you like to live?

1) Kinds of housing – advantages x disadvantages
2) Special housing
3) Life in the city x village
4) Housing in the past x present and future
5) Living with family, boyfriend, friend – generation gap
6) Living abroad – pros and cons
7) Natural living
8) Me and my home, my dream house

When you look around, you can see lots of different buildings in many different places. In the CR there are many kinds of houses, like, for example panel blocks with flats, which are very widespread /rozšířený/ there, villas, single family detached /oddělěný/ houses, semi-detached /dvojdomek/ houses or terraced houses /řadový/. Every type of building has some advantages and disadvantages. If somebody lives in a panel block, it is mostly in the centre of bigger towns, so in my point of view he has an opportunity /možnost/  to find some new friends there, because when you go out you’ll definitely meet someone you know or you don’t know or you might get to know. But I think that there are more disadvantages of living there. You usually don’t have your own garden, you can’t make noise because of your neighbours and these flats aren’t generally as big and comfortable as houses. I know that houses can be also in the city centre, but for example I live in the house in the suburbs /okraj města/ and I really like it.
Well, you can see many different styles of housing in many different places across the whole world. In the USA or in GB there are apartment buildings (it’s something like panel blocks), boarding houses, houses in ranch style – farms, and shared-houses, that we have here as well. Across the world we can see many other ways of living for example skyscrapers /mrakodrap/ in the metropolitan cities.
There exist also special houses like lodging for homeless, mobile houses (caravans), houseboat and cottages or you can live on or in the tree.
The people before in prehistoric time lived in caves /jeskyně/ and in the sequel /v důsledku/ they became better and better in handwork so they began to build their own buildings from different materials like wood or stones. Regarding /ohledně/ housing in the past, perhaps 100 and more years ago, people lived in palaces and castles. 60 years ago people lived in cottages and log cabins /srub/, because they weren’t as rich as we are now. And what about living in the future? Maybe people will be living in some modern glass houses, in bigger and bigger skyscrapers or even on the other planets of solar system, because our planet will be, I think so, overcrowded /přeplněný/.
When I am thinking about living in a big city or in a village, maybe I’d rather live in the town. Of course there are things like polluted air, much smog and noise. Everybody is in a hurry, especially before Christmas time when everyone buys some presents for his friends and family. But on the other hand there can be more opportunities for finding a well-paid and interesting job. In the big cities we can find also more cultural inventions /vynálezy/. There are more cinemas, more theatres, more discotheques and lots of other events. We can also meet, from time to time, some famous person. And for me the most important reason is that there are also many department stores including many special shops and I can always find what I want. I also see the big advantage in the transport (more connections). But on the other hand, living in the village has also its own pluses. There air is cleaner and sometimes it is good that everybody knows each other, because everybody will be propably trying to help you, if you have some problems.
Now I live with my family-exactly with my mother and with my friend. And every weekend is there with us my grandmother and grandfather. We spend the time together, we cook together and work in the garden I think it is nice. I am very satisfied, we haven’t got any serious problems. We live in the house with a big garden in the suburbs of Dolní Poustevna. Some of my friends are already living with their partners, but I think they are only cutting their youth.
My dream is a beautiful life in bigger city- maybe in Kladno because my friend came from this town, he has there his mother and sister and I like this town. It is near to Prague, there is everything what you normal need. (Theatre, shopping centres, cinema, fitness, etc). I want to live in a family house in the suburbs of Kladno with a garden with a swimming pool. I don’t want to live the all life in a flat, there isn’t enough place for our things. Maybe, I will miss my family, but I hope, I will go the at least /alespoň/ once a month.

Future career

1) What does work give us? Possibilities present x past – hat it changed?
2) Women x men, employers x employees
3) Workers union (odbory)
4) Unemployment
5) Applying for a job – what is important
6) Part-time, full-time job – advantage, disadvantage
7) My experience, working abroad – why attractive, pros and cons
8) My future career
At first I’m going to speak about the importance of work generally, about possibilities in the past and today, then about some problems with discrimination, about unemployment, applying for a job, types of jobs, working abroad and in conclusion about my own future career.
It is really important to have a job for many reasons. It is a part of socializing and making close friends, because you probably meet there people who have similar interests and attitudes /oistoj/ like you when they have been doing the same job as you. It is also important for your personality, because you’ve got feeling that you’re good in something, that they need you there and that you can handle /ovládat/ it and that you can do this. But the most important reason why to have a job is money of course. There is no other way how to survive /přežít/ in our society without job that ensures /zajistí/ us money, if your parents are not multimillionaires or if you’re not a robber and a thief /zloděj/ or something like that.
    I think there are a lot of job possibilities but sometimes it is still difficult to find a job, because to have a good job you need education. And to have a good education you need money in most cases. And anyway you can’t be sure that you will get the perfect job you have dreamed about. But still I think that there are many more possibilities than in the past, for example working abroad which wasn’t that easy in the past and some other things. 
There can appear /objevit se/ some problems with getting a job, especially when you’re a woman. In most cases when you’re married with children. The employer is scared of your absence because of you children and their possible illnesses or things like that. You can even have a problem with finding a job if you don’t have children, because in that case the employer can be scared of your possible longing /touha/ for getting pregnant /těhotná/. So it is more difficult to get a job if you’re a woman than if you’re a man in my opinion. There are also sometimes prejudices that men are better in some functions and for example technical issues so maybe when there is a woman and a man applying for a job, they can give a priority to a man because of these stereotypes.
    Unemployment is another problem in our society. It occurs /nastane/ when a person is available and willing /ochotný/ to work but currently /aktuálně/ without work. There are a lot of things that can cause unemployment, for example relief /podpora/ in unemployment, it increases voluntary unemployment. The next causes of unemployment can be imperfect employment market - imperfect information about job possibilities, non-effective salary (does nor motivate people), today’s financial crisis etc. Recently /nedávno/ the highest unemployment rate is in many African countries and in Mongolia, Ukraine and Norway.
    When you are applying for a job you have to do some specific things. You have to send your curriculum vitae (c. v.) and an accompanying letter (also called motivational letter). Later, you will probably need to go on interviews to meet with employers face to face. The form of c. v. you can find on the internet where everything important is written, like for example that it has to involve /obsahovat/ your contact information, education, experiences, special skills /schopnosti/ , references /doporučení/ and reasons that motivate you to do this job and things like this.
    You can apply for a part-time or for a full-time job. A part-time job is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job. Workers are considered to be part-time if they commonly work fewer than 30 or 35 hours per week. Full-time employment is employment in which the employee works the full number of hours defined by the employer. Full-time employment often comes with benefits that are not typically offered to part-time workers, such as annual leave, sick leave, and health insurance. Part-time jobs are beneficial mainly for students at universities. They don’t have to work a lot of hours and they don’t need to have really large income. Typical jobs are for example working at a fast-food restaurant, working as a clerk in a store, working as a bag boy at a supermarket etc.
    Recently working abroad has become very attractive. Working abroad is a fantastic way to discover /objevit/ a new culture, become independent and learns a lot of things like for example improve your language skills and these kinds of things. There are a lot of opportunities to travel and work overseas. There are many reasons why students and graduates choose to find a job in another country, for example for reasons I have already mentioned /zmíněný/. A well-known abroad job is for example a job of au-pair – a foreign national assistant who has responsibility for childcare and some housework as well. The negative of such a job is maybe that you are far away from your parents, friends and you are totally independent, you really have to take care of yourself. When you don’t have money, it’s YOU who has to figure it out /vyřešit/.

The role of newspaper, magazine and books in life

1) The role of reading and newspapers in the society, censorship – diff. countries
2) Influence of media e.g. in the USA and in the CZ
3) Types of newspapers, magazines and genres of books
4) Our favourite reading
5) English and Am. Authors
6) What does reading give us? Reading in foreign language.
7) What have you read recently?
8) Libraries, internet sources

Many people read newspaper, because they want to know information from the world. We have a lot of types of newspaper (f. E. MF Dnes, Lidové noviny, Hospodářské noviny are about business, economy and financial). Tabloids are Šíp, Aha, Blesk. We can cull from wide products of magazines – for woman, about computers or about science. Adults read mostly newspaper like Economic newspaper, Catholic weekly paper, People´s newspaper or Young Front Today. I think it´s a little boring. Children read mostly cartoons. There are many pictures and a few of words and it´s not difficult to read it. Czech cartoon magazine is f.e. Čtyřlístek.
I read newspapers, but not every day, because I don’t buy it. Mostly I read it in the Internet on Novinky cz. or Idnes.cz. Sometimes I read some tabloids because it is very interesting and funny what can people fiction.  If I have bad moor /nálada/ I read these gossips and scandals about stars  and I am happy. But sometimes happened that my moor will be angry because normal people have serious problems and these famous people loose problems like what I should wear and which party a should visit etc.
I like reading books, but now I haven’t enough time for it. In literature we have many genres of books: The genres of poetry are lyric poetry like hymn, epic poetry like ballad or epos. The genres of drama are tragedy or comedy. The genres of prose are story, short story, novel, horror, science fiction, biography, crime story and so on. I like biography and drama.
British writers are for example Charles Dickens, Joanne Rowling, Jonathan Swift, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Herbert George Wells, Agatha Christie and others.
American writers are for example Edgar Allan Poe, Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Jack Kerouac or Allen Ginsberg.
What does reading gives us? We read for learning something new or for fun. When we read, we make our word-stock better.
Recently I read only graduation questions.And I haven’t my favourite writer, because, as I already said, I haven’t enough time for reading. I hope it will be better in the future.
I live in Dolní Poustevna, it is a small village, so we have only small library. Our library is open on Tuesday and on Thursday. I use our library if I need some book f. E. For school, which we haven’t at home. But I can see, that older people or people in a rente they use the library very often, because they have enough time for reading and it is good when they training they’re brain. Young people use today often internet for searching information, because it is comfortable and I think, that each for us has it at home.


1)    Introduction – importance of food, healthy and unhealthy food
2)    Different cuisines – compare traditional meals
3)    Typical meals of CZ and English speaking countries
4)    Festive meals
5)    My favourite one
6)    Eating disorders – anorexia, bulimia – problems of models

Firstly I will speak about importance of food, healthy and unhealthy food. Then I will introduce typical meals of Czech Republic and Great Britain. Next topic of my question is festive meals and another will be my favourite meals. Finally I will speak about eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.
In different parts of the world people have different eating habits and call meals by different names. Food is one of our most important daily needs.
When we talk about healthy food we do not mean only the food itself, but also the way it is prepared. It is better to eat small amounts several times a day, instead of just a few very heavy meals. Dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese are often considered part of a healthy diet. Eat as much fresh products as possible, fresh vegetables, fruits and vitamins. A good diet is rich in minerals and vitamins. It´s good eat in quiet atmosphere. Drink a lot of water is important. We shouldn´t eat many sweets or fat meat and we should drink only a modicum of alcohol. Unhealthy food we called Fast food. It´s food which is based on quickly prepared fried meals like hamburger, pizza or typical English fast food Fish & chips.

    The first meal of the day is BREAKFAST. In the Czech Republic breakfast consists of bread with butter, cheese or eggs and rolls and (for drink) tea, milk, coffee or milk with cocoa. An English breakfast is different from ours. They eat cereals, donut, fried bacon, scrambled eggs and beans. The people in Britain drink tea with milk so when we want a normal tea, we must say black tea.

 About 10:00 a.m. it is the usual time for a mid morning snack. At this time, it is good to eat something light and healthy like fruit or vegetables.

 Our LUNCH is consisting of soup, potatoes with meat or dumpling with cream sauce. Our national meal is roast pork with dumplings and sauerkraut. People in England have lunch in fast food or pubs. They do not eat soup. They eat hot dog, hamburger or sandwich with fresh vegetables. Sundays are reserved for their big cooked breakfast (which is sometimes called – „brunch“). Brunch is breakfast and lunch together and it consists of scrambled eggs, fried bacon, sausages, tomatoes and ended with dessert and biscuits.

About 4:00 p.m. there is another SNACK: Sandwiches or fruitcake with tea or coffee.

 The last meal of the day is DINNER. In many families in the Czech Republic, the menu usually consists of another warm meal, for example pancakes or sausages with mustard. If we have a cold dinner it may be cheese, salami, ham, vegetables with bread. English dinner is usually hot meal includes meat, sauce and green vegetables cooked in hot water and pudding. Typical drink in our country is beer. In England tea with milk is more popular but also their typical beer without foam.
The Christmas festive meal in our country is fish with potato salad. Many people have fish soup. But I don´t like it and we don´t have fish soup on our Christmas table. Christmas in England are very interesting, they eat turkey. And for example their traditional food is Christmas pudding, it looks like mud-pie.
 My favourite meals are mashed potatoes, I like festive Christmas dinner and a beef soup from my mother.

    One of the biggest problems are the world is eating problems. The young girls refuse to eat because they want look like singers, actress or model. Afterwards they stop to eat and their body is skinny and they need help. They had anorexia or bulimia.
Anorexia is very dangerous psychiatric illness that describes an eating disorder characterized by extremely low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight.
Girls which have bulimia, eat a lot of food and than they vomit all of eaten food.

Modern technology in life

1) Development of technology, importance
2) Examples, PC, internet, mobiles, TV, things which make our life easier at home
3) Contraception, DNA, Sciences – psychology, environmentalism
4) Genetic modified food, cloning – ethic
5) Technology at school, at work

I’m going to tell you something about modern technology in our life. At first I’m going to speak about development of technology and importance of technology for our life, about technologies which we use every day at home, at school, at work. I want to mention /zmínit/ some examples like PC, internet, TV and so on. After that I will speak about the question of genetic modified food and cloning and I want to tell you some information about contraception, DNA and Science.

We use in our life more technologies, than we maybe think. People lived the whole middle age without any technology and modern devices /zařízení/ until 19th century.  The 19th century was the century of big technologic development. The most famous device from this time is the steam engine.
Production and using of modern devices which we know today started in this time or after this time.
The best example of new age is electricity, today it’s necessary to have electricity at home, because all devices at home need electricity. Then the development of plastic is very important, because today almost everything is made of plastic. Very important for our life is that we know how to mine /dolovat/ earth oil and we know how to use it. All these things are normal for us, but without these things our life would be completely different.
We use a lot of devices and technologies, which make our life better, easier and more com-fortable. We can work faster with PC and we can have a good fun with PC. We can easily search all information at internet, communicate with friends, make shopping and have good fun too.
Mobiles… Mobiles are today not only for easier communication with other people, but for many other usages like photographing, playing games, time planning and so on. TV and many of these things, which I mentioned are good for us, but unfortunately a lot of them, can be misused and people are loosing their time at internet, or at PC games or money with their mobile phones.
Many technologies are commercial and we don’t need them in a fact. For example electric light is for us necessary and it’s hard to live without electricity, but who needs to have an I-Pod for his life? I think everyone can survive without I-Phone, without Facebook but it’s a sign of this age, that we use and need useless things.

New discoveries in chemistry and biology like DNA, contraception and cloning have results for hu-mans. A lot of these discoveries is quite controversial. Some people think, that it isn’t right to play with human beings and with nature itself, but I think in our life these discoveries are necessary too.
For example some orthodox believers are against contraception, but they are wrong.
 No one can afford to have random number of children and in random time, so I think contraception is completely necessary.
Genetic modified food and cloning are controversial too, but I think a half of the food which we eat is geneticly modified because of better size, better smack or higher resistance and the second half is
in fact chemical products, because the production is cheaper. So who is against GM food must eat only food, that he raises on his field, or eat only chemical products.

Celebration and feasts

1) Why people celebrate, differences between countries
2) Public, family and religious celebration
3) Which do you like best? Why?
4) Czech, British and American holidays and celebrations

I think that people celebrate mostly because they want to have the day off. They want to enjoy every possible action, be with their friends and family or only drink a lot of alcohol with reason.
Public feast are for example St. Valentine’s day, New years Eve or mother’s day – it is celebrated in CR, GB and also in US. Only for US are public feasts Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day or Halloween. In UK St. Patrick’s Day and Guy Fawkes Night.
Family feasts ate birthdays and name days
And religious are Christmas and Easter.

St. Valentine’s Day: 14th February - it is a lover’s feast - people in love give some presents to their partners and send Valentine cards. Here is one Legend: In the 3rd century people believed in many Gods, but some people liked the ideals of only one God. They had to hide their feelings, because it was a crime punishable by death. There was one man who didn’t hide it – it was Valentinus. He was put in prison and sentenced to death. His jailer asked him to give some lessons to his blind daughter Julia, she also started to believe in only one god. They prayed together that Julia would one day be able to see. Suddenly there was a brilliant light in the prison cell and Julia started to cry: I can see. Valentinus was executed on February 14th, 270 A.D. Julia herself planted a pink-blossomed almond tree near his grave and it’s became a symbol of Love and friendship.

Independence Day commemorating the birth of the USA on 4. July. Independence from GB. 13 American colonies were now independent states and no longer a part of the British Empire. Declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the US. It is celebrating with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, picnics, baseball games, political speeches and ceremonies.

Thanksgiving Day is every 4th Thursday in November commemorating a day, when the Native Americans (Indians) helped white people (Pilgrim Fathers, which arrived from England on ship called Mayflower) with first harvest.
People do parades, they are wearing fancy costumes, have large balloons. Thanksgiving is beginning of the Christmas period.

Halloween 31 October. In November, winter is near, and hundreds of years ago people believed that bad spirits, like ghosts, came in the winter. They wanted the bad spirits to go away, so they made fires outsider and used big autumn fruit or vegetables to make jack o’lanterns. The name „jack o’lantern“ . To make a jack o’lantern, people cut a hole in a large fruit – usually a pumpkin. Then they put a candle in the hole, and cut a face in the side so the light was easy to see. Another thing people did, to make the bad spirits go away, was to dress like witches and ghosts. People often put up decorations for Hallowe’en parties, and play games. The decorations are usually black (for dark nights and death) and orange (for the autumn vegetables). In Canada and the USA, and sometimes in Britain, children ho „trick or treating“. They dress like witches and ghosts, and go to the houses around where they live, often in a small group. When someone answers the door, the children say: „Trick or treat?“ This means that the person in the house must decide. Either they give the children a treat (like fruit or chocolate) or the children will play a trick on them. For a trick the children sometimes throw something like an egg at the house.
St. Patrick’s Day - on 17. March. St. Patrick is a legendary person who was born in England in 385 A.D. As a child caught by pirates and sold to slavery, in this bad times he began to believe. He started to spread Christianity in Ireland. A legend says that he drove out snakes from Ireland (snakes – evil ) Typical color is green, people are wearing green clothes, clovers, eating green meals and coloring all things green.

Guy Fawkes Night - on 5. November, it commemorates the unsuccessful plot to blow up the House of Parliament with gunpowder in 1605. Guy Fawkes was a member of a group of Catholic conspirators. It is celebrate with bonfires and fireworks.

Easter  is one of the most popular religious feast. Jesus was resurrected from the death on the third day after his crucifixion. Even if this feast is Christian feast, non Christians celebrate it too, because this day lost his original meaning. We celebrate on Monday after the first spring full moon.
Typical food is Easter stuffing with potatoes and soup from fresh herbs, the hot cross- bun and the Easter lamb. In the USA family decorate Easter Eggs on Saturday evening and on Sunday morning they find Easter Eggs in the house and in the garden.

Christmas the day of the birth of Christ.
CR – On 24th December, we have Christmas dinner about 6 o’clock consist by potato salad, carp, schnitzels and white sausages. Then we go in living room and unwrap presents.

 In England: on the 24th December is the Christmas Eve. The Christmas tree is decorated with candles, bells and sweets.  Socks are hung up and children believe that they will be filled by the Father Christmas. In the morning on 25. you can open the presents.Food consists of roast turkey or goose with different vegetables, potatoes and Christmas pudding. They have special crackers – cracker is a little present wrapped in colour paper. Traditionally a Christmas cracker is placed next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table. When Christmas pudding is made, the silver pence may be put into it and if you find this coin, you’ll be wealthy next year.
 USA = they eat roast turkey with stuffing and many different

My favourite feast is Christmas, because whole family is together, everything smells like sweets, mood is very nice, we love each other and of course I get a lot of presents.

Your daily routine

1) Stereotypes, Why do live and like stereotypes?
2) Past x present – what has changed
3) Daily routine in other states, CZ x US x Britain
4) My daily routine – school, weekend, free time, at home, feasts and celebrations, eating together
5) What would you change, your worst day, this day, best day, ideal day

Firstly, I would like to say something to why people live and like stereotypes. I think that it gives them feeling of sureness. They do every day same things, because they are used to be doing it like that. They have familiar way of life, something what has got right and what is easy to do. People don’t have to look for another habits, they have something, what they know well.

My day at school
At weekdays, I usually get up at six o’clock; I have a shower, because I can’t exist without morning shower. I clean my teeth, make my hair and make-up. Then I have a breakfast – a yogurt or bowl of müsli. If we write a test that day, I recite subject matter. I usually learn very well in the morning.
Then I go to school. Everybody knows what people usually do at school – sometimes try to learn something, sometimes are people worried about marks or exam. I have to say that I mostly like time at school. I can be with my friends, we have lot of fun. It is sure, that we were sometimes worried about exam – mainly exam from chemistry. But I think, finally, every teacher gave us something. And I think, I will remember this place for long time.
When I come home, I usually do homework, listen to music, and clean our house. At the evening I watch some movie with my boyfriend. When I don’t have to study or do some homework, I read a book – I love books. I can relax during the reading; I don’t have to think about daily business I simply enjoy the story. When the weather is good, I go out. I do some sport – riding a bike, skate or I go to gym. I like being out. Sometimes, I go with my boyfriend to restaurant, we have a pizza – I love this meal.
I usually go to bed early, because I am usually tired and I fall asleep at 9 o’clock.  
At the weekend
I love weekends, because I can sleep long. I usually do similar things as at the weekdays. I have to cook, because or else my boyfriend would die because of hunger. I have been living with my boyfriend for one year. I have to say it is something great. He helps me a lot, so I don’t have to do everything by myself. I just take care about our clothes, wash the dishes and cook. I like our style of life. We both like sport, movies and music. We can do almost everything together. He is an impassioned console game player – I have to say that I don’t like games a lot.
Sometimes, we make some trip at the weekend – we go shopping, visit some interesting place or something like that.
If I should say something what I would change, I think it wouldn’t be something serious. I like my life, I can enjoy almost everything, and I am not bored by my life. I am not hard to please person, I make do with little things.
For me, the best day is almost every day – when I am with my boyfriend, don’t have worries.  
My ideal day
My ideal day would be definitely by the sea. I love swimming and diving. I can see undersea and enjoy the water. I wouldn’t lie on the beach all day, I don’t like people, who go abroad just to lie and sunbathe. I want enjoy my holidays, explore the nature, meet interesting people, get knowledge of new culture.
I would like to live in a nice hotel, but the hotel must have several buildings, I don’t like living in a huge hotel. I would like to have a pool in front of the hotel – I would wake up early and swim before breakfast. I would like to have an all-inclusive. Then, I can drink and eat any time I want. I would like to live in a hotel, which is surrounded by nice nature – palms, mountains.
I would like to play some beach volleyball, try water gymnastic, go on some trip and go on the open sea with boat. I just want to enjoy the day and not just sit and watch everything around me. I forget one thing – my ideal day would be with my boyfriend. He makes me laugh every day, I enjoy every moment with him and he is for me indispensable (nepostradatelný).


1) Importance – your opinion, education in the Third World
2) Types of education – not only schools (experience, ... )
3) Role of the society, family background
4) Relationship student x teacher
5) Education past x present
6) Violence at school, physical punishment
7) Educ in CZ, what would you change?
8) Educ in USA, Britain
9) Public x private schools, uniforms

I think education is very important part of our life. Life would be harder and worse without education. It's good to learn, because with higher education we will have better work and we will get more money. In today's time we take education for granted. But there still exist states (e.g. Africa) which are poor and they don't get enough of education. The African schools are tumbledown (rozpadlý) buildings where the children sit on the floor.
Education helps us to improve ourselves in every aspect of life and gives us a better decisive power.
Education plays a vital role in the development of the society. Educated people help in the development of a civilized society. People in educated society communicate with each other, understand their problems and provide solutions. An educated society, city, state, lays the foundation of a great world.
Czech Republic
Every child in the Czech Republic has to go to school from six to fifteen. 3-6 years – children go to nursery schools. But no every child goes to nursery school. Some children stay at home with one parent. I don’t think it is good, because in nursery school child learn how to communicate with others, child makes friends with others and learn how to end the relationship.   6-15 children go to primary school (at the age of eleven some pupils can enter to a grammar school after they passed an entrance examination).  Secondary education usually lasts for four years and is finished with a school-leaving examination. We have several types of secondary school – grammar school, business school, school. Where teach you how to cook, how to repair a car, how to make beautiful haircut and fingernails, we have technical schools, schools of tourist travel and I think many others. The university students can study at three-year courses for a Bachelor's Degree or for four (five) for a Master's Degree. We have several branches, which we can study – low, psychology, medicine, industries, economy, languages, computers and programming, sociology, pedagogy and many others.
Great Britain
Every child in Britain has to go to school from five to sixteen. Under 5 years - children go to nursery school (pre-school), 5-7 years - children go to primary school – infant schools, where children take part (účastnit se) in games and learn the basic of reading, writing and arithmetic.  7-11 years – children go to primary school (junior schools), where they attend to doing informal work, especially art and handicrafts. The workload (pracovní náplň) in academic subjects then gradually becomes more formal.11-16 years - children go to secondary school (senior). There are several secondary schools – grammar schools, secondary modern schools, secondary technical schools and comprehensive schools. Grammar schools provide scientific education and prepare pupils for studies at a university. Secondary modern schools give them general education with an emphasis (důraz) on practical activities. Technical schools offer education related to (související s) industry, commerce and agriculture. Comprehensive schools take in children regardless of (bez ohledu na) their ability (schopnost), which is why most children transfer to this type of secondary school from junior school.  16plus - children go to 6-form colleges (further education). The colleges provide courses which are linked to some kind of vocational training (odborné školení) for example engineering, cooking or hairdressing. 18plus - children go to university (higher education).
In most schools school uniforms are usually worn. The students are evaluated by grades from A to F.  At 16 pupils who want to leave school take an examination in 8-10 subjects. They pass the examination G.C.S.E. (general certificate of secondary education) to find a job or G.C.E. (general certificate of education) to continue studies.
Each of the 50 states in the USA has its own laws regulating education. Every child gets minimum of 13 years of education. 3-6 years – children go to nursery school. At age of 6 they started the elementary school which lasts from first grade to sixth grade (years in USA are called grades). At age of 14, students visit high school (from ninth grade to twelfth grade so it lasts four years). High schools are divided into Junior and Senior High school. The leaving qualification is usually the High School Diploma. Student takes this exam at the age of 18. At 18 students can go to college.  Universities in the USA are the best around the world, so that's the reason why they are so expensive.
System in the USA is more practical then system in the Czech Republic. Students have credit system and because of that compulsory and elective subjects. They have four subjects for four months and then, the subjects are finished by test. They have lots of school events – football events, soccer events, volleyball events and many others.  They try to motivate people, to wake up energy in them – pep talk (you make it,, you win,…). They have exams every year, we have one final exam and we have to talk, people in USA just write a test.
Private and state schools
Which one is better? At the private schools few students study so the teachers can more attend to the students. The private schools often have better equipment. And at the private schools students don't have to do the entrance examinations (but at some public schools students too). I think it doesn't matter which school we will choose. Both types of schools offer quality education.
At the Czech schools students don't wear uniforms, because the uniforms aren't compulsory (povinný). They are compulsory in Great Britain and Japan. I wouldn’t like to a wear school uniform, because everybody would look just the same. It is nice that it clears the differences, but it would destroy our individuality. Every person is unique so why everybody should looks same?


1)    Importance of family in society
2)    Family problems today
3)    Habits in a family
4)    Role of family members
5)    Family today and in the past
6)    Role of family in different cultures

I have chosen question number 3- family.

    I think family is very important for upbringing /výchova/. When some child doesn´t have parents or somebody who takes care of him he might/mohl by/ be a little bit wild. I’ll tell you an example: children in stress mostly have parents but they don‘t care about them. These children are in big troubles, they steal, destroy public properties such as drawings on walls and when they grow up they are often in prison.
    There are huge differences between families. Some of them are rich and others poor. In rich families children don´t have any problems because they usually have everything what they want. These children have mostly beaten track /vyšlapané cesty/ thanks to their parents. They are spoiled/zhýčkaný/ or subordinated/podřízený/ by their parents and they cannot do things on their own.   
    Poor families have a little money which usually leads/vede/ to many problems. For example if they need to pay for necessary things - food, clothes and school stuff. It often happens that poor families don´t have money there for kids have to go to children´s home. Children’s´ homes are good but now always. Advantages are children have someone who takes care of them, they have food and clothes on the other hand disadvantages are they haven´t got real parents and children’s homes are only till they are 18 years old and after that they have to take care about themselves and the have nothing. I think that, now I am 19 and when I need money I have my family and they give me it. But these children from children´s homes they have anyone.
    We also need to consider/zvažovat/ people who cannot have children. The adoption is the only way how to bring up a child. Adopted children are usually from children’s´ homes. If mother doesn´t have money than she can give birth to a baby and she can give the baby for an adoption or put in anonymously to a baby box. Baby boxes are new in hospitals. When she does this the light goes on in nurses’ room so she can take this baby out and take care of him or her and then the baby is ready for an adoption. But an adoption is a long-distance race /běh na dlouhé trati/.
    Each family has different habits. I mean the way they celebrate feasts. Each culture has different habits. Czech families have the same Christmas, Easter and other feasts. But in CR it is different how families spend their weekends, holidays or how they celebrate birthdays or name-days. Many families don´t celebrate name- days. For other families it is an occasion to celebrate and give bigger present. Everyone considers birthday as a big event and it is celebrated in a festive way. There is a family celebration where all members are presented. They drink, eat and sing the whole day. At the weekend many people go to their cottage or they go for trips to the nature. During summer holiday whole family go to the sea and during winter some people go to the mountains.
    We can define family types according to the family structure. The nuclear family is the main unit in societies and it usually consists of two adults and their children. Roles of parents in the family are divided/rozdělený/. Functions in the family for example funding is distributed between both parents in contrast from single parent family, where one parent should fill all the functions but it isn´t possible. Child will still miss one of the parents. Single parent family is a family where one of the parents is dead or where parents are divorced or unmarried. Parents should take priority over children and should be their authority and inspiration. Child in the family has a role of a pupil who still learns something new.
    Today´s young people are different from the older ones. Many of young couples split up/oddělí se/ early. A few of them are together the whole life as many of our parents or grandparents. This time is a little bit promiscuous. Perhaps our grandparents were waiting for the real partner, love on a first sight and we are searching and trying which partner will be the best.  If someone has a permanent partner they often are unfaithful or love disappears /zmizí/ very quickly. In the past it was normal to get married when they were 18 but nowadays when somebody has early wedding means they will divorce early because they find out that they made a huge mistake.
    Hundred years ago people had more children than today. They had usually 8 or 10 children as there wasn’t reliable /spolehlivý/ contraception.  Today, families usually have 2 children and later than earlier as they want to study at the University. Today there is contraception which is good for people who want to study or don´t have money.
    In each country role of the family means something else. In America influence of family isn´t so intense comparing to countries in Europe. Success is more important for parents, that´s why family role is not completed and many children become drug addicted or hustlers /podvodník/.
    On the contrary /naopak/ in Africa the role of the family consists of daily struggle/boj/ for survival /přežití/. Whole/celý/ tribe looks after filling of this function. In India men can have more women but their women can have only one man and she has to covert /přikrýt/their faces with the scarf /šátek/. I am happy that I live in this country and that I have the family which I have, because my mother is best.


1)    Introduction – geography, importance of the city for CZ and the world
2)    Sights – monuments, Why are they famous?, What do you know about them?
3)    History
4)    Traffic
5)    Famous people and legends
6)    Recommend something interesting
7)    Shopping, culture, museums, etc.
8)    Do you like Prague and why?

    Prague is the capital and largest city of our republic. It lies in the middle of Bohemia. It has been the capital city of the country since 1918. The population in Prague is 1 242 002 and the area is 496 km2.  Nicknames for Prague have included "the mother of cities""city of a hundred spires", or Stověžatá Praha in Czech and "the golden city" or Zlaté město in Czech. Situated on the River Vltava in central Bohemia, Prague has been the political, cultural, and economic centre of the Czech state for more than 1100 years. Today, the city is home to more than 1.2 million people, while its metropolitan area is estimated to have a population of over 1.9 million. Prague is divided into 57 urban neighbourhoods. The public transport infrastructure consists of an integrated transport system of Prague Metro (its length is 59 km with 57 stations in total), Prague Tram System (including the "nostalgic tram" no. 91), buses, the Petřín funicular to Petřín Hill. The recent situation on the streets is very unpleasant: the main traffic stream of cars leads through the centre of the city. The longest city Tunnel in Europe with a proposed length of 5.5 km and with 5 interchanges with the surface is now being built to relieve congestion in the north-western part of Prague. The tunnel is called Tunel Blanka and it is part of the Municipal Ring Road. Prague is served by Ruzyně International Airport, the biggest airport in the Czech Republic and one of the busiest in Central and Eastern Europe. In Prague, there are lots of sights.  
Prague castle:
This is seat of the president. Here is st. Vitus Cathedral.
Wenceslas square: here are National Museum, st. Wenceslas statue and a lot of shops and fast foods.
National Theatre: has golden roof and was destroyed by fire.
Charles Bridge: is the most famous of the 15 Prague bridges. According to a legend, the bridge is in order for so long because eggs were added into the mortar during its construction.
Old town square: Here are astronomical clock and Jan Hus Statue.
Vyšehrad: Here is cemetery for famous people (f. E. : poets, politicians, well-know Czechs, … Antonín Dvořák, Bedřich Smetana)
Petřín Tower- it is called “little Eiffel”
In Prague are lots of shops or shopping centers. For Example: Letňany, Metropole Zličín, SC Palladium, Palace Flora, etc.
I like Prague, because I have there relatives and I like big cities with many activities (theatres, cinemas, shopping centers. Always, when you are bored, you have a place where you can go. And for me, it is good to live in a big city, because you know much people and they don´t know you. You can make what you want.

My favourite writer or book

1) The role of literature in life, what reading gives us
2) Reading of magazines, newspaper, cartoons
3) Genres
4) British and American writers
5) Me and literature

I have a chosen the question number 5 – My favourite writer or book. Everybody reads something. Somebody reads magazines, newspaper, cartoons or some dictionary or encyclopaedia. We read for learning something new or for fun. When we read, we make our word-stock better.
We can cull from wide products of magazines – for woman, about computers or about science. Adults read mostly newspaper like Economic newspaper, Catholic weekly paper, People´s newspaper or Young Front Today. I think it´s a little boring. Children read mostly cartoons. There are many pictures and a few of words and it´s not difficult to read it. Czech cartoon magazine is f.e. Čtyřlístek.
The genres of poetry are lyric poetry like hymn, epic poetry like ballad or epos. The genres of drama are tragedy or comedy. The genres of prose are story, short story, novel, horror, science fiction, biography, crime story and so on. I like biography and drama.
British writers are for example Charles Dickens, Joanne Rowling, Jonathan Swift, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Herbert George Wells, Agatha Christie and others.
American writers are for example Edgar Allan Poe, Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, Jack Kerouac or Allen Ginsberg.
Sinclair Lewis, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway and G.B. Shaw, they got the Nobel Prize in Literature. Pulitzer Prizes are a serie of 21 awards for outstanding achievements in drama, letters, music and journalism but only for American publishers. It was established by the will of Joseph Pulitzer, publisher of the New York World, awarded annually since 1917 by Columbia University on the recommendation of The Pulitzer Prize Board. The publication should be about living in USA. Sinclair Lewis, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner they got the Pulitzer Prize. In 2009 Elizabeth Strout got the Pulitzer Prize.
 I think that people read now less than in the past. They would rather watch TV or play computer. I like reading, but I have the problem, that I haven´t enough time to do it. But now I don´t have enough time for it. I can read only before I go to sleep, but then I´m very tired, so I can read only a few pages. So I read only newspapers or magazines f. E. About housing or some newspaper with gossips (AHA!, Blesk, etc.). I often read it in the Internet.
Today, I haven´t my favourite writer, because of the time, I have spoken about it. But I like the writer Arthur Hailey. He was a British/Canadian novelist. He was born on 5.th April 1920 in Luton in England and he died on 24.th November 2004. He lived on Bahamas and there he died. Many of his books have reached on the New York Times bestseller list and more than 170 million copies have been sold worldwide in 40 languages. Many have been made into movies and Hotel was made into a long-running television series. Airport became a successful movie with dramatic visual effects. His works: Runway Zero-Eight, The Final Diagnosis, In High Places, Hotel, Airport, Wheels, The Moneychangers, Strong Medicine, The Evening News and others.  


1)    Influence and importance of hobbies/free time for life
2)    How much free time do people have now x past
3)    Types of hobbies
4)    Problems of young people
5)    People with no interests, hobbies and relationship
6)    Typical hobbies for CZ and English speaking countries
7)    Bad and good hobbies, adrenalin kick
8)    My hobbies, my interests – How much do you invest? Why do you do it? When did you start?

A hobby is a very important for everybody. It is like a cure /léčba/ if you are tired, sad, feeling small or in low spirits /smutek/. A hobby is a complete change from work but some hobbies are rather expensive (travelling), some are dangerous (motocycle, bungee jumping), some are very romantic (cooking), some are very time-consuming (watching TV).
    Traditional indoor hobbies include collecting things e.g. stamps, postcards, model cars and air-planes, butterflies stickers, shells, coins, dolls, matchboxes /krabička zápalek/, beer mats, concert programmes, decorated plates, antiques – simply anything.
Many people like to do something creative such as painting or drawing, making pottery /hrnčířství/, playing musical instruments, dress making, model-making, knitting /pletení/, sewing /šití/, cooking, working in a garden or doing crossword puzzles.
Television and videos provide /poskytuje/easy indoor entertainment, and watching TV is by far /zdaleka/ the most popular leisure /volno/ activity. People also play computer games or use the Internet. Other home-based activities include reading and listening to music.
Some people have a sport as their hobby. The most popular sports which people play are football, ice-hockey, basketball, handball, softball and tennis. Some people play non-professional with friends. Many people go regularly to a sports centre which provides facilities for keep-lift classes’ add indoor sports such as squash or badminton. These sport centres are exploited /využívané/ mostly in wither.  On the other hand, a lot of people, who are interested in sport, prefer to watch others play at a stadium or on television. The fitness are today very exploited, because I think, it is a trend to go to a fitness centre with friends or alone.
Going out can be another form of relaxation, but rather expensive. You can go to the cinema, to see a concert, or to see a theatre performance. Art lovers often visit exhibitions in art galleries and museums.
Some people like to spend their time with their friends. They have a picnic in the park or go out for a drink or go dancing, eat out.
Many families, especially this, which live in big towns and cities, like to go away for the weekend. They go to the countryside for short trips or they spend weekends at their cottages – doing gardening, growing fruit and vegetables, flowers, cutting grass…etc.
Different people have a different hobbies and interests, they spend their space time in different ways. Leisure-time /volný čas/ activities also very according to the season of year.

Young people have the problems, that they have no hobbies and interests. So they are with friends outside, they make disorder, they do graffiti, steal or other bad thinks. Their parents haven´t enough time to spend it with children, so they give them money and they do, what they want. 
I think, there aren’t big differences between hobbies in Czech Republic and England. These both countries like football, we have ice hockey and English people have English tea with milk.
    My big hobby is our dog. We have a one year old Labrador retriever, we make walks and we play together. Then I like volleyball, I play it since I was in the 4. Class on primary school. My next big hobby is spinning, but unfortunately I haven´t enough time and money to do it. Then I like gardening and cleaning very much. I know, that my hobbies are for somebody the most unpopular thinks. I like spending time with small children, I have two younger siblings. And naturally, my big interest is my friend Jenda.

What moves the World at present?

1)    Past x present
2)    Global problems – globalization, environment, weather
3)    Money – importance of money now x past
4)    Drugs, gambling, alcohol – new generation
5)    Racism, street violence, religion, wars, nature disasters, famine, diseases, terrorism
6)    What can people do against it?
7)    Problems of big cities

People solved different problems in the past, but we have other problems at present.  I mean things like TERRORISM, IRAQ WAR, FINANCIAL CRISES, ENVIRONMENT, DISEASES, DRUGS, SMOKING, INCREASING POPULATION… So now, I’m going to tell you something closer about these problems.
It´s a big world problem and I think, that it´s a big danger for the future. Terrorists are usually fanatic people. They want to kill as many people as possible. Everyone remembers 11th September 2001. Two jet /proudové/ airliners were hijacked /unesený/ and they crashed into the twin towers of World Trade Center in New York. The third airplane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. Many innocent /nevinný/ people were killed. The terrorists were Muslims. In WTC there weren´t only Americans, but also many people of various nationalities and faiths /víra/. There were Christians, Jews, Atheists, Buddhists... so it wasn´t the attack only against the USA, but against the whole western world.  
Iraq war is a consequence /následek/ of 11th September. USA fights /bojuje/ against Saddam Hussein and his regime. In this war other western world countries take part /účastní se/– Great Britain, Germany, Canada, Poland and the Czech Republic too.
Banks over the world – mostly American – were lending /půjčovali/ more money than they could have afforded /mohli dovolit/. They made debts and they went bankrupt. The result is the world economic crises. To hold the economy the governments have to support economy. Lot of money is used in car industry. People are saving money, they are losing their jobs.   
People are destroying their environment/živ.prostř./ by their behavior and consequences are global warming, ozone hole and acid rains. Maybe the biggest problem is the destruction of forests throughout /skrz/ the world. Recent /nedávný/ studies about forests show that temperate /mírné/ forests are even more endangered /ohrožený/ than tropical forests. Forests are home to the majority of the earth’s wildlife and forests perform /vykonávají/ many necessary tasks like regulating the earth’s climate and cleaning water sources.
Recent world problem was a pig flu, but it isn’t the most dangerous disease in the world. There are many diseases that give us trouble all over the world. Diseases are big problems mainly in developing /rozvojové/ countries because there are not as good and available health services as in developed countries and it means disease like influenza /chřipka/, which is not difficult for us and we can cure /vyléčit/ it, is often terminal /smrtelný/. But there are many really dangerous diseases (e.g.: AIDS, Leprosy, TBC, Malaria, Cancer, Cholera and so on).
Drugs can be divided into three categories: hard, soft and legal. All three types can cause addiction, illness, or even /dokonce/ death. Only Cigarette smoking kills 2.5 million people every year. Hard drugs include heroin, cocaine and “Pervitin”. Marijuana, hashish, and solvents /ředidla/ are considered /považované/ to be soft drugs. Legal drugs include cigarettes and alcohol and sometime chocolate 
The world’s population is over 6 billion people today. Every year another 90 million people are added to this total. This is the same as the combined /spojená/ population of The United Kingdom, Belgium and the Netherlands together. More than 80 states began to advertise /inzerovat/and support provisions /opatření/ to control birth-rates (for example Japan and China) because of the problem of population explosion. Experts estimate /odhadovat/ that by 2025 the world’s population will come to 8.5 billion people.

These problems are I think the most important, but there are more problems which are moving and changing the world. And everybody has its problem, and he think, that exactly his problem is the biggest all over the world

Ways of communication

1) Importance – why, usage
2) Body language x verbal communication
3) Types – can we control it? Advantages x disadvantages
4) Communication at present and in the past – differences, what is better, what makes our lives easier
5) Special communication between deaf or blind people, animals
6) What do you prefer and why?

    Communication is very important for all people in the world. All people and animals use communication for sharing information, feeling, messages etc. We have two basic ways of communication -> the first way is nonverbal communication. This way of communication is all that we do without using a single /jediný/ word. For example body-movement can give some information about us, if we are nervous our knees are shaking or we are biting /kousáme/ nails. Body-movement can say what people feel in a dialog and speaker can talk about other things. The second way is verbal communication. This way of communication is about words. Speaking, typing are the most important for sharing information.
    We have a lot of types of communication for example: face to face speaking, letters, E-mails, Chats, SMS... Internet has been the revolution in communication, communication only with pc screen and keyboard. Advantages of electronic communication are: we must not go out of the house, it is definetly comfortable. But disadvantages: we don´t see our dialog partner, it can be a problem because a partner can be someone, who hacked a partner´s mail or chat account /účet/. We can´t speak about secret information. Speaking face to face advantages: Speakers see nonverbal communication of the second speaker, and he can optimize his speech because he can read feelings of his partner. Disadvantages: people must go out of their house.
    In the past people communicated only face to face and when they wanted to send messages, so one of them had to go far away and he told a message to the next person. Now it is easier, thanks to electronic communication
    Special communication between disabled people: Blind people have special type- Braille. Some deaf /hluchý/ people are lip-readers. Special dogs are trained for deaf and blind people, the dog helps them with many things. Animals communicate with their own language, for example bees have special dance, dolphins have special high frequency whistling /pískání/ and dogs have ordinary Bow Bow.
I prefer communication face to face if I try to resolve problems with my parents or with my friends because I can see nonverbal communication and I can recognize /rozpoznat/ their feelings and know what I should now say. Face to face is good because we can use various loudness /hlasitost/ and accent /důraz/.  But I like electronic communication too, I like icq, facebook. Electronic communications is very important for me because I do homework’s with my friends and I can speak with them every day and we can organize some parties. We can share some electronic documents and photos. But this way of communication has the disadvantage, that I don´t see the second person and I can´t see how is he or she feeling and that f. e. I am uneasy /trapný/.  I use my mobile phone every day too.  I can´t imagine my life without it.

Sports and games

1) Why do people do sports?
2) History of sports – sports events – Olympic Games, world cups
3) Types of sports and games – outdoor-indoor, winter-summer, individual-collective
4) Traditional sport and games in CZ and English speaking countries
5) Professional sportsmen - your opinion, advantages and disadvantages
6) Dangerous, adrenalin sports
7) Your favourite sport and why, investment, time
8) Sports you hate

The first question i would answer is why people do sports? For some people it’s lost time and they don´t do sports. But for most people it is life´s hobby. In other events it is only abreaction /odreagování/ from job, spending free time, building up their health, keep fit or just have fun. We do sports for us or for the others (f. E. Collective games like football etc.).
We know that the ancient /starověké/ Olympic Games began as far back as /již/ 776 Before Christ. That was when the Greeks started keeping records of the winners.  The ancient Olympics (short) took place to honour the Greek god Zeus. Every four years, athletes from around the world come together to compete in the Olympic Games. Today the Olympic Games are held biannually (Summer Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games) in different cities around the World. The most important signs are: 5 varicoloured rings and the Olympic flame /oheň/.
The world cup is I know is f. E. FIFA World cup, it is a football cup, this year it is played in South Africa.
We can sports classify into many groups. Now, I can name some of them. So we have outdoor sports-I think, that every outdoor sport or game we can do indoor. F. E. Skiing-if we want to ski indoor we can travel to Dubai.Then we have the groups winter sports and games. Into this group fall: Ice Hockey, Skiing, Cross-country skiing, Figure skating, bobsleigh, Biathlon, Ski jumping, and others. Summer sports are: Football, Tennis, Cycling, Petangue, Golf, Beach volleyball, swimming in the nature, etc. Into individual sports and games falls f.e. Golf, Tennis, Skiing, and athletics sports (running, decathlon, ...). Collective games are basketball, football, hockey and many others. My favourite sports are volleyball, spinning and I like watching football and ice hockey.
Our traditional sports, I think in Czech Republic, are football (soccer) and Ice hockey and volleyball. The Czechs like tennis too. In England the traditional sports are: Football, Cricket and Rugby, Polo and Golf. In Canada are the national sports Ice hockey, curling and lacrosse. In USA: baseball, football, basketball and ice hockey.
I don’t want to be a professional sportsman, because I think, it is very hard. You must train every day, you must keep the right living and you are not so oft with you family and friends. Because you have these matches or some contest. The advantage is money. I think that the professional sportsmen have enough money to secure /zajistit/ your family. And of course the health condition. But it can happen, that the prof. Can go overboard with /přehánět s čím/ exercising and it isn’t healthy.
I don’t want to do some adrenalin sport, like f.e. bungee jumping or free fall, because I am afraid that the equipment isn’t all right. And that it can happen something wrong.
As I said, my favourite sports are volleyball and spinning. Volleyball I play since I was in the 4.th class. I played it in our town with my mother and our friends. We played a competition in our region. It costs nothing, only the way to matches.  But now I don’t have enough time to do volleyball, but I hope it will be better. And with spinning it is other. I went to Doubice twice, sometimes three times a week. But it was too expensive for me. I must pay the way and the hours there. On the beginning we were 9 girls and women from Dolní Poustevna so it wasn’t so expensive, but at the end we were two or three. And the lessons were on and on more expensive. I like this sport and I like the people there in Doubice, because we were a good company. I hope that I can go there in the future ones more.
I hate the sports where is violence. So it is rugby or box. And I can’t understand that some people can say that dog races are sport.  And I personally hate running-by that I mean these 8 hundred meters and alike.